Scientists including NASA's Nancy Kiang have proposed that the existence of Acaryochloris marina suggests that organisms that use Chlorophyll d, rather than Chlorophyll a, may be able to perform oxygenic photosynthesis on exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars (which emit much less light than the Sun).
It is a sap-feeding mirid that removes a considerable amount of chlorophyll from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes, Pontederiaceae).
Little is known about the life cycle of the plant due to its rarity, but it probably obtains its nutrients by parasitizing fungi, so it lacks the green of chlorophyll.
Addition of Iron sulfate to the subarctic western Pacific gyre caused increases in primary production rates, chlorophyll a concentrations, biomass, and photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency.
Its isolated location combined with low levels of chlorophyll makes Judarn one of the clearest lakes in Stockholm, and notwithstanding low levels of oxygen nutrient content is low even during winters, with raised levels of PAH and PCB in deep sediments.
The P700 reaction center is composed of modified chlorophyll a that best absorbs light at a wavelength of 700nm, with higher wavelengths causing bleaching.
Rockford, IL-based Pierce Chemical Company was founded in 1948 when Dr. Alan Pierce assumed active management of a company known as Midwest Extraction, which focused on extracting chlorophyll from alfalfa.
Nitrogen deficiency can be detected with a chlorophyll content meter.