
unusual facts about parasite

Afrocimex constrictus

Afrocimex constrictus, also called the African bat bug, is an insect parasite of Egyptian fruit bats in bat caves in East Africa.

Aleksandr Prokofyevich Markevich

Markevich made outstanding contributions to the research of parasite fauna of fish in Egypt, where he worked as expert and professor at Cairo University (1964–1965 and 1966 to 1967).

He also made outstanding contributions to the research of parasite fauna of fish in Egypt, where he worked as expert and professor at Cairo University (1964–1965 and 1966 to 1967).

Angela Petrelli

In "Parasite", the Haitian calls Angela saying in French, "Yeah, I've got the girl. What do you want me to do? I see... Marseille."

Beekeeping in the United States

The Russian honey bee has shown to be more resistant to the bee parasites Varroa destructor and Acarapis woodi, although their commercial use and availability are extremely limited in scope because other, better strains are available (e.g., VSH lines).

Boops boops

Bogue are host to a wide variety of parasites, ranging from metazoans such as Digenean flatworms, Acanthocephalan spiny-headed worms, nematode roundworms, isopod and copepod crustaceans and Myxozoan cnidarians to the unicellular dinoflagellate Ichthyodinium chabelardi, a parasite that is lethal to eggs developing in ovaries.

Boquerones en vinagre

Spanish health laws require the previous freezing of the anchovies when prepared in vinegar, in order to avoid the survival of any Anisakis larvae, even though this parasite is rarely found off Spanish coasts.

C. R. M. F. Cruttwell

In Black Mischief (1932) "Cruttwell" is a social parasite, and he becomes a dubious "bone-setter" in A Handful of Dust (1934).


Knockout studies of the mouse homolog suggested the roles of this gene in host protection from inflammatory response, and susceptibility to virus and parasite.

Cecidophyes rouhollahi

It is a plant parasite found on Galium aparine and can be a potential biological control agent for Galium spurium.

Coptis chinensis

For example, a 1996 in vitro study found Coptis chinensis extracts to be effective against the gastrointestinal parasite Blastocystis hominis.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis

It is a skin infection caused by a single-celled parasite that is transmitted by sandfly bites.

Dirofilaria tenuis

tenuis is introduced to the definitive host (either a raccoon or, as in some rare cases, a human) as a larva when the vector, most commonly an Aedes or Anopheles mosquito, takes a blood meal and the parasite enters the host through the bite wound.

E. palustris

Eimeria palustris, an apicomplexan parasite species that infects the marsh rice rat

Echinaster echinophorus

It was found that an extract from its tissues showed activity against Leishmania amazonensis, the protozoan parasite causing the tropical skin disease leishmaniasis, and had the advantage that it was not toxic to the mice on which it was tested.

Eric Foreman

In the conclusion of the episode, Cameron, acting as Foreman's medical proxy, performs a white-matter brain biopsy and the condition is revealed to be primary amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria, a water-borne parasite that, upon being inhaled, attacks the brain.


The parasite infects an amphibic snail (Segmentina nitidella, Segmentina hemisphaerula, Hippeutis schmackerie, Gyraulus, Lymnaea, Pila, Planorbis (Indoplanorbis)) after being released by infected feces; from this intermediate host, metacercaria infest on aquatic plants like water spinach, which are eaten raw by pigs and humans.

Félix Mesnil

In 1903, together with Alphonse Laveran (1845–1922), he showed that the parasite responsible for the visceral leishmaniasis (or Kala-azar, a fever in India), first described by William Boog Leishman (1865–1926), is a new protozoa, different from Trypanosoma, the agent of the sleeping sickness, and from Plasmodium, the agent of paludism (malaria).

Francis P. Filice

Among Filice's scholarly work in the field of parasitology was a study based upon his doctoral research to characterize the life cycle of the medically significant parasite causing Giardiasis.


The genus is inaccurately known as a species in popular culture, due to its mention by Luis Sera in Resident Evil 4 via a note in the Castle sewers as an example of a parasite which controls, or alters, the behavior of the host.


Variable surface glycoproteins allow the sleeping sickness Trypanosoma parasite to escape the immune response of the host.

