
unusual facts about canzoni

Canzoni, Preghiere, Danze del II Millennio – Sezione Europa

The first track, "Il Testamento del Capitano", is a live performance of a traditional song-chorus by the Alpini, an elite mountain warfare unit of the Italian Army, that was booed by the spectators.

Claudia Rusca

She probably wrote her Sacri concerti à 1–5 con salmi e canzoni francesi (Milan, 1630) for use in the monastery and similar female institutions.

Guglielmo il Giuggiola

Guglielmo il Giuggiola (William, called the Ziziphus berry) was a 16th-century Italian poet and author of canzoni.

Isabella Cervoni

This is evident in her canzoni dedicated to Henry IV of France and Pope Clement VIII in 1597, both of which celebrated the French king's conversion from Protestantism to Catholicism.

Le più belle canzoni italiane interpretate da Mina

Le più belle canzoni italiane interpretate da Mina is a compilation album by Italian singer Mina, released in 1968.

see also