Racial segregation in the United States | racial segregation | Racial segregation | X chromosome | Y chromosome | racial segregation in the United States | Philadelphia chromosome | polytene chromosome | Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup | Gender segregation and Islam | An inversion loop in the A arm of a chromosome from an ''Axarus |
More recently a study using transgenic/knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human osteosarcoma cells (U2OS) has shown that FOXM1 regulates expression of a large array of G2/M-specific genes, such as Plk1, cyclin B2, Nek2 and CENPF, and plays an important role in maintenance of chromosomal segregation and genomic stability.
Hybridogenesis implies that gametes of hybrids don't contain mixed parental genomes, as normally occurs by independent chromosome segregation and crossover in meiosis (see also second Mendel's law, recombination), but intact one of them or two.