
unusual facts about cataract



The planning and analysis of astigmatism treatment in corneal, cataract, and refractive surgery has been outlined by the American National Standards Institute, and was originally described by Australian ophthalmologist Noel A. Alpins in his Alpins Method of astigmatism analysis.

Aulus Cornelius Celsus

In addition, he describes many 1st century Roman surgical procedures which included removal of a cataract, treatment for bladder stones, and the setting of fractures.


Ignacio Barraquer (1884–1965), Spanish ophthalmologist known for his contributions to the advancement of cataract surgery

Black Stump Music and Arts Festival

In 2008, Black Stump moved to the Sydney International Equestrian Centre in Horsley Park, due to ageing facilities at Cataract Scout Camp.

Cao Thang Eye Hospital

Cao Thang has served 80,000 patients and performed around 10,000 surgeries each year of cataract surgery by Phacoemulsification and laser vision correction by Lasik, Lasek and PRK.

Cataract bog

Other plants found in cataract bogs are limeseep grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia grandifolia), Indian paint brush (Castilleja coccinea), stiff cowbane (Oxypolis rigidior), Appalachian bluet (Houstonia serpyllifolia) and northern sundrops (Oenothera tetragona).

Cataract surgery

Metabolic changes of the crystalline lens fibers over time lead to the development of the cataract and loss of transparency, causing impairment or loss of vision.

Cyanopsia, in which the patient sees everything tinted with blue, often occurs for a few days, weeks or months after removal of a cataract.

Ernest de Burgh

He designed and supervised the construction of the great reservoirs for the Sydney water supply at Cataract, Cordeaux, Avon, and Nepean, for the Chichester scheme for Newcastle district, and the Umberumberka scheme at Broken Hill.

Eye burns

There is physical trauma like UV exposure Photokeratitis, thermic trauma by means of infrared ray leading to infrared cataract and more severe alteration of the eye by heat deriving from hot steam liquid metals.

Henry William Beechey

Some time before 1816 he had become secretary to Henry Salt, the British consul-general in Egypt, and at the latter's request accompanied Belzoni in that and the following year beyond the second cataract, for the purpose of studying and making designs of the fine monuments existing at Thebes.

James F. M. Prinsep

In 1884 he was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society after saving a fellow soldier from drowning in the Shaban Cataract of the Nile.

John II of Aragon

In his old age John was blinded by cataracts, but recovered his eyesight by the operation of couching conducted by his physician Abiathar Crescas, a Jew.

Mercy Ships

Medical personnel on the Africa Mercy provide surgeries and health care to treat a wide range of problems, including cleft lip and palate, cataract, crossed eyes (Strabismus), bowed legs (genu varum), burns and burn scars, dental problems and obstetric fistula repair for injuries sustained during childbirth.

Meridian Peak

Surprise Lake Trail goes south for 2.6 miles to Surprise Lake, then the Gore Range Trail continues west for 1.9 miles to a junction with the Upper Cataract Lake and Mirror Lake Trail.

Norrie disease

The diagnosis included a pseudotumor of the retina, hyperplasia of retinal, ciliary, and iris pigment epithelium, hypoplasia and necrosis of the inner layer of the retina, cataract, and Phthisis bulbi.

Princess Falls

It is built on what was once the route for the Brantford and Hamilton Electric Railway owned by the Cataract Power Light and Traction Company (later Dominion Power and Transmission).

Wykked Wytch

The band then continued their touring of Europe by joining the No Mercy Fests with Six Feet Under, Nile, Dark Funeral, Disbelief, Dying Fetus and Cataract.

see also