Marine biology, the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water
The Atchafalaya Basin, the surrounding plain of the river, is filled with bayous, bald cypress swamps, and marshes that give way to more brackish estuarine conditions and end in the Spartina grass marshes, near and at where it meets the Gulf of Mexico.
It is separated from the sea by a storm beach and small dune system, and is the only natural brackish lagoon on Scilly with plants such as Saltmarsh Rush (Juncus gerardii) and Beaked Tasselweed (Ruppia maritima).
Dormitator latifrons, the Pacific fat sleeper, is a species of sleeper goby found on the Pacific coast of the Americas from around Palos Verdes, California to Peru where it can be found in stagnant or sluggish fresh or brackish waters or nearby marine waters.
Favonigobius lateralis is a species of goby native to coastal waters of eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand where it can be found in marine and brackish waters of sandy estuaries.
Hairy gumweed, Grindelia cuneifolia, occurs in brackish coastal marshes of western North America, such as in some portions of the San Francisco Bay perimeter.
Fishery of shijimi shells (Corbicula japonica) was a thriving industry, but it decreased as the lake became less brackish.
Hypseleotris cyprinoides, the Tropical carp-gudgeon, is a species of sleeper goby found in fresh, brackish and marine coastal waters from Africa through southern Asia to the Pacific Islands.
About its late Whaingaroan (about 27 million years ago) creation, it says, “The change from estuarine, shallow brackish water conditions (Mangakotuku Formation), to fully marine, open sea, aerobic conditions (Glen Massey Formation) is evidenced by near shore accumulation of the bioclastic Elgood Limestone, onlap of the succeeding Dunphail Siltstone, and subsequent deposition of Ahirau Sandstone in an inner to mid shelf environment.”
It inhabited the freshwater or brackish lakes that had in its time formed in today's Green River valley due to the uplift of the Rocky Mountains, where it fed on smaller vertebrates and probably harassed other shorebirds for food and feasted on dead fish (e.g. Knightia) during summer dieoffs due to oxygen depletion in the eutrophic lakes.
Stenogobius hawaiiensis is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh waters.
The town is on the site of a spring that was known in the Khoekhoe language of the Nama people as U-gieb (large brackish place) and was originally spelled as O'okiep.
Oryzias curvinotus or the Malabar ricefish are a freshwater–brackish fish species native to the Gulf of Kutch to Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
Oxyeleotris marmorata, the Marble Goby, is a widely distributed species of sleeper goby native to fresh and brackish waters of the Mekong and Chao Praya basins as well as rivers and other water bodies in Malaysia, Singapore, Indochina, Philippines and Indonesia.
Although Illinois was a free state, Crenshaw leased the salt works in nearby Equality, Illinois from the U.S. Government, which permitted the use of slaves for the arduous labor of hauling and boiling brackish water, from local salt springs, to produce salt.
The many rivers flowing into Richmond Gulf make its water brackish but a healthy habitat for brook trout and whitefish, beluga and seal.
A fragment of the shell of this brackish water species has been found near Alexandria, Louisiana.
Terebralia palustris, the mangrove whelk, a species of brackish-water snail in the family Potamididae.
:* The Mastogloia Sea - a substage sometimes used to distinguish the period between 8000 and 7000 years ago when the Baltic became distinctly brackish - during this period the English Channel and the Danish straits circulation was established, increasing Atlantic water inflow.