With the Enlightenment Age of Reason and its skepticism of mainstream religion, the tradition of exoteric-theological Christian Cabala declined, while esoteric-occult Hermetic Qabalah flourished in the Western mystery tradition.
A former Buddhist, Rosicrucian and Umbandist, he also adhered to Cabala and Zen-Buddhist beliefs, even maintaining close contact with the Bahá'í Faith throughout his life (of which members of his family have been followers for many years).
As a true disciple of Samuel David Luzzatto he was a strong opponent of Cabala, which involved him in a heated controversy with Elijah Benamozegh.
In that interview Hall indicated that in 1974 he began a serious study of esoteric spirituality, reading books on topics like the cabala, the ancient Celts, and the traditions of the Druids.
He pretended to have a secret knowledge of the Cabala, and issued a pamphlet in French verse entitled "Moïse sur Mont Horeb", probably having reference to the above-mentioned vision.