
unusual facts about centrist


1963 Argentine Navy Revolt

The Argentine elections of 1963 proceeded on schedule in July 7 and, as a result of divisions in both the ruling party and the Peronists (many of whom cast blank votes), saw the victory of the centrist Arturo Umberto Illia.

Alastair Forbes

Forbes’ first overseas posting was to Dominica in the British West Indies in 1936 as a magistrate and government officer, where much of his time was spent compiling an index of the island's laws (his assistant for many years was the barrister (later Dame) Eugenia Charles, who subsequently co-founded the centrist Dominica Freedom Party and in 1980 became the Caribbean's first female prime minister).

Alfonso Prat-Gay

Prat-Gay co-founded the Juntos UNEN ('Together They Unite') alliance with centrist UCR Congressional caucus leader Ricardo Gil Lavedra, and Victoria Donda of the leftist Freemen of the South Movement in January 2013.

Alliance for Veneto

Alliance for Veneto (Alleanza per il Veneto, AdV) was a short-lived centrist political party in Veneto, that was the section of Alliance for Italy (ApI) in Veneto.

Massimo Calearo, industrialist and deputy elected for the Democratic Party, launched AdV in April 2010 as a centrist competitor of Liga VenetaLega Nord, the dominant political force in Veneto.

Azouz Begag

He resigned to support the moderate centrist candidate François Bayrou, one of the two UMP ministers to do so.

Brazilian presidential election, 1955

The UDN, which wanted to done a more moderate and centrist image launched the candidacy of Juarez Távora, an old military officer.

California gubernatorial election, 1934

A strong third party challenge came from Commonwealth-Progressive Raymond L. Haight, a Los Angeles lawyer campaigning for the political center.

Case Ootes

During his tenure on the police services board, Ootes and Justice Hugh Locke were instrumental in the selection of the more centrist Bill Blair over Mike Boyd to succeed Julian Fantino as Police Chief.

Centrist Marxism

For instance, the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) and Independent Labour Party (ILP) were both seen as centrist because they oscillated between advocating reaching a socialist economy through reforms and advocating revolution.

Christian Democratic Appeal

CDA politicians that can be considered centrist or centre-left: Jack Biskop (MP), Ad Koppejan (MP), Kathleen Ferrier (MP; daughter of the late Johan Ferrier, president of Suriname 1975–1980), Dries van Agt (former Prime Minister), Ruud Lubbers (former Prime Minister) and Herman Wijffels (former chairman of the Social Economic Council, former informateur).

Citizens' Union for South Tyrol

Since the exit of Eva Klotz, the UfS tried to renew its image and to present itself as a centrist-conservative party.

Cyd Ho

The left was represented by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong's ticket, consisting of Ma Lik and Choy So-yuk; and the centrist ticket was represented by Rita Fan.

Democratic and Social Centre

Centre of Social Democrats, a French Christian-democratic and centrist party, which existed from 1976 to 1995.

Eduardo Macaluse

Ahead of the 2007 President elections, Carrió formed the Civic Coalition, to bring together other centre-left and centrist opponents to the Presidency of Néstor Kirchner as well as religious and social groups.

Etienne Ys

He is a member of the centrist Partido Antia Restrukturá (Party for a Restructured Antilles), which is based on the island of Curaçao.

Félix Luna

A grandfather had founded the La Rioja chapter of the newly established centrist Radical Civic Union (UCR) in 1892, and an uncle, Pelagio Luna, had been Vice President of Argentina for President Hipólito Yrigoyen, between 1916 and 1919.

Fifth constituency for French residents overseas

The Radical Party (centre-right) and the Republican, Ecologist and Social Alliance (centrist) have jointly chosen Richard Onses, a resident of Barcelona, as their candidate.

Finnish parliamentary election, 1936

Kyösti Kallio of the Agrarian League formed a centrist minority government after Pehr Evind Svinhufvud (National Coalition Party) refused to allow the Social Democrats to join the government.

Greek legislative election, 2004

George Papandreou is the son of Andreas Papandreou, three times (1981, 1985, 1993) Prime Minister and the founder of PASOK, and the grandson of Georgios Papandreou, a liberal centrist who entered national politics in the 1920s and was twice Prime Minister (1944, 1963).

Human rights in India

The 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots was a four-day period during which Sikhs were massacred by members of the secular-centrist Congress Party of India; some estimates state that more than 2,000 were killed.

