
unusual facts about auk

Auk-class minesweeper

The Auk class displaced 890 tons on average, and had an approximate length of 220-225 feet.


Great Auk | The Auk | auk |

Craveri's Murrelet

It resembles the closely related Xantus's Murrelet, with which it shares the distinction of being the most southerly living of all the auk species.


It, and the fate of the Great Auk, is mentioned (spelt as "Gairfowlskerry") in The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby by Charles Kingsley.

Horned Puffin

The Horned Puffin (Fratercula corniculata) is an auk, similar in appearance to the Atlantic Puffin; this bird's bill is yellow at the base and red at the tip.

Yezin Agricultural University

The farms growing the specialized crops are: paddy in Hmawbi in Yangon Region; maize and cereals in Aungban in Shan State; pulse and oil crops in Magway in Magway Region; cotton in Nangyaw in Mandalay Region; sugarcane in Nyaungbintha in Bago Region; perennial crops in Hpa Auk in Mon State, and horticultural crops in Hlegu in Yangon Region.

see also