
unusual facts about biopsy

Infantile cortical hyperostosis

Biopsy of the affected areas can confirm the presence of typical histopathological changes.

Alicia Parlette

Half a year later, she developed a lump in her right breast, which was excised and biopsied, leading to the correct diagnosis of the cancer she had probably been carrying for at least seven years.

Brian Vala Nahed

Daniel Haber, Shyamala Maheswaran, and Mehmet Toner, they aim to harness this technology to genetically characterize tumor cells without needing an invasive biopsy, and determine responsiveness to targeted cancer drugs.

Eric Foreman

In the conclusion of the episode, Cameron, acting as Foreman's medical proxy, performs a white-matter brain biopsy and the condition is revealed to be primary amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria, a water-borne parasite that, upon being inhaled, attacks the brain.

Fine-needle aspiration

In 1981, the first fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the United States was done at Maimonides Medical Center, eliminating the need for surgery and hospitalization.

Herbst LaZar Bell, Inc.

HLB is responsible for designs as the Motorola NFL Coaches Headset, the first Internet Gas Pump by Gilbarco, the Papermate Liquid Correction Pen, and lifesaving products such as the Ethicon Mammotome Handheld Breast Biopsy System, the ZOLL AED Plus defibrillator, and the CardioVations Heart Stabilizer.

Madison Jeffries

Madison provided support for Lil after she had discovered a lump in her breast; due to her virtually indestructible body, a biopsy was not possible with existing Earth technology, but an alien weapon recovered during an invasion of Toronto, modified by Madison, allowed a biopsy to be performed.


Biopsy or Resection; these are methods by which suspicious neoplastic growths can be removed in part or in whole, and evaluated by a pathologist to determine malignancy

Pleomorphic adenoma

Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA), operated in experienced hands, can determine whether the tumor is malignant in nature with sensitivity around 90%.

Sentinel lymph node

Then, during the biopsy, the physician visually inspects the lymph nodes for staining and uses a gamma probe or a Geiger counter to assess which lymph nodes have taken up the radionuclide.


!, Thine Eyes, Left Spine Down, the Unter Null side-project Stray, Diverje, B! Machine, Monstrum Sepsis, Paranoid Axis, Biopsy, White Trash Compactor, LeƦther Strip (for the single Carry Me) and works by fellow Glim Records recording artist LowHero DLL.

see also