Differences between the X chromosome and Y chromosome versions of the amelogenin gene (AMELX and AMELY respectively) enable it to be used in sex determination of unknown human samples.
The amelogenin gene has been most widely studied in humans, where it is a single copy gene, located on the X and Y chromosomes at Xp22.1-Xp22.3 and Yp 11.2 5.
Analysis of the Y chromosome is one of the methods used in tracing the history of early humans.
During a war with Afghanistan, an incurable biological weapon called the "Y-bomb", which targets only the male Y-chromosome, is used and results in the eventual deaths of 97% of the world's men.
Transcaucasian mole voles have no SRY gene or Y chromosome, and their sex-determination method remains unknown.
X chromosome | Y chromosome | Philadelphia chromosome | polytene chromosome | Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup | An inversion loop in the A arm of a chromosome from an ''Axarus |
In 2007 Piazza and colleagues studied the Y chromosome of men in areas of Tuscany where Etruscans had concentrated: his team found they were more closely genetically related to men from Turkey than to other regions of Italy, suggesting that the ancient Greek historian Herotodus may have been correct to claim that Etruscans came from Lydia.
But unlike other tragelaphids, the X chromosome and Y chromosome are compound and fused with autosomes from ancestors having a greater chromosome number.
PCDH11X located on the X chromosome is common, in both sexes, to humans and our nearest relative, the chimpanzee; however, PCDH11Y located on the Y chromosome, is unique to men.
It can be noted that the Dunnart has a Y chromosome that has shrunk to only 4 genes, the smallest of any mammal, with no apparent ill effect.
According to DNA testing, Druze are remarkable for the high frequency (35%) of males who carry the Y-chromosomal haplogroup L, which is otherwise uncommon in the Mideast (Shen et al. 2004).
Some genealogy software programs now allow recording DNA marker test results, allowing for tracking of both Y-chromosome and mtDNA tests, and recording results for relatives.
1998 DNA tests demonstrate a match between the Y-chromosome of a descendant of his brother, Eston Hemings Jefferson, and that of the male Jefferson line.
Pseudoautosomal region 3, a region of homologous sequences between the human X and Y chromosome
Ugo A. M. Perego is a DNA researcher whose main focuses of study have been the origins of Native Americans and the Y-chromosome of Joseph Smith.