
unusual facts about Zen-Buddhism


Buddhist monk Lè Zūn has a vision of "golden rays of light shining down on 1,000 Buddha's", resulting in the creation of the Mogao Caves.

Albert Herbert

He converted to Roman Catholicism at that time although he remained fascinated by Buddhism.

Allen Hoey

In 1990 he took a teaching position at Bucks County Community College where he taught writing, literature, and Buddhism.

Baron Zen

His recording career as Baron Zen started back in 1988, collected in At the Mall.

Blue Lotus Assembly

Blue Lotus Assembly (Sho-Ren Ko) is a form of esoteric Buddhism established in North America by Stephen K. Hayes.

Buddhism and evolution

Albert Low, a Zen master and author of The Origin of Human Nature: A Zen Buddhist Looks at Evolution, (2008) opposes neo-Darwinism and the selfish gene as he claims they are materialistic.

Buddhist liturgy

In traditional Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, lay practitioners may also chant a hymn written by Shinran called the Shoshinge, which is not a sutra per se, but expounds the lineage with which Jodo Shinshu owes its beliefs.

Bukichi Miki

This was a very witty statement using the story of the Buddhist monk Daruma Daishi who faced a wall in China's Shaolin Monastery and after doing zen meditation for nine years, achieved enlightenment.

Culture of Odisha

Ashoka's conquest of Kalinga (India) made Buddhism a principal religion in the state which led to establishment of numerous Stupas and buddhist learning centres.

Demography of Cumbria

Cumbria is likely to be the only county in the United Kingdom where Buddhists constitute the second largest religion, where most areas of the country have Islam as the second largest religion.


Dhātu -- a Buddhist Sanskrit technical term meaning realm or substrate.

Emperor Kinmei

Although the imperial court was not moved to the Asuka region of Japan until 592, Emperor Kinmei's rule is considered by some to be the beginning of the Asuka period of Yamato Japan, particularly by those who associate the Asuka period primarily with the introduction of Buddhism to Japan from Korea.

Erik Zürcher

In 1962 he became professor of history of East Asia, particularly the Chinese Buddhism, Chinese reactions to the Christianity and early relations between China and the outside world.

Fa Hien Cave

Pahiyangala Cave is a cave in the district of Kalutara, Western Province, Sri Lanka, according to a village legend named after the Buddhist monk Faxian (Wade-Giles: Pa hiyan).

Ficus racemosa

Both the tree and the flower are referred to as the udumbara (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: उडुम्बर) in Buddhism.


Fuke, known as Puhua in Chinese, the legendary precursor to the eponymous Fuke Zen school of Buddhism in Japan

Girrawheen, Western Australia

The most popular religious affiliations in descending order in the 2006 census were Roman Catholic, no religion, Anglican, Buddhism and Islam.

Imagawa Sadayo

During his early years Sadayo was taught Buddhism, Confucianism and Chinese, archery, and the military arts such as strategy and horse-back riding by his father (governor of the Tōkaidō provinces Tōtōmi and Suruga), along with poetry, which was to become one of his greatest passions.

Integral yoga

The former represents the Inner Guide which is realised through the Heart, the latter can be compared to the traditional concept of Vedantic, Buddhist and popular guru Enlightenment and the descriptions of the Causal and Ultimate stages of spiritual development in the evolutionary philosophy of the integral thinker Ken Wilber.

Iowa State Penitentiary

Iowa State Penitentiary allows inmates to participate in a wide range of religious observations, ranging from Buddhism and Wicca to Satanism.

Jeff Yang

Yang is also known for his books, including Once Upon a Time in China: A Guide to the Cinemas of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action (with Jackie Chan), Eastern Standard Time: A Guide to Asian Influence in American Culture, from Astro Boy to Zen Buddhism, and Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology.

John Blofeld

Blofeld became a pupil of Hsu Yun but actually received training in Chan (Zen) meditation from Hsu Yun's pupils at a monastery near Kunming, Yunnan.

