
19 unusual facts about Biological specimen

Argyresthia curvella

As usual for Yponomeutidae, the forewings have a bold black-and-white pattern, which fades easily in museum specimens though.

Blunt-snouted dolphin

Blunt-snouted dolphin (Platalearostrum hoekmani, "Albert Hoekman's spoon-rostrum") is a prehistoric pilot whale known from a single specimen (NMR-9991-00005362), consisting of a partial rostrum, partial maxilla, partial premaxilla, and partial vomer.

Charles Frederick Hartt

In his last voyage he collected more than 500,000 specimens, which were donated to the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, where he worked as the founder and director of the section of geology from 1866 to 1867.

Environmental chamber

An environmental chamber can be a small room used both to condition test specimens and to conduct the test.

# as a stand-alone test for environmental effects on test specimens

Euplocamus anthracinalis

The head is ruddy but the entire animal bleaches easy as museum specimen.

Georgiana Molloy

However in December 1836, she received a letter from Captain James Mangles, asking her to collect botanical specimens for him.

Ixora coccinea

I. coccinea is used in warm climates for hedges and screens, foundation plantings, massed in flowering beds, or grown as a specimen shrub or small tree.


Dried specimens of Lasianthus often shed their flowers and fruit.


The type for the genus is the specimen of Leonotis ocymifolia that was originally described as Leonotis leonitis.

Letitia's Thorntail

It is only known from two old male specimens from Bolivia (though localities for old skins often are unreliable, and it is possible they came from elsewhere).

Pseudatemelia flavifrontella

Like their relatives, they appear to be adaptable and have been recorded on such diverse foodstuffs as dead plants, dry leaves, dried insect specimens and even feathers.

Ptychochromis onilahy

Despite several recent visits to the region, this species has not been recorded since 1962 when the only known five specimens were collected.

Rinjani Scops Owl

Seven specimens of the owl were obtained from May to July in 1896 by British naturalist Alfred Everett, who also used paid local collectors.

Rudolph Friedrich Hohenacker

Following his return from the Transcaucasus, Hohenacker earned his living selling exsiccatae based on specimens of other collectors.

Saltonia incerta

All of the few collected specimens were collected during March and April near salt springs, salt water or salt marshes.

Trinity Alps giant salamander

It is often considered a cryptid, as no specimen has ever been recovered and it is not a recognized species.

White-eyed Parakeet

In addition to the nominate, there are two very similar subspecies, callogenys and nicefori, although the validity of the latter, based on a single specimen, is questionable.

Wood Quail

For most wood quail, information has mainly come from specimens, and breeding behaviour and habits are little known.

Small-eyed whiting

The species is known from only two specimens; the holotype collected by Roland McKay in 1985 from a Taipei market, both specimens of which were taken from the waters of Taiwan.