
12 unusual facts about Biological membrane

Angioid streaks

From histopathological research in the 1930s, they were discovered to be caused by changes at the level of Bruch's membrane.

Aquatic respiration

A large surface area to allow as much oxygen to enter the gills as possible due to the fact that more of the gas comes into contact with the membrane


The species Balanus balanoides (common barnacle, common rock barnacle, northern rock barnacle) has been reclassified as Semibalanus balanoides in the family Archaeobalanidae, due to its membranous base.

Bivalve shell

The mantle, a thin membrane surrounding the body, secretes the shell valves, ligament and hinge teeth.

Butter churn

The membranes that surround the fats are broken down, subsequently forming clumps known as butter grains.

Cape dwarf chameleon

They are ovoviviparous, but examination in controlled captivity has shown the very soft egg-like membrane around the young is discarded immediately on birth.

Diaphragm valve

When more than three ports are included, they generally require more than one diaphragm seat; however, special dual actuators can handle more ports with one membrane.

Gopchang jeongol

The outer portion of the intestines is hard and lumpy, with a lot of black membranes and unclean materials attached between the projections, so those should be thoroughly cleaned out before cooking.

Indian whiting

The interspinous membrane of the first dorsal fin, the individual soft rays and the caudal fin are also spotted, with the caudal fin heavily spotted.


Afterwards, the cells are seeded on a membrane and finally the membrane with the cultured cells is placed into the defect.

Slender whiting

A row of indistinct spots or blotches runs along the base of the first, spinous dorsal fin, whose anterior most interspinous membranes are dusted with black spots.

Vocal sac

A vocal sac is a flexible membrane of skin that most male frogs possess, usually to amplify mating or advertisement calls.