
unusual facts about attribution


Performance attribution, technique in quantitative finance for explaining the active performance of a portfolio

Abertijne Malcourt

The only record of his having been a composer is the attribution to "Malcort" in a Ferrarese manuscript of the textless rondeau Malheur me bat; while this Malcort may have been Hendrick Malecourt, who was a singer in Bergen op Zoom around the same time, and worked directly with Obrecht, Abertijne Malcourt is currently considered to be the most likely candidate.

Actor–observer asymmetry

This interest was instigated by Fritz Heider's (1958) book, The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, and the research in its wake has become known as "attribution research" or "attribution theory."

Alexander Gough

Most notably, Gough wrote an introduction to Humphrey Moseley's 1652 first edition of The Widow; his preface "To the Reader" re-iterated the title-page attribution of that play to John Fletcher, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton.

Annales Fuldenses

Be that as it may, a second note sets on more solid grounds the attribution of the annals down to 864 to Rudolf of Fulda, whose manuscript, though not conserved, is mentioned in independent sources and has left traces in the tradition.


Malcolm Heath has argued (APJ 1998) that the work's attribution to Apsines is incorrect.


Rolf Bremmer noted that the attribution of the list to Jerome in the Asega-bôk's version was copied from Pseudo-Bede, and that the added conclusion is similar to Comestor's Historia scholastica.

Augustus Daniel

As a young man, Daniel travelled abroad studying the attribution of paintings with Roger Fry.

Canon of the Mass

On the basis of the uncertain attribution to him of a treatise found among the writings of Saint Cyprian, it is sometimes said that Pope Victor I (190–202) may have been the first Pope to write in Latin.

Chris Gulker

Gulker, anticipating the work of Jorn Barger, was the first to propose a network of bloggers and pioneered two of the most effective means through which blogging emerged as a social medium, the blogroll and link attribution.


The tables below were compiled from a complete list of Connect2 projects available on the OpenStreetMap wiki under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Dionysius of Tel Mahre

He was credited by Joseph Simon Assemani with the authorship of the Zuqnin Chronicle, an anonymous eighth-century Syriac history, but this attribution is now known to have been mistaken.


It has been studied recently by Wilbur Knorr, who suggested that the attribution to Hero is incorrect, and that the true author is Diophantus.

E. C. Walker

The attribution of the song "I like cigars beneath the stars" by an "E. C. Walker" to the poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox to the politician is probably mistaken.

Éistibh, a Luchd an Tighe-se

Thomas Owen Clancy notes that Éistibh, a Luchd an Tighe-se "is a fairly obscene boast to the court circle on the size and potency of her household priest's penis. The authenticity of the attribution to Iseabail has been questioned, but without substantial grounds." "Diplomatic" editions were published in the 20th century, and only in 2008 was the unexpugated text, with translation, published.

Giovanni Agostino da Lodi

The attribution of his works has been dubious for centuries, until his style and career was defined by the American art historian Bernard Berenson in the 1960s.

Helmet sticker

An even earlier attribution is given to Gene Stauber, freshman coach at Nebraska (1955-1957) by head coach Pete Elliott.

Johann Christoph Denner

Only one extant clarinet, owned by the University of California, Berkeley has been attributed to him, and this attribution has been challenged.

John Davies of Hereford

This attribution goes against scholarly consensus, and in particular studies by Kenneth Muir, Eliot Slater and MacDonald P. Jackson, but is based on both a detailed demonstration of the non-Shakespearean nature of the poem and a list of numerous verbal parallels—such as 'What brest so cold that is not warmed heare' and 'What heart's so cold that is not set on fire'—between the Complaint and the known works of Davies.

On Vickers's attribution it was omitted from the 2007 RSC Shakespeare Complete Works, a decision Jackson called a mistake in his RES review of Vickers's book, arguing, among other reservations, that "Evidence that, in poems undoubtedly his, Davies exhibits an intimacy with Shakespeare's works equal to that of the author of 'A Lover's Complaint' is very meagre."

Language Atlas of China

The initial release (under Creative Commons v3.0 – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) contains only a draft of the first layer, representing maps A1–4 and marking language families and major Chinese dialect groups, but not individual non-Chinese languages or subgroups of Chinese dialects.

