
unusual facts about child soldier

Radhika Coomaraswamy

In January 2008, the United Nations requested that Coomaraswamy, as special representative for children in armed conflict, be allowed to observe the American military tribunal of child soldier Omar Khadr, but she was denied entrance.

Udo Walendy

Towards the end of the war Walendy was drafted first into the Reichsarbeitsdienst (auxiliary force), then the Luftwaffenhelfer (child soldier in the air force) and finally into the regular Wehrmacht (the German military).

see also

Abd El Gadir Salim

In 2005 he recorded a collaborational album called Ceasefire with Sudanese rapper, former child soldier and Christian convert Emmanuel Jal.

Corrin Varady

Corrin is currently producing “Road to Freedom Peak”, a journey between himself and a former child soldier as they ride their bicycles across three countries in the African Great Lakes region, bringing local and international awareness to the use of children in conflict directed by filmmaker Max Pugh.