
unusual facts about archpriest


Aleksandar Bačko

Aleksandar Bačko is descendent of Nikanor Grujić, Orthodox Bishop of Pakrac and locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, by his brother Dragutin Grujić, archpriest of Mohacs, parish priest of Kacsfalu and assessor of Buda bishopric consistory.

Alexander Kulik

Alexander Kulik ( born on September 11, 1911, Bialystok, Grodno Region, Russian Empire - died on October 17, 1966, Rome, Italy) was a Mitred Archpriest, advisor of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, journalist, member of Russian apostolate and a leader of the Russian Diaspora.

Alexander Sipiagin

Archpriest Alexander Sipiagin (born on August 17, 1875 in Tbilisi, Russian Empire - died on January 16, 1941, Rome, Italy ) was a politician, a priest of the Catholic Church and a member of Russian apostolate.

Benno II of Osnabrück

In 1051 he accompanied Azelin, bishop of Hildesheim, on the emperor's Hungarian campaign and upon his return was made provost of the Cathedral of Hildesheim and archpriest at Goslar.

Bye Plot

William Watson took the "appellant" side in the Archpriest Controversy, hostile to George Blackwell who had been appointed by the Holy See.

Corneliu Coposu

Cornel Coposu was born in Bobota, Sălaj County (in Transylvania, part of Austria-Hungary at the time) to the Romanian Greek-Catholic archpriest Valentin Coposu (17 November 1886 - 28 July 1941) and his wife Aurelia Coposu (née Anceanu, herself the daughter of Romanian Greek-Catholic archpriest Iuliu Anceanu).

Fulk of Pavia

Then, after his studies in Paris, he became archpriest and bishop of Piacenza.

Isidor Barndt

Archpriest Isidor Barndt (1816-1891), a poet and world traveler from Neisse, Germany, a town in the former state of Silesia, now Nysa, Poland, promoted reunionism and wrote about similarities in faiths in order to overcome splits between Protestants and Catholics in late 19th century Germany.

John Plunkett

Plunkett's remains were taken to Sydney and buried in the old Devonshire Street cemetery, beside those of Archpriest John Joseph Therry and Archdeacon McEncroe.

Mytrofan Yavdas

Mytrofan Yavdas— was a Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox protoiereus (archpriest) and religious author who suffered persecution and imprisonment while living in the Soviet Union.

Pope John V

John V's death in August 686 gave rise to a "heated debate over his successor", with the clergy favoring an archpriest Petros, and the army supporting another priest named Theodoros.

Roberto Visconti

He was also related to Giovanni II Visconti, and already held a few benefices such as the Provost of Brivio and as the Archpriest of the Metropolitan Church of Milan.

see also