Naseera & Moopen Foundation, his family Trust is setting up the Human Resource Management Centre in his native village of Kalpakancheri to address the educational backwardness through intervention among school children and by parental counselling and training.
In Babyji, Dawesar paints a Delhi of crime, rape, dirt, blackouts, backwardness, residual colonialism, domestic violence, and arranged marriages, a city where promising young people often see their only option as going to the United States, thus contributing to the brain drain and setting in motion a vicious circle.
His paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Basilicata, Italy, a region whose contemporaneous poverty and backwardness are depicted in Carlo Levi’s classic memoir, Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1945).
Indeed, the rank-and-file soldiery of the British Indian Army was largely Celtic and Welsh, given the backwardness of their native regions compared to England; the officer corps was largely English.