
2 unusual facts about carabinieri

Italian Unabomber

"There is no such thing as the perfect crime and not even the Unabomber can get away with it cleanly", said Col Luciano Garofano, of the Carabinieri military police.

Magdalen Nabb

She lived near enough to the Carabinieri station to stroll there regularly and have a chat with the marshal, who kept her up to date on crime in the city.

9th Parachute Assault Regiment

In Iraq, Operation Antica Babilonia (Italian contingent of Multinational force 2003 - 2006) includes a section of special forces operatives, from the 9th, the Carabinieri's GIS and the Navy's COMSUBIN, mostly deployed for patrol missions, training local police and Army, and to arrest suspects of terrorism.

Angelo Cerica

During the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, Cerica was appointed commander of the Carabinieri Legion in Asmara, an office he held from September 1936 to June 1939.

Beretta M1951

ACP Beretta M 1934 in service until the adoption of the 9 mm Beretta 92; the M1951 was instead adopted by the Italian Navy, the Carabinieri and the Italian national Traffic Police, but has since been replaced in all services with the above-mentioned Beretta 92, in 1977.

Beretta Model 38

During 1941 and 1942, this weapon was available almost exclusively to paratroopers, Blackshirts, tank crews and Carabinieri military policemen, given the need of all of the former to express high volumes of firepower in prolonged actions or to keep close-quarters combat superiority.

Carlo Cicuttini

The leader of the Monfalcone section of the Italian Social Movement–National Right party, he was found to have made an anonymous call to the local Carabinieri Station, stating that a Fiat 500 with several bullet holes had been found abandoned.

Cesare Mori

In Leonardo Sciascia's novel The Day of the Owl ("Il giorno della civetta"), published in 1961, the main character, a captain of the Carabinieri, recalls the great popularity of Cesare Mori's results among Sicilian common people, and the widespread nostalgia of Fascism among Sicilians at the time.

Ig Castle

During World War II, it served as an outpost for Italian carabinieri and Slovene collaborators; in 1944, it was attacked and burned down by Partisans.

Lo Russo clan

On August, 2007, the boss Salvatore Lo Russo was arrested by the carabinieri in his home at Capodimonte, together with his protégé Rafaelle Perfetto.

Loriano Macchiavelli

More recently, Macchiavelli has written a series of detective novels in collaboration with singer-songwriter Francesco Guccini having a Carabinieri maresciallo, Benedetto Santovito, as the protagonist.


In Italy, important successes were achieved with the cooperation of pentiti in the fight against terrorism (especially against the Red Brigades), by Carabinieri general Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa (who was later killed by the Mafia).

Rodolfo Siviero

He was born at Guardistallo, the son of Giovanni Siviero, a Venetian non commissioned officer in the Carabinieri and commander of its local station, and his Sienese wife Caterina Bulgarini.

Salerno Costa d'Amalfi Airport

The airport was exclusively used by the Carabinieri, Firefighters, flight and parachuting school and small private jets until 2007.
The airport was then developed to accommodate civil traffic on a large scale, with four check-in desks, two boarding areas, luggage belts and waiting rooms.

Second Mafia War

This started in 1977 with the killing of Carabinieri Colonel Giuseppe Russo and continued throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Simone Pianetti

Pianetti fired at some Carabinieri to escape into the mountains near the villages of Olmo al Brembo and Cassiglio.

The Day of the Owl

A Carabinieri captain from Parma, Bellodi, gets on the case, ruffling feathers in his contemporaries and colleagues alike.

Vincenzo Vinciguerra

A group of Carabinieri had accidentally discovered on February 24, 1972, an arms dump near Trieste, containing arms, munitions and C4 identical to the one used in Peteano the same year.

see also