The program originally aired on WXXI in Rochester (the region's principal NPR affiliate) and was created by then-WXXI radio vice president Mark Boardman and original host Bob Smith (who still hosts and produces a daily general-interest talk program on WXXI but has not been connected with Sound Bytes since it left that station during the 2001 holiday season).
The Sound of Music | sound recording and reproduction | Puget Sound | Long Island Sound | sound film | sound | McMurdo Sound | Ministry of Sound | The Sound of Music (film) | King George Sound | Sound recording and reproduction | Owen Sound | Sound film | sound design | Sound | National Film and Sound Archive | Prince William Sound | Academy Award for Best Sound | sound barrier | The Sound and the Fury | Sneaky Sound System | The Sound | Muscle Shoals Sound Studio | University of Puget Sound | The Sound of Silence | Speed of sound | Sound of Fire | sound effect | Primavera Sound | Plymouth Sound |