
unusual facts about biological survey

Tanager Expedition

The Tanager Expedition was a series of five biological surveys of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands conducted in partnership between the Bureau of Biological Survey and the Bishop Museum, with the assistance of the U.S. Navy.

see also

Don Meadows

Meadows taught high school biology, and worked as a field supervisor for a biological survey of the Channel Islands (1936–1941), and Park Naturalist at the Big Basin Redwoods State Park and Calaveras Big Trees State Park (1946–1952).

Egegik River

A biological survey was conducted at the base of the Alaska Peninsula in 1902 by Wilfred Hudson Osgood, which included the Egegik River.

National Wetlands Research Center

1993 - Secretary Bruce Babbitt consolidated research in several bureaus of the Department of the Interior to form the National Biological Survey, an agency designed to foster scientific understanding and technologies.

Torch of Freedom

Queen Berry becomes romantically involved with Hugh Arai, who after being freed from slavery by Jeremy X from the Audubon Ballroom worked as a commando for the Beowulf Biological Survey Corps (BSC), and was assigned by Jeremy X as Berry's bodyguard.

Vernon Orlando Bailey

He was employed by the Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).