
unusual facts about breadfruit


Botanic Gardens St. Vincent

In 1787-88 Captain Bligh made his ill-fated voyage on the Bounty to Tahiti to collect breadfruit and other useful plants for the West Indies.

Among the wide variety of tropical trees and shrubs is a third generation breadfruit tree, a sucker from the original plant brought by Captain William Bligh (of Bounty fame) in 1793.

Ghiyasuddin International School

The school is named after Muhammed Ghiya'as ud-din who became Sultan in 1766 and is known for introducing breadfruit to the country.


Almost all type of fruits, nuts and tubers can be made as kripik, such as kripik singkong (cassava cracker) and kripik pisang (banana cracker), kripik apel (apple cracker) from Malang in East Java, also kripik nangka (jackfruit cracker), kripik salak (snake fruit cracker), kripik durian from Medan, kripik talas (taro cracker), kripik ubi (sweet potato cracker), and kripik sukun (breadfruit cracker).

see also