The main story is set in 1922 and follows a hopeful explorer who, working near Howard Carter (the man who discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun), risks more and more of his life and savings on an apparently quixotic effort to find the tomb of an apocryphal Egyptian king.
Lincoln was brusquely ordered to take cover by an officer, possibly Horatio Wright, although other probably apocryphal stories claim that it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Private John A. Bedient of the 150th Ohio Infantry, the fort commander, other privates of the Ohio National Guard, and Elizabeth Thomas.
It has been claimed that he captured and chopped off the head of a King of Morocco, but the story seems to be apocryphal.
Extracts were made from the chronicle by the author of the Midrash Wayosha; and it was one of the sources of the Shemot Rabbah; it was likewise cited in the Aruk, by Ibn Ezra (who rejects it as apocryphal) on Ex. ii.
Gangu Teli is a historical or apocryphal figure from the era of the Parmara dynasty of central India, a commoner belonging to the Teli (oil-presser) caste.
Gillidh Callum was a figure in Scottish apocryphal folk belief, said to be Noah's bagpiper.
The most recent was a destroyer launched in 1943, which was converted into a fast frigate in 1951, and served during the 1950s and 60s, to the surprise of those who assumed the name in the song to be apocryphal.
No player involved has ever confirmed that the "freeze-out" occurred, but the story has been long reported, and has never been refuted by Jordan.
Some fans consider it canon with Ian Fleming's James Bond novel series, while other aficionados consider it apocryphal.
In a possibly apocryphal story by fellow panelist Oscar Levant, her appearances on the show stopped abruptly after she answered a question by referring to Agatha Christie's book Ten Little Niggers, which was the original British title of the book Ten Little Indians (later retitled And Then There Were None).
the probably apocryphal inventor of Leonine verse, if different from either or both of the preceding two persons.
It was actually in Paris that Mirbeau wrote the first seven letters, centering on Ceylon and Pondicherry, and then in the Orne, near L'Aigle, where, while contemplating the rhododendrons of Normandy, he pictured in the last four letters the twelve-meter high rhododendrons of the Himalayas, glimpsed in an apocryphal trek across Sikkim.
Brian O. Murdoch, The Apocryphal Adam and Eve in Medieval Europe: Vernacular Translations and Adaptations of the Vita Adae et Evae, Oxford (OUP), 2009.
The apocryphal Gospel of Peter has a version of this scene, but there the guards to report to Pilate.
Mister Tinker in Oz is an apocryphal Oz book, authored by James Howe and published in 1985 by Random House involving an inventor responsible for Tik-Tok the Clockwork man and Dorothy and their adventure in Oz.
One of the anecdotal and possibly apocryphal tales told in support of Mountbatten Pink was the story of the cruiser HMS Kenya (nicknamed "The Pink Lady" at the time due to her Mountbatten Pink paint), which during Operation Archery covered a commando raid against installations on Vågsøy Island off the Norwegian coast.
This account is particularly interesting in light of a possibly apocryphal story recounted by Jorge Luis Borges.
Kline is best known for an apocryphal literary feud with fellow author Edgar Rice Burroughs, in which he supposedly raised the latter's ire by producing close imitations (Planet of Peril (1929) and two sequels) of Burroughs's Martian novels, though set on Venus; Burroughs, the story goes, then retaliated by writing his own Venus novels, whereupon Kline responded with an even more direct intrusion on Burroughs's territory by boldly setting two novels on Mars.
The feast is associated with an event recounted not in the New Testament, but in the apocryphal Infancy Narrative of James.
Others still maintain that Melchizedek is actually Archangel Michael: Michael is designated in the apocryphal Book of Enoch and the canonical Book of Daniel as "the prince of Israel".
The Pseudo-Abdias was published in 1703 by Johann Albert Fabricius in the second volume of a collection he had compiled of apocryphal manuscripts.
According to a tradition found in the apocryphal Acts of Peter, Peter was crucified upside-down.
According to the Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña, Rotrou took part in the conquests of Zaragoza (1118) and Tudela (1119), but this account has been shown to be apocryphal.
His family was Protestant, but his father, according to the apocryphal memoirs of the Marquise de Créquy, "had embraced the sect of Arminius and had been forced into exile."
This apocryphal story was inspired by the mention in "The Adventure of Black Peter" of Holmes's "arrest of Wilson, the notorious canary-trainer, which removed a plague-spot from the East-End of London." In this story, Wilson is not arrested, but this discrepancy is explained as an error due to Dr Watson.
:In the darkness there flashed before my mind fragments of my cherished treasury of daemonic lore; sentences from Alhazred the mad Arab, paragraphs from the apocryphal nightmares of Damascius, and infamous lines from the delirious Image du Monde of Gautier de Metz.
His work coincided with two important acquisitions by the Trustees of the aforementioned institution, namely the Codex Sinaiticus and the apocryphal Gospel Egerton 2 Papyrus (a.k.a. the Egerton Gospel).
At the battle, Minotaur fought a two hour duel against Aquilon, ultimately forcing her surrender and there is a possibly apocryphal story that Louis was personally thanked by the seriously wounded Nelson, who is reported to have said "Farewell dear Louis, I shall never forget the obligation I am under to you for your brave and generous conduct; and now, whatever may become of me, my mind is at peace".
On December 7, 1831, over two thousand people gathered in Exeter Hall in London to form the Trinitarian Bible Society, explicitly endorsing the Trinitarian position, and rejecting the apocryphal books.
Luke Timothy Johnson, a frequent critic of the methodologies of the Jesus Seminar, says in his book The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation that his research affirms a view of Matthew 28:19 as apocryphal.
According to the New York Times, "the day got its name from an apocryphal quote attributed to Paul Newman: '24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day.
It is written in the style of a scientific paper and catalogues an apocryphal series of bizarre experiments intended to measure the psychosexual appeal of Ronald Reagan, who was then the Governor of California and candidate for the 1968 Republican presidential nomination.