Gonipterus scutellatus

The egg parasite Anaphes nitens, a wasp which is native to Australia, has been introduced to other countries as a biological control agent to control the gum tree weevil.

H.G.H. Kearns

(Pteromalidae), a chalcid endo-parasite of the gout-fly of barley (Chlorops taeniopus Meig.) with some details of the life history of the summer generation.


The member Holospora is an intracellular parasite found in the unicellular protozoa Paramecium.


The polyp attaches itself to a fish, and in one species exhibits hyperparasitism by attaching itself to a copepod, itself the parasite of a fish.

Hypolimnas bolina

On the Samoan Islands of Upolu and Savai'i, a parasite (probably Wolbachia) had been killing the male members of Hypolimnas bolina.

Interleukin 13

The eggs of the parasite Schistosoma mansoni may lodge in a variety of organs including the gut wall, liver, lung and even central nervous system, inducing the formation of granulomas under the control of IL-13.

JSA: The Liberty Files

The Bat and the Clock are re-activated as government agents when two former KGB agents, the Parasite and Steelwolf, are working for an unknown employer.


Herpomyces periplanetae is a very widespread parasite on the antennae of adult cockroaches in the genus Periplaneta, like the common American cockroach, Periplaneta americana.


A notable group of organisms which have an extensive lipophosphoglycan coat are the Leishmania species, a group of single-celled protozoan parasite which cause Leishmaniasis in many mammals, including humans.

M. bicornis

Myleusnema bicornis, an intestinal parasite species of Myleus ternetzi, a freshwater fish commonly found in the French Guiana river

Michel Serres

He took as his subjects such diverse topics as the mythical Northwest Passage, the concept of the parasite, and the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger.


Microphallus pseudopygmaeus chemically castrates (parasitic castration) its host, the snail Onoba aculeus, and causes it to grow larger than normal (it is not clear if this gigantism benefits the host or parasite or if it is a non-adaptive side-effect).

Nils Norman

In 1998 in New York he set up Parasite, together with the artist Andrea Fraser, a collaborative artist led initiative that developed an archive for site-specific projects.


Numedalslågen is known for being a good location for salmon fishing, although a parasite known as Gyrodactylus salaris has recently been found in Numedalslågen that may pose a threat to its salmon stock.

Parasite aircraft

During the early years of the Cold War, the United States Air Force experimented with a variety of parasite fighters to protect its Convair B-36 bombers, including the dedicated XF-85 Goblin, and methods of either carrying a Republic F-84 Thunderjet in the bomber's bomb bay (the FICON project), or attached to the bomber's wingtips (Project Tom-Tom).

Parasite Eve II

The score for Parasite Eve II was composed by Naoshi Mizuta and arranged by Hiroshi Nakajima.

Peganum harmala

One of the compounds found in P. harmala, vasicine (peganine), has been found to kill Leishmania donovani, a protozoan parasite that can cause potentially fatal visceral leishmaniasis.

Philornis downsi

The parasite is causing significant mortality in Darwin's finch nestlings and threaten the survival of some rarer species such as the Mangrove Finch (Camarhynchus heliobates) and the Medium Tree Finch (C. pauper).

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

For example, its structure and its specificity differ in humans, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and the parasiteTrypanosoma cruzi.

Plant pathosystems

Infection is the contact made by one parasite individual with one host individual for the purposes of parasitism.

Ribeiroia ondatrae

Ribeiroia ondatrae is a parasite in the genus Ribeiroia, class Trematoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes, believed to be responsible for many of the recent increases in amphibian limb malformations, particularly missing, malformed, and extra hind legs.

Richard M. Bohart

He found a bee (Andrena) which had a sack-like parasite protruding from its abdomen which was identified by Dr. E. C. VanDyke as a female Stylops (order Strepsiptera).

S. japonicum

Schistosoma japonicum, an important parasite and one of the major infectious agents of schistosomiasis


Tritrichomonas is a genus of single celled flagellated protozoan parasites, some of whose species are known to be pathogens of the bovine reproductive tract as well as the intestinal tract of felines.

Varroa sensitive hygiene

Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH) is a behavioral trait of honey bees (Apis mellifera) in which bees detect and remove bee pupae that are infested by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor.


Historically it was an important salmon fishery, but it has now been infected with the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris.

see also