
unusual facts about axons


Chimerin 1

When lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) binds to the C1 domain, CHN1 is transferred to the plasma membrane and negatively regulates Rho-family small GTPases RAC1 and CDC42, thus causing the morphological change of axons by pruning the ends of axon dendrites.

Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis

The demyelination and scarring of axons in the neurons of the nervous system can affect their conduction properties and seriously harm the normal communication of the brain with the rest of the body.

Neurotrophic electrode

The glass cone is only 1–2 mm long, and is filled with trophic factors in order to encourage axons and dendrites to grow through its tip and hollow body.

Reticular formation

#Somatic motor control - Some motor neurons send their axons to the reticular formation nuclei, giving rise to the reticulospinal tracts of the spinal cord.


Saltatory conduction, a process by which nerve impulses are transmitted along axons

see also