
unusual facts about bi-racial

A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century

These included the nonexistence of a British Communist party in 1912 (it was founded in only 1920), the nonexistence of a British Communist author named Israel Cohen, and the failure of a book entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century to appear either in the Library of Congress or in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books.

Academia Semillas del Pueblo

Critics, spearheaded by Los Angeles radio host Doug McIntyre, accused the publicly funded school of fostering an "anti-American" agenda of "racial separatism."

Achievement gap in the United States

Sociologists Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips have argued that narrowing the black-white test score gap "would do more to move the United States toward racial equality than any politically plausible alternative".

Adrienne Cooper

Cooper won the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Risk Taker Award from the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice in 2010, as well as KlezKanada's Lifetime Achievement Award in Yiddish Arts and Culture.

Alonzo Fields

Fields reports, for example, that he was present when Roosevelt was first informed of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and that Roosevelt "broke down completely" during that moment, and also emoted racial slurs against the Japanese before gaining control.

Ashcroft v. Iqbal

At issue was whether current and former federal officials, including FBI Director Robert Mueller and former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft, were entitled to qualified immunity against an allegation that they knew of or condoned racial and religious discrimination against individuals detained after the September 11 attacks.

Binghamton University basketball scandal

On March 26, Broadus filed a racial discrimination complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights.

Brackette Williams

Her work has centered on the Caribbean region, and in particular, examined how racial and ethnic categories are reproduced in Guyana nationalism.

C. Vann Woodward

Following the Compromise of 1877, in the 1870s and 1880s there were localized informal practices of racial separation in some areas of society along with what he termed "forgotten alternatives" in others.

Cephalic index

The usefulness of the cephalic index was questioned by Giuseppe Sergi, who argued that cranial morphology provided a better means to model racial ancestry.

Coal Black

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs, a Warner Brothers cartoon infamous for its racial stereotypes

Corbin, KY Micropolitan Statistical Area

The racial makeup of the μSA was 98.37% White, 0.34% Black or African American, 0.23% Native American, 0.20% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.09% from other races, and 0.76% from two or more races.

Dare Not Walk Alone

Dare Not Walk Alone is about the civil rights movement and its aftermath in St. Augustine, Florida, the site of prolonged inter-racial tension and protests by the NAACP and the SCLC.

De Queen, Arkansas

The racial makeup of the city was 66.40% White, 6.07% Black or African American, 2.38% Native American, 0.21% Asian, 0.10% Pacific Islander, 23.07% from other races, and 1.77% from two or more races.

Edge of the City

The film was considered unusual for its time because of its portrayal of an interracial friendship, and was praised by representatives of the NAACP, Urban League, American Jewish Committee and Interfaith Council because of its portrayal of racial brotherhood.

Elsie Ripley Clapp

Due to racial prejudice, politics and Jim Crow laws there were no African Americans included in the community.

Ethnic issues in the Philippines

After the destructive raids of various ports and towns including the newly Spanish-established Manila by Chinese pirate Limahong, the colonial government saw the Chinese as a threat and decided to curb the Sangley in the colony by racial segregation and immigration control.

Grays Ferry, Philadelphia

(There have been riots and beatings and, sometimes, killings. Tensions peaked in 1997, when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan threatened to join marchers to protest racial violence against the Irish.)

Guy Clutton-Brock

With the eloquent support of Trevor Huddleston, Fenner Brockway, Michael Scott, Mary Benson and many others, Guy, his wife Molly (1912–2013), Didymus Mutasa, George Nyandoro and Michael and Eileen Haddon founded Cold Comfort Farm in Southern Rhodesia which became a widely acclaimed pattern for racial freedom and regeneration in the poverty-stricken countries of Africa.

Guy Lynn

In August 2009, his TV report exposing racial discrimination by estate agents against migrant workers in Boston led to follow up investigations by the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA), the Equality and Human Rights Commission and won "Best Nations and Regions coverage" at the Amnesty International UK Media Awards of 2010.

Henry D'Esterre Taylor

His address, "Three Great Federations: Australasian, National and Racial" (London, 1890), delivered to the A.N.A. at Ballarat, met with approval insofar as he urged Australian Federation; but his advocacy of Imperial Federation and, ultimately, a federation of the British races aroused heated opposition.

Hiroko Sato

She is an avid reader with a taste for heavyweight Japanese women authors of the calibre of Hiromi Kawakami, Banana Yoshimoto, Eimi Yamada, Fuyumi Ono and other similar authors who address diverse matters like unpopular social issues, human sexuality, inter-racial marriages and the issues facing young people in modern Japan.

Hyperdiffusionism in archaeology

Shermer uses The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray (author) as an example of pigeonholing; Herrnstein and Murray tried to pigeonhole civilization into racial categories based on intelligence (Shermer 2002, 242-244).


Being ethnically Indonesian and playing black American music to white audiences in the Netherlands and Germany, their music exemplifies the complex background of the style, which, according to George Lipsitz, is shaped by "the histories of Dutch and U.S. military combat in Asia and Europe" and by the "internalized racial histories of the United States, the Netherlands, and Germany".

