
unusual facts about antivirus

Comodo Group

In response to Symantec's comment over the effectiveness of free Antivirus software, on September 18, 2010, the CEO of Comodo Group Melih Abdulhayoğlu challenged Symantec to see which products can defend the consumer better against malware.

Gaspar Vega

In May 2, 2012, antivirus pioneer John McAfee, a resident of the Orange Walk District represented by Mr. Vega was raided by Belizean police and military forces.


This type of malware protection works the same way as that of antivirus protection in that the anti-malware software scans all incoming network data for malware and blocks any threats it comes across.

Péter Szőr

From 2009 until his death, he worked for a McAfee antivirus firm working on a new solution to stop viruses.

Planet B

All the while, John and Medley are being watched by an dog-like antivirus programme called Cerberus (Chris Pavlo) who, along with the Planet B Corporation, considers the rogues to be a computer virus that need to be wiped out.


Used in high end application-aware networking equipment like firewalls and antivirus devices (from Kaspersky Lab).

Seth Gordon

In 2009, Gordon developed and directed a video series focusing on the threat posed by cybercrime to Internet users, H*Commerce: The Business of Hacking You, sponsored by antivirus software company McAfee.

see also