Île-de-France tramway Line 1

To the east a second planned extension towards Val de Fontenay, which has been blocked for several years due to opposition from the centrist town of Noisy-le-Sec, was approved by the Syndicat des transports d'Île-de-France (STIF) in July 2009 and is scheduled to be constructed in 2015.

Italian centre-left primary election, 2012

Alliance for Italy (ApI), though officially still member of the centrist coalition New Pole for Italy, decided to take part in the contest, fielding a candidate from its own ranks.

Italy of Values

The populist course taken by the party, that enforced its co-operation with the far left, and the emergence of more "extreme" figures like de Magistris led Pino Pisicchio and his centrist faction to leave the party in order to join Francesco Rutelli's Alliance for Italy (ApI) in November 2009.

Law and Justice

On 4 November 2011, MEPs Zbigniew Ziobro, Jacek Kurski, and Tadeusz Cymański were ejected from the party, after Ziobro urged the party to split further into two separate parties – centrist and nationalist – with the three representing the nationalist faction.

Lico Reyes

:Linda Goetsch of Gainesville said she was once a third party voter, having voted for Ralph Nader in the 2000 election, but has voted Democratic this year because she said third party candidates tend to spoil major party elections, though they do "force centrist candidates to address issues. He (Reyes) certainly represents many of the issues that I believe in," she said.

Malcolm Thornton

However, following the death of Sir Graham Page in 1981, Shirley Williams, a former Labour Cabinet minister who had founded the centrist SDP a few months earlier, won the seat.

New Generation Party

Created in 2000 as a centrist grouping around former Mayor of Bucharest Viorel Lis, it was taken over in January 2004 by businessman Gigi Becali (owner of FC Steaua București), who became its leader.

Opinion polling for the Italian general election, 2013

Outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti only at the end of 2012 declared his intention to support a centrist coalition named With Monti for Italy, so opinion polls conducted before December 2012 do not consider this.

Pier Ferdinando Casini

Casini ran on a purely 'centrist' platform, founding the new Union of the Centre party along with Savino Pezzotta's Rosa Bianca.

Red-green alliance

Left Ecology Freedom: initially a successor of sorts in Italy to The Left - The Rainbow, also comprising the Federation and the Greens and Democratic Left, along with former-communist Movement for the Left and Unite the Left, and the Italian Socialist Party, a centrist social-democratic party.

Ricardo Alfonsín

Ricardo Luis Alfonsín was born in the Pampas town of Chascomús to María Lorenza Barreneche and Raúl Alfonsín; the latter was at the time a local lawyer and councilman active in the centrist Radical Civic Union (UCR).

Russian legislative election, 1999

The centrist coalition of four factions and groups (Unity, OVR, Russia’s Regions, and People's Deputy) controlled a firm majority of 235 out of 450 Duma seats.

Santiago Abreú

Abreú was a supporter of Governor Albino Pérez, who had become extremely unpopular for enforcing the decisions of the centrist government of President Antonio López de Santa Anna, which included reduction of local political control and imposition of new taxes.

Sirius XM Progress

It launched on March 31, 2004, and the lineup included hosts like Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, Marty Kaplan, Janeane Garofalo, Alan Colmes, Lizz Winstead and Chuck D. At the time, both Sirius and XM had centrist/progressive talk channels featuring talent from Air America Radio.

Teodoro Petkoff

In the second government of Rafael Caldera (1994-1999), MAS was in coalition with the centrist National Convergence party of Caldera, along with other left-wing parties such as the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the MEP, and other right-wing parties as the National Movement of Integration.

Toronto municipal election, 1966

Archer was the more centrist candidate, and had the endorsement of city councillors Charles Caccia, Kenneth Dear, and Hugh Bruce.

Union for French Democracy

There developed a split among UDF elected officials, between those such as Gilles de Robien and Pierre-Christophe Baguet, who favored closer ties with the UMP, and those such as François Bayrou who advocate independent centrist policies, while others such as Jean Dionis du Séjour tried steering for a middle course.


Liberal bloggers also expressed frustration with Unity08 because they contend that the group promoted "establishment" centrist or center-right politicians in the molds of Joe Lieberman and Michael Bloomberg while at the same time doing little to promote the progressive values it would seemingly represent.

see also