local government area | San Francisco Bay Area | Important Bird Area | Unincorporated area | Greater Toronto Area | Urban area | metropolitan area | New York metropolitan area | Bay Area Rapid Transit | urban area | European Economic Area | Area 51 | Greater Los Angeles Area | Chicago metropolitan area | South Pacific Area | Schengen Area | American Viticultural Area | Wide Area Augmentation System | Special Protection Area | Local area network | local area network | Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area | Billings Metropolitan Area | San Francisco Bay area | Portland metropolitan area | Local Government Area | Free Trade Area of the Americas | Elizabethtown metropolitan area | East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area) | Dublin Area Rapid Transit |
Osguthorpe has served in the LDS Church as president of the South Dakota Rapid City Mission from 2003 to 2006, an area seventy and member of the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy from 2007 to 2009, and as president of the BYU 18th Stake from 1997 to 2002.
As an area seventy, he was president of the church's Central America Area and is one of only two non-general authorities in church history to preside over an area of the church (the other being C. Scott Grow).