FourCC - a sequence of four bytes used to uniquely identify data formats, especially video formats
The first fifteen bytes of the 09 F9 key are contained in the RGB encoding of the five colors, with each color providing three bytes of the key.
While "Bush hid the facts" is the sentence most commonly presented on the Internet to induce the error, the bug can be triggered by many sentences with characters and spaces in a particular order so that the bytes match the UTF-16LE encoding of valid (if nonsensical) Chinese Unicode characters.
The first entry received was 759,881 bytes in September, 1997 by Malcolm Taylor (author of RK and WinRK).
ccTalk protocol stacks have been implemented on a range of devices from tiny Microchip microcontrollers with 512 bytes of ROM to powerful ARM7 32-bit processors.
It was originally written by Oliver Kastl and offered by Swiss company Elaborate Bytes, but due to changes in European copyright law, they were forced to take it off the market.
An example of a technical decision said to be a typical result of design by committee is the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cell size of 53 bytes.
Physical sectors are actually larger than 512 bytes, as in addition to the 512 byte data field they include a sector identifier field, CRC bytes (in some cases error correction bytes) and gaps between the fields.
The Netronics ELF II was an early microcomputer trainer kit featuring the RCA 1802 microprocessor, 256 bytes of RAM, DMA-based bitmap graphics, hexadecimal keypad, two digit hexadecimal LED display, a single "Q" LED, and 5 expansion slots.
In this particular case the Risar was controlled by an IBM System/360 computer with a 24 k (words or bytes is not clear) index database, with abstracts being held on an associated disk system.
Offering either magnetic tape or diskette storage, the Model 1 could store as much as 204,000 bytes of information per tape cartridge or 1.2 million bytes on a single diskette; the Model 2 allowed only diskette storage.
It used a National Semiconductor SC/MP CPU (INS8060), 256 bytes of random access memory (RAM) which was directly expandable to 640 bytes on board and 2170 bytes total.
The key was based on the computers hard disk's Volume Serial Number (8 characters) and additional data about the computer (5 bytes).
Network programming for all kinds of protocols (like TCP, UDP, SNMP ... ) includes converting data to be transferred to a raw bytes in the sending side and parsing these bytes in the receiving side.
By using a shared exponent, the RGBE format gains some of the advantages of floating point values without the 12 bytes per pixel needed for single precision IEEE floating-point values, or 6 bytes in half precision (and which would cover smaller range).
The program originally aired on WXXI in Rochester (the region's principal NPR affiliate) and was created by then-WXXI radio vice president Mark Boardman and original host Bob Smith (who still hosts and produces a daily general-interest talk program on WXXI but has not been connected with Sound Bytes since it left that station during the 2001 holiday season).
In the above code snippet, myArray
might well turn out to have a stride of four bytes, rather than three, if the C code were compiled for a 32-bit architecture, and the compiler had optimized (as is usually the case) for minimum processing time rather than minimum memory usage.
The practical limit for the data length which is imposed by the underlying IPv4 protocol is 65,507 bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP header − 20 byte IP header).
Dave Prosser of Unix System Laboratories submitted a proposal for one that had faster implementation characteristics and introduced the improvement that 7-bit ASCII characters would only represent themselves; all multibyte sequences would include only bytes where the high bit was set.
Gish also proposed multiplexing query sequences to speed up BLAST searches by an order of magnitude or more (MPBLAST); implemented segmented sequences with internal sentinel bytes, in part to aid multiplexing with MPBLAST and in part to aid analysis of segmented query sequences from shotgun sequencing assemblies;
Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP) was an acknowledged transport protocol, analogous to TCP; one chief technical difference is that the sequence numbers count the packets, and not the bytes as in TCP and PUP's BSP; it was the direct antecedent to Novell's IPX/SPX.