International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) issued a statement that said "the inciting of hatred against a faith of a people is very unfortunate," and that "they are fortunate and deeply appreciative that in Singapore, the media and the community at large have always been mindful of sensitivities… and have helped to promote racial and religious harmony across society."

James Kirchick

In addition, Erik Wemple for The Washington Post wrote an article that included Kirchick's response to Fox19, where Kirchick implied that the writer of the Fox19 article, Ben Swann, was incorrect in his naming of the supposed writer of the "Special Edition on Racial Terrorism".

Jannik Hastrup

While the main characters hide from the soldiers, a brief scene depicts the negativism of racism in the United States with real images of racial attacks before and during the Civil Rights Movement, following by an anti-Richard Nixon image set on the Statue of Liberty.

Jefferson County, West Virginia

The racial makeup of the county was 91.02% White, 6.09% Black or African American, 0.60% Asian, 0.28% Native American, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.60% from other races, and 1.37% from two or more races.

John Bell Williams

After the Supreme Court issued its Brown v. Board of Education ruling on May 17, 1954, which outlawed racial segregation in public schools, Williams made a speech on the House floor branding the day 'Black Monday'.

Kinder KZ

The Nazis kept an eye out for Polish children with Nordic racial characteristics, those among them found to be classified as "racially valuable" were sent from here to the German Reich for adoption and Germanisation to be raised as Germans.


On South Park, Mr. Lu Kim, the City Wok guy is an example of the racial stereotype of lallation, as is Kim Jong Il in Team America: World Police.

Live a Borrowed Life

The series drew some controversy when George Rolland, who promoted white racial supremacist views, was brought on the show to represent Abraham Lincoln.

Lynn Red Sox

“I remember one game against the Lynn Red Sox," Newcombe recalled in 2007. "Their manager, Thomas ‘Pep’ Kennedy, was all over us, yelling all kinds of racial things at us, and Mr. Buzzie Bavasi the Nashua general manager and future Dodger executive got him into the office and said, ‘They can’t fight you, but I can. If you have any guts, you’ll say to me what you said to them.’ Of course, he didn’t say a word.

Malibongwe Drive

The change was part of an ongoing plan by the city of Johannesburg to create politically neutral names to replace "upsetting" reminders of South Africa's racial past.

Natrona County, Wyoming

The racial makeup of the county was 94.15% White, 0.76% Black or African American, 1.03% Native American, 0.42% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 1.92% from other races, and 1.68% from two or more races.

Post-racial America

Actor and director Mario Van Peebles made a television documentary titled Fair Game that challenged the idea that the United States had become a post-racial society.

Putnam County, West Virginia

The racial makeup of the county was 97.97% White, 0.56% Black or African American, 0.16% Native American, 0.58% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.13% from other races, and 0.59% from two or more races.

Racial polarization

Politically the territory's two political parties are often described along racial lines, the United Bermuda Party (UBP) being supported by Bermuda's white minority, while the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) is supported by the black majority.

Racial separatism

Racial segregation, separation of humans into racial groups in daily life

Roderick Ferguson

Ferguson is most renowned for the concept of "queer of color critique" from his book Aberrations in Black, which is exemplified by the work of Audre Lorde, Cherríe Moraga, Barbara Smith, and the Combahee River Collective and said to be critiques that do not presume homogeneity across racial or national groups.

Society of the Spectacle LLC

Their "Color Me" series of designs included paint-by-numbers drawings of popular super models including Kate Moss, Gemma Ward and Natalia Vodianova, intended to reflect how race is a socially learned concept which is best reflected by how children who are not yet affected by racial socialization respond to the issues of skin color.

Summerton, South Carolina

Briggs was the first filed of the four cases combined into Brown v. Board of Education, the famous case in which the U.S. Supreme Court, in 1954, officially overturned racial segregation in U.S. public schools.

The Americans

Americans, examination of racial and ethnic groups etc. in USA

Vicente T. Ximenes

Ximenes was raised in the town of Floresville, Texas, where he, along with the Mexican American community, were subjected to racial segregation.

Virden, Manitoba

The racial make up of Virden is mostly Caucasian (92.0%), with a moderate Aboriginal population (5.5%); First Nations (2.0%), Métis (3.5%), and a small visible minority population (2.7%), most of which are Filipino (2.0%) or multiracial (0.5%).

Yusuf Dadoo

In 1936 he was awarded his medical degree, LRCPS, and returned to South Africa resolved to revitalise the struggle against racial discrimination there.

Zimbabwe national cricket team

The apparent takeover has resulted in the firing of all whites and Asians among the board directors, because of "their racial connotations and saving their own agendas and not government policy" according to Gibson Mashingaidze, an army brigadier and chairman of the government's Sports and Recreation Commission.

see also

Patrick Francis Healy

Patrick, as he was known, was born into slavery in Macon, Georgia, to the Irish-American plantation owner Michael Healy and his bi-racial slave Mary Eliza.