Part V The Literature of Sherlock Holmes : Studies and Annotations of the Tales, Nonfiction Parodies, and Critical Pastiches (pages 859-874)
Holtz is also a contributor to NBM's Forever Nuts: Classic Screwball Strips series, writing biographical introductions for the volumes on Frederick Opper and Bud Fisher, and creating annotations for Bringing Up Father and other strips reprinted in this series.
By using a freely provided transduction tool, the corpus and user-chosen annotations is provided in multiple formats, including the XML format conformant to the XML Corpus Encoding Standard (XCES) (usable with the British National Corpus's XAIRA search engine), a UIMA-compliant format, and formats suitable for input to a wide variety of concordance software.
He sets his selection of gnostic scripture, the writings of Valentinus and his followers, and related writings that display gnostic tendencies within the broader context of Early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism, with generous introductions and plentiful annotations.
Provided with the images are a set of annotations describing the outlines of each image, along with a Matlab script for viewing.
A principal resource is a series of 18 reports from Denise Moran Savineau to French West Africa Governor General Jules Marcel de Coppet, which the archives project has made freely available in both the original French and in English translation with annotations.
The Theodosian Code was translated into English, with annotations, in 1952 by Clyde Pharr and others.
However, he is probably best known for his work as editor of the Wiener Schachzeitung (de) from 1898 to 1916 and his annotations in the books Vienna Gambit Tournament (1903), Barmen 1905, Ostend 1906, Carlsbad 1907, Lasker-Tarrasch match for the World Chess Champion title in 1908, Baden on Vienna Gambit Tournament 1914, and Meister des Problems (Vienna 1924).
The Latin works were collected and edited by John Ernest Grabe in 1703, with a preface and annotations by the editor, in one volume folio.
The Dhammapada: A New Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations, Boston: Shambhala.
Ligon works in multiple media, including painting, neon, video, photography, and digital media such as Adobe Flash for his work Annotations.
It provides updated texts of every Public General Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, Measure of the Welsh Assembly, or Church of England Measure currently in force in England and Wales (and to various extents in Scotland and Northern Ireland), as well as a number of private and local Acts, with detailed annotations to each section and Schedule of each Act.
His publication of Psalms, The Book of Psalmes: Englished both in Prose and Metre with Annotations (Amsterdam, 1612), which includes thirty-nine separate monophonic psalm tunes, constituted the Ainsworth Psalter, the only book of music brought to New England in 1620 by the Pilgrim settlers.
The first complete and authentic edition of the text was published between 1960 and 1962 (minus the four lost chapters, replaced by their Laforgue version, with the annotations by Schütz).
(The incorporated work was the Popular Antiquities of Henry Bourne, published 1725, with Brand's own extensive annotations).
There are in fact more than thirty books from the 16th century which are all about the Aristotelian Philosophy and its classic commentators such as Averroes, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Theodorus Gaza, Saint Thomas, averroistic books by Agostino Nifo and Marcantonio Zimara and Crisostomo Iavelli, mentioned by Tommaso Campanella himself in his Philosophia sensibus demonstrata and interesting it is that some of those books contain also annotations from original authors.
Evans also contributed a large amount of tutorial and other content to the Chessmaster computer game series, most notably an endgame quiz and annotations of classic chess games.
Apart from late annotations to the manuscripts of the "Georgian Chronicles", an archbishop of Ruisi named Leonti is mentioned only thrice: once in an 11th-century manuscript from Mount Athos; once in Euthymius of Athos’s translation of Chrysostom’s commentary to St. Matthew; and, most specifically, on a 1066 inscription from the Trekhvi caves in central Georgia.
In it, a conversation between Carter and Jones indicates that something has happened to Dejah Thoris during the war; Jess Nevins' semi-official annotations for the series suggest that Moore was referencing her abduction in "The Home Front".
Peckham also edits and maintains the official site of Eisner-nominated British writer Mike Carey and American artist/writer Peter Gross, which includes his annotations to Carey and Gross' Vertigo (DC Comics) comic The Unwritten.
Sanderson also notes that Coogan - and his publisher, MonkeyBrain, who also publish Jess Nevins' annotations on Alan Moore's The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - are not following the common trend in academic circles to largely ignore the superhero genre when comics are discussed.
The sermon appeared also in print, with annotations wherein Böcken characterized as erroneous the contrary opinion of Muratori.
Revised large-format paperback edition, with annotations by the author and illustrations by Phoebe Gloeckner.
The Church of England disputed some of the statements made in the Geneva Bible annotations; this led to the creation of the King James Bible, which was typically printed with a much less extensive apparatus or none at all.
The sketch by Joseph Wright contains annotations by his friend Peter Perez Burdett.
Commendatory Latin verses by Drant are prefixed to John Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570; John Sadler's translation of Vegetius's Tactics, 1572; Peter Carter's annotations to John Seton's Dialectica, 1574; Alexander Neville's Kettus, 1575; Llodowick Lloyd's Pilgrimage of Princes, n.
The interim events are given in two versions in the Pei Songzhi's annotations to the Sanguo Zhi, Guo Song's (郭頒) Shiyu (世語) version and Wei Zhao's Book of Wu (吳書) version.