
unusual facts about audiovisual

Association of International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works

AGICOA, together with CISAC and FIAPF, is founding partner of ISAN IA, the International Agency which delivers the ISO standard, ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number), a voluntary numbering system for the identification of audiovisual works.


Collin started his career in the studio of colorist Vittorio Leonardo, and at S.E.P.P. (Société d'Edition, de Presse et de Publicité), a subsidiary company of Dupuis that specialised on audiovisual adaptations of the characters that are the property of Spirou magazine.


Various audiovisual recordings were made during Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff's studies of Batyr and some of these have been transferred to Russia's Moscow State University for further study.

Business communication

Presentations - very popular method of communication in all types of organizations, usually involving audiovisual material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash;

Christoph Beat Graber

He teaches in the fields of international trade law, communications and art law, European and global media law and the sociology of law at the University of Lucerne, lectures on audiovisual services in the MILE program of the World Trade Institute, and is a recognized expert in the field of audio-visual services.

Cross-Cultural Dance Resources

CCDR also maintains a non lending library of over 15,000 shelved items, including artwork, audiovisual materials, books, clippings, monographs, periodicals, costumes, dolls, and musical instruments, as well as the archives of Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, Eleanor King, Joann Kealiinohomoku (in progress), and the Daniel J. Crowley musical instrument collection.

Dario Edoardo Viganò

Since 2005 he has also been lecturer in 'Semiology of Cinema and Audiovisual Technology' and 'Cinema Theory and Techniques' at the faculty of Political Science and Communication Studies at the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.

El Cocinero de Ross

Sponsored and funded by the Government of Chile's Audiovisual Development Fund, the Illustrious Municipality of Pichilemu, the Ministry of Public Works of Chile, Tren del Vino del Valle de Colchagua, Government of Cardenal Caro Province, the National Forest Corporation (CONAF), amid other organizations and institutions.

Fanta Régina Nacro

She received her first degree in audiovisual science and techniques from INAFEC in 1986 and also earned a Master’s Degree in Film and Audiovisual Studies at the Sorbonne.

Gruta das Torres

At the visitor centre, audiovisual presentations in English and Portuguese give details about the cave.

Gustavo Fuertes

He has been Screenwriting and Audiovisual Narrative teacher in the European University of Madrid, as well as in the CEV and in the Screenwriting Factory.

International Standard Number

International Standard Audiovisual Number, a unique identifier for audiovisual works and related versions

Julien Anfruns

It brings together the knowledge, experience and international networks of the following non-governmental organisations dealing with cultural heritage: ICA, International Council on Archives, ICOM, International Council of Museums, IFLA, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, ICOMOS, International Council on Monuments and Sites and CCAAA, Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations.


After two years of training in Montpellier in Audiovisual, K-ID creates in 2009 his structure “Oracle Vision Future” specialised in video production, computer graphics, event and artists management.

Laura Mintegi

She is a usual collaborator in the media, both in the audiovisual media (in TV stations like ETB, Hamaika Telebista and in radio stations like Bizkaia Irratia, Egin Irratia, Bilbo Hiria Irratia, Euskalerria Irratia and Euskadi Irratia) and the written media (Anaitasuna, Argia, Susa, Ttu-ttuá, Egin, Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Gara, Berria, Jakin, Hegats and many others).

Laurent Salgues

He attended the École Supérieure d'Audiovisuel (ESAV) in Toulouse, where he obtained a master's degree in audiovisual studies.

Mansour Sora Wade

He studied at Paris 8 University and went on to direct the audiovisual archives for the Senegalese Ministry of Culture, a job he held from 1977 to 1985.

Mapping Festival

Held annually in Geneva, Switzerland, it features audiovisual and VJ performances in nightclubs and installations in gallery spaces.

Media Access Australia

People with disabilities, particularly those who are Deaf, hearing impaired, blind or vision impaired, are in many cases excluded from mainstream audiovisual media, with often profound implications for educational outcomes, workforce participation and social inclusion.

Moonshine Music

By publishing the work of British audiovisual artists Addictive TV, Moonshine became one of the first US dance labels to release a DVD.

Nenad Puhovski

In addition to that, he designed and conducted documentary workshops at the Imaginary Academy in Grožnjan, Croatia, and the International Academy of Broadcasting in Montreux, Switzerland and tutored development of documentary projects at Roma Media Creative Lab & script developing project, run by Medienhilfe & OSI and Greenhouse development program, run by The New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) and funded by EuroMed Audiovisual.

Ole Hamre

Within this concept, Hamre produced numerous audiovisual performances and films on behalf of the business community, among others Norsk Hydro, Statoil and "BIR".

Piotr Salaber

He polished his composing skills under Karlheinz Stockhausen during master courses in Kuerten, near Cologne (1998–2002), as well as Elżbieta Sikora and Alain Savouret (International Course For Composers, Gdańsk 2000) Since the academic year 2006/2007 he has been giving lectures on film music at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, and since 2010 also at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.

Portuguese Paratroop Nurses

During the '60s and the '70s, the Portuguese Army, RTP as well as foreign TV stations gathered many audiovisual information.

Progres 2

The public presentation of this rock opera was the first audiovisual program of rock music in Czechoslovakia, inspired by the British rock group Pink Floyd.

Science fiction libraries and museums

This public library collection contains over 63,000 items, including books, magazines, audiovisual works, original manuscripts, and other items of interest to both casual users and academic researchers.

Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film

Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film by Karl G. Heider introduces cultural anthropology with the use of both text and audiovisual media.


Although Claude Berda, head of AB Groupe, was still in conflict with the Audiovisual council over his non-cooperation with certain regulations with AB3 in 2001 and 2002, the members of the CSA awarded a 9 year licence to AB5 on 18 February 2005.

Western Wall Tunnel

Adjacent to the tunnel is the Chain of Generations Center, a Jewish history museum designed by Eliav Nahlieli that includes an audiovisual show and nine glass sculptures created by glass artist Jeremy Langford.

see also