Katharine Emma Maltwood

She was fascinated by Buddhism, theosophy, Masonic rituals, Goddess Spirituality, and Egyptian culture.

Katie Martin

In 2008, Martin's work as a wedding planner was featured on the Style Network's show Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? In the episode "Zen Spin," a couple hired Martin to plan two wedding receptions for them: one in Chinese tradition, the other with an Italian flavor.

Kazuo Okamatsu

He was known in the 1980s for his works on the poet and Zen master Ikkyū.


In Zen Buddhism, the keisaku (Japanese: 警策, Chinese: 香板, xiāng bǎn; kyōsaku in the Soto school) is a flat wooden stick or slat used during periods of meditation to remedy sleepiness or lapses of concentration.


Wrathful deities - in Buddhism, enlightened beings who take on wrathful forms in order to lead sentient beings to enlightenment.

Lal Mani Joshi

For instance, he was very critical of Swami Vivekananda’s positions towards Buddhism, and also declared that celebrated exponents of the Sophia Perennis such as A. K. Coomaraswamy had not understood Buddhism properly.

Luiz Gushiken

A former Buddhist, Rosicrucian and Umbandist, he also adhered to Cabala and Zen-Buddhist beliefs, even maintaining close contact with the Bahá'í Faith throughout his life (of which members of his family have been followers for many years).


Also in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, Shinran and his descendant, Rennyo, sought a way to create easily accessible objects of reverence for the lower-classes of Japanese society.


Ṇamō, a Sanskrit term, meaning "name of" used mostly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism (see Namokar Mantra) to express honor to a deity, boddhisattva or a Great person

Peace Mala

It consists of 16 beads, forming a double rainbow, which represent Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Bahá'í, ISKCON, Zoroastrianism, Tribal and Native Religions, Jainism, Earth Religions, Taoism, Hinduism and Yungdrung Bön.

Prasat Kuh Nokor

Prasat Kuh Nokor is a Buddhist temple in the village of Trodoc Poung, Pong Ror commune, in Baray District, in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia.

Religion in Bangladesh

Most of the Buddhists of Chittagong Hill Tracts belong to the Chakma, Chak, Marma, Tanchungya and the Khyang, who since time immemorial have practiced Buddhism.

Religious humanism

In addition, many Indian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and other Asian religions and belief systems like Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Shenism, and Zoroastrianism, that focus on human nature and action more than theology, were always primarily humanistic.

Rimpa school

Hon'ami Kōetsu founded an artistic community of craftsmen supported by wealthy merchant patrons of the Nichiren Buddhist sect at Takagamine in northeastern Kyoto in 1615.

Sante Poromaa

He was born in 1958 in Kiruna, Sweden, and commenced his Zen training in the early eighties, as a student of Roshi Philip Kapleau.

Sesshū Tōyō

Shūbun's style, like that of most Japanese Zen painters, was inspired by Chinese Song Dynasty painters such as Ma Yuan, Xia Gui, Guo Xi, and others.

Shan Tao

Shan-tao (a.k.a. "Shandao" and "Zendo"), the third patriarch of Pure Land Buddhism, and influential writer

Shaolin Kung Fu

The 1970s television series Kung Fu starred David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine, a Shaolin monk on the run in the Wild West whose Zen (Ch'an) training is tested along his journey.


Rather, like his teacher Hongren, he had many disciples who went on to teach Zen.

Shodo Harada

In September 1989, Harada came to the United States to provide instruction for students and in 1995 founded One Drop Zendo (or, Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery) on Whidbey Island in Island County, Washington, where the practice mirrors the practices found at Sogen-ji.

Sony NW-A810

Crave, the CNET gadget blog, named the NW-A810 series as one of the MP3 players that shaped year 2007, with another three, the Zune 80, iPod touch, and the ZEN.


