
unusual facts about cession

Year 1809

Year 1809 (Märkesåret 1809 in Swedish and Merkkivuosi 1809 in Finnish, literally meaning "The Significant Year 1809" ) was a joint Swedish/Finnish government project about the 2009 bicentennial of the division of Sweden, when Sweden had to cede Finland to Russia.

Afonso VI of Portugal

Colonial affairs saw the Dutch conquest of Jaffnapatam, Portugal's last colony in Portuguese Ceylon (1658) and the cession of Bombay and Tangier to England (23 June 1661) as dowry for Afonso's sister, Catherine of Braganza, who had married King Charles II of England.

Campo de Gibraltar

Following the capture of Gibraltar by Anglo-Dutch troops in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession and its subsequent cession, in 1713, to Great Britain, the former inhabitants of Gibraltar settled down permanently and the first villages were created: Algeciras, San Roque, and Los Barrios, still for many years officially termed the municipality of Gibraltar.


In 1893 Auguste Pavie, the French vice-consul of Luang Prabang, requested the cession of all Laotian lands east of the Mekong River.

Count Johann Hartwig Ernst von Bernstorff

This compact engaged Denmark to join with Russia in upholding the existing Swedish constitution, in return for which Czarina Catherine II undertook to adjust the Gottorp difficulty by the cession of the Gottorp portion of Holstein in exchange for the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst.

Du Pre Alexander, 2nd Earl of Caledon

He was the first governor on the Cape's cession to United Kingdom; the Caledon River and the district Caledon, Western Cape there are named after him.

Five Medals

Governor Harrison moved to have the annuities paid at Fort Wayne, then called for a land cession council at Vincennes.

Fort Nisqually

Fort Nisqually was operated and served by Scottish gentlemen, Native Americans, Kanakas (Hawaiians), French-Canadians, Metis, West Indians, Englishmen and, in the last final years before the British cession of their claims to Puget Sound with the Oregon Treaty, a handful of American settlers.

Germany–Holy See relations

One result was the cession of the Rhineland to France by the Treaty of Basel in 1795.

Gibson County, Tennessee

Soon after the Chickasaw Cession, the first log cabin in what was to become Gibson County had been built by Thomas Fite about eight miles (13 km) east of present day Trenton.

Idaho v. United States

In 1894, the tribe ceded a one-mile wide strip (the "Harrison cession") for use by the Washington and Idaho Railway to extend its tracks.

J. G. Swift MacNeill

In 1890 he took an unpopular stance in opposing the cession to Germany of Heligoland, which became an important German naval base in the First World War.

José María Amador

With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored.


The "involuntary cession" resulted in Brunei being split into two - the main part with three districts (Brunei-Muara, Tutong and Kuala Belait) to the west of Limbang, and the Temburong district to the east of Limbang.

Michigan meridian

The meridian was selected because it formed one of the principal boundary lines defined in the Treaty of Detroit in 1807, which was the first large cession of land by Native American peoples to the United States in the Michigan Territory.

Pingat Perkhidmatan Setia

After the cession of Sarawak to Britain in 1946, the medal was renamed as 'Long Service Badge'; however the purpose of the presentation of the badge remained the same.

Rattanakosin Kingdom

French gunboats appeared at Bangkok, and demanded the cession of Lao territories east of the Mekong.

Soviet–Lithuanian Peace Treaty

Modern Belarusian historiography regards the treaty, especially the cession of ethnic Belarusian territories to Lithuania (primarily Hrodna, Shchuchyn, Lida, Ashmyany, Smarhon, Pastavy, Braslaw, but also the contemporary Vilnius Region with Vilna) as a unilateral act by the Soviet authorities that disregarded the national interests of the Belarusian people, aimed at immediate military and political gains.

Tommaso Tittoni

After the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, his imprudently worded speech at Carate created the illusion that Italy was to be compensated, perhaps by the cession of the Trentino, and the disappointment when nothing of the kind materialized greatly weakened his prestige.

Tripartite Convention

The cession of deeds of the islands of the Manua Group (Ta'u, Ofu and Olosega) did not take place until 1904, although the respective chiefs had previously accepted the sovereignty of the United States.

see also