
unusual facts about archetypal


1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg

According to author Jason Colavito, the woodcut broadsheet became known in modern culture after being published in Carl Jung's 1958 book Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, a book which analyzed the archetypal meaning of UFOs.

Anarchy Comics

The covers of issues No.2 and No.3 both feature archetypal "punk" characters, and issue No. 2 features the short comic "Kultur Documents", a punk rock parody of Archie Comics.

Archetypal literary criticism

Archetypal criticism was at its most popular in the 1940s and 1950s, largely due to the work of Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye.

It was not until the work of the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye that archetypal criticism was theorized in purely literary terms.

D. D. Crew

D. Crew is similar to Capcom's Final Fight, which is an archetypal side scrolling beat-em-up game.

Datta Jayanti

Anasuya, an archetypal chaste and virtuous wife, did severe Tapas (austerities) to beget a son equal in merits as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu male trinity (Trimurti).

Dietrich von Saucken

A cavalry officer who regularly wore both a sword and a monocle, Saucken personified the archetypal aristocratic Prussian conservative who despised the braune Bande ("brown mob") of Nazis.

Everybody's Favorite Duck

Bone and Weston are modeled on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, Arthur Conan Doyle's archetypal crime solving team, although they may have more in common with the motion picture Holmes and Watson of the 1940s than the turn-of-the-century British, Baker Street originals.

Harry Sahle

Crime novelist Mickey Spillane, who worked for Lloyd Jacquet's Funnies Inc. packager during the 1930s and 1940s, teamed with Sahle on a number of occasions, including on the character "Mike Danger", which Spillane described as "the original concept of Mike Hammer", the archetypal hardboiled detective of mid-20th century paperback novels.

Henry M. Hart, Jr.

Philip Bobbitt cites Hart's process approach to constitutional law as archetypal of one of two strands of the "doctrinal" mode of constitutional jurisprudence, the other being the substantive approach taken by the American Law Institute's Restatements and Model Code efforts of the late 1950s-60s.

Joan Junceda

His most well-known work, however, would be the illustrations he did for "Bon Seny", a compilation of the oral lore regarding seny, an archetypal Catalan virtue, that was undertaken by writer Josep Abril i Virgili (1869-1918) encouraged by Josep Torras i Bages, bishop of Vic.

Kontsevich quantization formula

For the archetypal example, one may well consider Groenewold's original ★"Moyal–Weyl" -product.

Neijing Tu

Together with his archetypal lover Zhinü 織女 "the weaver girl" "Vega" (see Qi Xi), they propel qi up to the tracheal Twelve-Storied Pagoda.

Real Programmer

The archetypal Real Programmer is Mel Kaye of the Royal McBee Computer Corporation who is immortalised in The Story of Mel, one of the most famous pieces of hacker folklore.

Riot City

Riot City resembles Capcom's 1989 arcade hit, Final Fight, which is an archetypal side scrolling beat-em-up game.

Robert L. Moore

Moore is probably most widely known as the senior author, with Douglas Gillette, of a series of five books on the in-depth structure of the human psyche, drawing on the account of the archetypal level of the human psyche developed by C.G. Jung.

Romantic medicine

However, this overarching, archetypal function would have to wait until the 20th century for its discovery and elucidation by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (Super-imposition or Überlagerung) and Rudolf Steiner’s Metamorphosis, the exponents of the underlying Kraftwesen.

Rudolf Klein-Rogge

He is probably best known in popular culture, particularly to English-speaking audiences, for playing the archetypal mad scientist role of C.A. Rotwang in Fritz Lang's Metropolis.

The Bloody Mary Show

The plot follows Bloody Mary played by Hollie Taylor, who is based on the American legendary ghost 'Bloody Mary' who when summoned by saying her name three times, appears in the mirror to reveal the future, although in the show the Bloody Mary character is less interested in archetypal ghostly haunting and more interested in helping people.

The Galactus Trilogy

In 1966, nearly five years after having launched Marvel Comics' flagship superhero title, Fantastic Four, creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby collaborated on an antagonist designed to break from the archetypal mold of supervillains of the time, and be instead a being of god-like stature and power.

The Mysteries of Udolpho

Often cited as the archetypal Gothic novel, The Mysteries of Udolpho, along with Radcliffe's novel "The Romance of the Forest," plays a prominent role in Jane Austen's novel Northanger Abbey, in which an impressionable young woman, after reading Radcliffe's novel, comes to see her friends and acquaintances as Gothic villains and victims with amusing results.

Toeti Heraty

Her most recent poem, "Calon Arang: the Story of A Woman Victimized by Patriarchy", a book-length lyric, provides critical insights into the standard perception of Indonesia's great archetypal figure, Calon Arang.

see also