Legends of Motorsport

While the BMW attribution was retained, the three episodes documenting their history were never repackaged.

Lex Parliamentaria

However, the attribution to Irishman George Philips seems now to be widely accepted, and attribution has also been claimed by both Sir James Ware and Walter Harris.

Mariana Alcoforado

In her recent book Letters of a Portuguese Nun: Uncovering the Mystery Behind a Seventeenth-Century Forbidden Love (2006), the author Myriam Cyr has attempted to reassert the attribution of the letters to the real Mariana Alcoforado.


Recent analysis showed that DNA of individuals from Murlo were more closely related those from near Eastern people than those of the other Italian samples, lending credence to Herodotus' attribution of Lydian origin to the Etruscans.

Myles Allen

In 2010, Allen was awarded the Appleton Medal and Prize by the Institute of Physics for "his important contributions to the detection and attribution of human influence on climate and quantifying uncertainty in climate predictions".

Non nobis

This attribution was repeated in the earliest known Continental source, Johann Mattheson's Der vollkommene Capellmeister (1739).

Another antiquarian, the unreliable Johann Christoph Pepusch, printed it in his Treatise on Harmony (1730) with an attribution to Byrd which, though unfounded, has gained traditional acceptance.

Open gaming

The OOGL was used by two games before the authors of the OOGL ceased using it for their own work in late 2002 (and suggested that others do the same), in favor of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

The most common open gaming license in use by commercial role-playing game publishers is the OGL, and the most popular noncommercial licenses are the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and the GNU Free Documentation License.

Open-source movement

In the court case "Jacobsen v. Katzer", the plaintiff sued the defendant for failing to put the required attribution notices in his modified version of the software, thereby violating license.

Popular beat combo

However, this attribution has never been verified, and remains the stuff of urban legend, despite the efforts of Marcel Berlins, legal correspondent for The Guardian newspaper, to track it down.


More recent opinion has shifted even more decisively in favor of the Frick, with Simon Schama in his 1999 book Rembrandt's Eyes, and a Rembrandt Project scholar, Ernst van de Wetering (Melbourne Symposium, 1997) both arguing for attribution to the master.

Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf' ein

Attribution for the melody has since shifted to either Bernhard Flies or Johann Friedrich Anton Fleischmann.

Self-serving bias

Locus of control is one of the main influences of attribution style.

Sensory substitution

The frequency and the inter-aural disparity are determined by the center of gravity of the co-ordinates of the receptive field's pixels in the image (see "There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later"; Auvray M., Hanneton S., Lenay C., O'Regan K. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 4 (2005) 505-21).

StatPro Group

Set up in 1994 by Chief Executive Justin Wheatley, the company's investment products stem from specialisation in financial data and analysis solutions for risk management, fixed income analysis, performance measurement and attribution analysis, GIPS compliance and analytics reporting (SER).


The attribution can be found in the Webster's Dictionary (the American Dictionary of the English Language, published by Noah Webster in 1828).

The Polish Rider

The New Yorker published Connor's painting and the attribution to Fabritius in their anniversary issue, February 22, 1993, p 147.

The Troublesome Reign of King John

Q1, 1591, was published by the stationer Sampson Clarke, with no attribution of authorship.

The Walt

Released under a Creative Commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 2.5.

Released under a Creative Commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0.

Thomas Elmham

The attribution was rejected by the early twentieth century and the Vita et Gesta since then has gone by the designation of 'Pseudo-Elmham' (this biography was the main source of the Vita Henrici Quinti by Tito Livio Frulovisi).


This adds to the difficulty of attribution, especially of anonymous writers.


After criticisms about incorrect attribution and captioning of some of the images in the exhibition, e.g. by Polish-born historian Bogdan Musial and Hungarian historian Krisztián Ungváry, the head and founder of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Jan Philipp Reemtsma suspended the display, pending review of its content by a committee of historians.

Whore dialogues

The attribution to Sigea was a lie and Meursius was a complete fabrication; the true author was Nicolas Chorier.

William Langland

The attribution of Piers to Langland rests principally on the evidence of a manuscript held at Trinity College, Dublin (MS 212).

William Sturgis House

Vincent Scully, who repeats the Bates attribution, notes that the house is significant as an example of the westward spread of the Shingle Style.

see also