Unique to Sanskrit literature and Pali literature of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, they are short cryptic sentences, methodically written as memory-aids, stringing step by step a particular topic or text in its entirety.

Theophilos Kairis

Kairis would teach theosphitism, but in the context of world religions, ranging from Buddhism, many describing the philosophical thought of Kairis similar in vein as with the Transcendentalism of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Upper Siang district

The Adi follow generally follow Donyi-Polo, and the Memba are followers of Tibetan Buddhism.

Wat Aranyawiwake

Wat Aranyawiwake (Thai script: วัดอรัญญวิเวก, RTGS: Wat Aranyawiwek), also known as Wat Ban Pong (Thai script: วัดบ้านปง) is a monastery ("Wat") in the Thai Forest Tradition of the Theravada lineage of Buddhism located in Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand.

Wheel of time

The Wheel of time or wheel of history (Kalachakra) is a concept found in several religious traditions and philosophies, notably religions of Indian origin such as Hinduism and Buddhism, which regard time as cyclical and consisting of repeating ages.

Wihan Daeng District

The word Wihan Daeng comes from the Buddhism Red Wihara of Lawa people in Ban Lam area, which was built by red bricks.

Zhu Faya

The Chinese surname Zhu , which originally meant "a kind of bamboo" and was later used for "India (abbreviating Tianzhu 天竺)" and "Buddhism", was adopted by many early Buddhist monks, such as the polyglot translator Zhu Fahu 竺法護 or Dharmarakṣa (c. 230-316).

see also

Charles Rollier

He took part to a great number of exhibitions (in Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, England, Denmark and Japan) and showed a growing interest in various religious and philosophical traditions, like Zen, Buddhism, Sufism, Shaktism, Hölderlin's romantic mystism, the Christian mystics, Neoplatonism, and in the artistic traditions from India and China (Lobue 1985; 1985).


Bodhidharma, Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, known as Damo (達摩) in China

Heart Mountain Relocation Center

Nyogen Senzaki (1876–1958), a Rinzai Zen monk who was one of the 20th century's leading proponents of Zen Buddhism in the United States.


Rōshi, an honorific title used for a highly venerated senior teacher in Zen Buddhism.

Lotus Sutra

Dogen, the 13th-century Japanese founder of Sōtō Zen Buddhism, used the Lotus Sūtra often in his writings.

Mark L. Prophet

a high priest at the Temple of the Solar Logos in Atlantis; Noah, Ikhnaton, Aesop, Mark the Evangelist, Origen, Sir Launcelot; Bodhidharma, founder of Zen Buddhism; Clovis I, first King of France; Saladin, St. Bonaventure, Louis XIV, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; and Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia.

Mel Schwartz

Dr. David Loy, an expert on Japanese Zen Buddhism, has praised Mel for his contributions to the field of contemporary psychotherapy and non-duality, including his insights on the topic of emotional masking.

Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo

The game is a sideways-scrolling adventure, where Miyamoto Usagi has to defeat opponents in sword fights, and also have encounters with other characters (also anthropomorphic animals), for example priests, who usually carry a cane and utter Zen Buddhist koans, such as "if you see the Buddha on the path, kill him".


Shoin-zukuri, a new architectural style influenced by Zen Buddhism, developed during that time from the shinden-zukuri of the earlier Heian period's palaces and the subsequent residential style favored by the warrior class during the Kamakura period.

Shoma Morita

Morita Masatake (1874-1938), also read as Morita Shoma (1874 - 1938 (森田 正馬), was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and the founder of Morita Therapy, a branch of clinical psychology strongly influenced by Zen Buddhism.


The story of Sun Wukong first meeting Subhūti was a play on the Zen story of Huineng meeting Hongren, as told in the Platform Sūtra of Zen Buddhism.

Tim Bayliss

In Season 7, having been shot at the end of Season 6, he became more interested in the matter and converted to Zen Buddhism.