
unusual facts about anterior


Anterior communicating artery, a blood vessel of the brain that connects the left and right anterior cerebral arteries


The color pattern (dark brown anterior, light, yellow brown posterior) of both is quite rare in ants, although two other myrmicine ants from the same area of rain forest (Xiphomyrma tenuicrius and Lordomyrma sp.) also show it.

Anterior chamber of eyeball

This is called anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID), a term introduced in 1981 by Streilein et al.

Anterior nares

The anterior nares are commonly infected by Staphylococcus aureus (also known as "golden staph") which may contribute to dermatitic skin lesions in patients with atopic dermatitis.

Anterior segment mesenchymal dysgenesis

In this review, the role of the ASD genes, PITX2 and FOXC1, is considered in relation to the embryology of the anterior segment, the biochemical function of these proteins, and their role in development and disease aetiology.

Anterior spinal artery

Caption = Micrograph showing an axial section of the anterior spinal cord and anterior spinal artery (top-middle of image).


According to tradition, Arcevia originates from a Gallic settlement anterior to the Roman conquest of Italy; following that, it became overshadowed by more important nearby cities, such as Suasa.


"One of the most characteristic features of Catopsbaatar (which differentiates it not only from Kryptobaatar but from all the djadochtatherioids in which the zygomatic ridges are known), is a very deep anterior zygomatic ridge, and a small medial zygomatic ridge, the latter forming about a quarter of a circle and adhering the anterior one from behind," (Kielan-Jaworowska et al., 2002).

Cerberus gene family

Anterior-posterior patterning by Cerberus is accomplished by acting as an antagonist to nodal, bmp, and wnt signaling molecules in the anterior region of the vertebrate embryo during gastrulation.

Circulatory system of gastropods

In some genera, such as the large marine snail Busycon, the main anterior artery (which supplies the head and foot) includes an enlarged muscular region.

Drosophila embryogenesis

It has been shown that the dsRNA-binding protein STAUFEN (STAU1) is responsible for guiding bicoid, nanos and other proteins, which play a role in forming the anterior-posterior axis, to the correct regions of the embryo to build gradients.

Epermenia muraseae

It is similar to Epermenia sinjovi, but can be distinguished by the black anterior and posterior dots on the disc.


The skull and lower jaws held 76 long, curved needle-like teeth, eighteen in the upper, nineteen in the lower jaw, confined to the beak ends, the anterior third, of the jaws.

Fernán Caballero

Born at Morges in Switzerland, she was the daughter of Johann Nikolaus Böhl von Faber, a Hamburg merchant, who lived long in Spain, married a native of Cádiz, and is creditably known to students of Spanish literature as the editor of the Floresta de rimas antiguas castellanas (1821–1825), and the Teatro español anterior a Lope de Vega (1832).

Gloydius blomhoffii brevicaudus

The scalation usually includes 21 rows of dorsal scales at midbody, all of which are keeled except the lowermost on the anterior part of the body.

Gregor Wilhelm Nitzsch

In the earlier part of his Metetemata (1830), he took up the question of written or unwritten literature, on which Wolf's entire argument turned, and showed that the art of writing must be anterior to Peisistratos.

Henri Mondor

He is known for his studies of rectal cancer and urgent diagnosis, and Mondor's disease, which is a thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the breast and anterior chest wall, is named in his honour.

Iliac colon

It curves downward and medialward in front of the Iliacus and Psoas, and, as a rule, is covered by peritoneum on its sides and anterior surface only.

Insular cortex

John Allman and his colleagues have shown that the anterior insular cortex contains a population of neurons, called spindle neurons.

Karel Frederik Wenckebach

Wenckebach's bundle is one of the three internodal pathways, the others being the "posterior internodal tract" (Thorel's pathway), and the "anterior internodal tract" (some fibers of which also project to Bachmann's bundle, and then into the left atrium).


Other characteristics of the dentition are shared with many members of the Sphagesauridae (such as the strong protruding forward inclination of the first pair of teeth and the presence of anterior projection on the lower jaw).

Limb bud

#When Shh normally secreted from the ZPA is inhibited (either through use of tamoxifen or Shh-null mutants) the AER morphology, particularly its anterior extent, is perturbed and its FGF8 signaling decreased.

Medial pectoral nerve

The medial pectoral nerve (medial anterior thoracic) arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus and through it from the eighth cervical and first thoracic.


In some groups of insects, the mesonotum is hypertrophied, such as in Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera), in which the anterior portion of the mesonotum (called the mesoscutum, or simply "scutum") forms most of the dorsal surface of the thorax.

Ogden Syndrome

This is an X-linked condition affecting males and characterized by postnatal growth failure with developmental delays and dysmorphic features characterized by wrinkled forehead, anterior and posterior fontanels, prominent eyes, large down-slanting palpebral fissures, thickened or hooded eyelids, large ears, flared nares, hypoplastic alae nasi, short columella, protruding upper lip, and microretrognathia.

Papilio morondavana

Anterior wings marked nearly as in P. erithonioides, the basal third being densely irrorated with stramineous scales in lieu of the small spots or lines of the same colour arranged in nearly parallel rows in Papilio erithonioides.


Pars plicata, the folded and most anterior portion of the ciliary body, which in turn is part of the uvea, choroidea, one of the three layers that comprise the eye

Posterior cerebral artery

Splenial, or the posterior pericallosal branch, sometimes anastamoses with the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), and may not be present if the ACA wraps around the corpus callosum

Posterior limb of internal capsule

The anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule contains fibers of the corticospinal tract, which arise in the motor area of the cerebral cortex and, passing downward through the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle, are continued into the pyramids of the medulla oblongata.

Preoptic area

According to the MeSH classification, it is considered part of the anterior hypothalamus.

Preventral scales

Preventral scales are snake scales positioned anterior to the ventral scales and are wider than they are long, but do not come into contact with the paraventral row of dorsal scales on either side of the body.


Pyramidalis muscle, a small and triangular muscle, anterior to the Rectus abdominis, and contained in the rectus sheath in human anatomy

Robert M. Boyar

An American physiologist, Ernst Knobil, discovered that the anterior pituitary produces pulses of Luteinizing hormone (LH) at about hourly intervals.

Segment polarity gene

In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, segment polarity genes help to define the anterior and posterior polarities within each embryonic parasegment by regulating the transmission of signals via the Wnt signaling pathway and Hedgehog signaling pathway.

Shane Stefanutto

He sustained a potentially season-ending knee injury in a match against Perth Glory after an innocuous challenge with Adriano Pellegrino, which was presumed to be a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament.


Activity of the SIX3 gene represses Wnt1 gene activity which ensures development of the forebrain and establishes the proper anterior posterior identity in the mammalian brain.

Slender whiting

A row of indistinct spots or blotches runs along the base of the first, spinous dorsal fin, whose anterior most interspinous membranes are dusted with black spots.


SHH signaling from the MDO induces a posterior-to-anterior wave of expression the proneural gene Neurogenin1 in the major (caudal) part of the thalamus, and Ascl1 (formerly Mash1) in the remaining narrow stripe of rostral thalamic cells immediately adjacent to the MDO, and in the prethalamus.


It is known from the holotype BP/1/3512, a partial skull lacking the snout and anterior third of the mandible.

Ventral nerve cord

It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral ("belly", as opposed to back) plane of the organism.

see also