
unusual facts about coincidence

Center versus periphery

Coincidentally, often the same single word existed in both places (in this case tsuburi (つぶり)), despite the great distance between the regions.

A History Channel Thanksgiving

When the boys explain they derived their knowledge from that program, the head agent sees this "coincidence" as validation of History's theories, and shows the boys' testimonials on a subsequent program, crediting Stan as a "History Expert", and Kyle as a "Professor of Thanksgiving – DeVry Institute", despite the fact that Kyle is shown arguing against the idea.

Battle of Leyte Gulf

The last three words—probably selected by a communications officer at Nimitz's headquarters—may have been meant as a loose quote from Tennyson's poem on "The Charge of the Light Brigade", suggested by the coincidence that this day, 25 October, was the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Balaclava—and was not intended as a commentary on the current crisis off Leyte.

Candygram For Mongo

Though the term “The Red Pill” is often associated with the films in the Matrix series, the band stated that the album title is a coincidence based upon an inside joke and has nothing to do with the popular film series.

Carlton–Collingwood AFL rivalry

It was therefore a suspicious coincidence when, on the morning of the 1938 VFL Grand Final between two sides, Carlton captain-coach Brighton Diggins was rostered to clean barrels in the brewery steam room, while Collingwood acting captain Albert Collier had the day off.

Cosmo Klein

By a fortunate coincidence he was introduced to singer Sasha, who engaged Klein to write for his second album and helped him to sign a contract with Warner Music.

Disappearance of Joana Cipriano

A child protection specialist, Mark Williams-Thomas, who believes that Joana's and Madeleine's disappearances are related, said that the disappearance of two children unknown to each other, within a period of four years in a seven-mile radius, would be a huge coincidence, especially considering that Portugal is a small country with few abductions.

Early Modern history of Germany

Though Charles V fought the Reformation, it is no coincidence either that the reign of his nationalistic predecessor Maximilian I saw the beginning of the Reformation.

Elizabeth Douglas-Home, Baroness Home of the Hirsel

She avoided the limelight in life, but by a curious coincidence her memorial service occurred in November 1990 at the height of the crisis which led to the resignation of Margaret Thatcher when she and all connected with her were holed up in 10 Downing Street – and her husband Denis Thatcher broke cover by going to the service.

Esther Béjarano

At the beginning of the 1980s, with her daughter Edna and son Joram, she created the musical group Coincidence.

Flag of Perak

Probably by coincidence, the flag resembles an inverted version of the Russian imperial colors that was in official use from 1858 to 1917.


A coincidence seems unlikely given Spencer's past membership of that band, with the fact that his female backing vocalists are credited as "The Songbirds" – "Songbird" was a very popular Fleetwood Mac song from the Rumours album just a couple of years earlier.

Giannis Christopoulos

It is by no coincidence that the best student of this science Rui Faria , is for many years the right hand of one of the best football coaches of the world Jose Mourinho.

Green Dragons

The same autumn one of the largest incidents in Slovenian cheerleading history took place on the way to Maribor, at the train station in Štore, near Celje, considered mostly the fault of the Slovenian Police and weird coincidence.

Jack Cassel

In a strange coincidence on September 7, 2008, Jack replaced injured teammate Wandy Rodriguez in the first inning at Colorado only hours after his brother Matt replaced injured teammate Tom Brady in the first quarter of the season-opening game vs Kansas City.

Jamestown, Kansas

:Jamestown Community College in the state of New York also claims the same mascot and are called the Jamestown Jayhawks, but the relationship is merely coincidence.

Jan Morris

She reported the success of Hillary and Tenzing in a coded message to the newspaper, "Snow conditions bad stop advanced base abandoned yesterday stop awaiting improvement", and by happy coincidence the news was released on the morning of Queen Elizabeth's coronation.

Jeffrey Max Jones

Jones was born and grew up in Colonia Dublán, Nuevo Casas Grandes, in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, and currently lives, by coincidence, in the birth home of George W. Romney, former Governor of Michigan.

Juana Barraza

Then an odd coincidence distracted the investigation: at least three of Barraza's victims owned a print of an 18th-century painting by the French artist Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Boy in Red Waistcoat.


Reportedly, the same word by coincidence also takes the meaning of "free" (without payment) in Kirundi.

Law with Two Phases

The American film Dirty Harry is said to have inspired filmmakers to bring a more true-to-life representation of life "behind the shield" to the screen (It is probably no small coincidence that Lee later named his production company "Magnum", after Harry Callahan's weapon of choice).

Leetsdale, Pennsylvania

The town has gained a certain popularity due to its name, a coincidence with Leetspeak, a common Internet sociolect.

Lewis A. Coser

In contrast, the non-coincidence of economic and political disenfranchisement among Quebecers reduces somewhat the severity of their conflict with English Canada, especially with the rising prosperity of the French Canadian new middle class operating in the public sector and corporate world.

London stock brick

In Stock, Essex there is a common belief that "Stock Bricks" originated there; bricks were certainly made there, but the name is a coincidence, stock being a common English word with many meanings and also a common place-name element.

Mansur Ali Khan

The place where he was buried in coincidence was the only available space left in the line of the tombs of the Nazims, and were subsequently removed for interment at Karbala in Iraq, in pursuance of his will.

Mansur Kamaletdinov

A Bashkir, Kamaletdinov was born in Zlatoust, Russia and spent his early childhood in a village near Ufa, Bashkiria, which by coincidence is the same village where the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev grew up.

Millennium Science Initiative

The Science Advisor to the President of Chile was, by coincidence, a part-time Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Monkey D. Luffy

Later Oda found out there is a Maritime term called a "Luff" and has insisted this is pure coincidence but one he was delighted by.

Mons Hill

Its shared name with Mons Road in the Kates Hill area of Dudley is a coincidence, as that road's name was taken from the Battle of Mons during World War I.


These notes are the same as the first three notes of Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man", one of the musical themes for Expo 67, though this is apparently just a coincidence.

Nixon White House tapes

In an updated version of his song "Alice's Restaurant", performed shortly after Nixon's death in 1994, musician Arlo Guthrie recalls learning that Chip Carter had found a copy of the original LP in the Nixon library, and later wondering whether it was a coincidence that both the original "Alice's Restaurant" track and the infamous gap in the Nixon tapes was "exactly 18 minutes and 20 seconds long."

Nuclear electronics

Essential elements of such systems include fast detectors for charged particles, discriminators for separating them by energy, counters for counting the pulses produced by individual particles, fast logic circuits (including coincidence and veto gates), for identification of particular types of complex particle events, and pulse height analyzers (PHAs) for sorting and counting gamma rays or particle interactions by energy, for spectral analysis.

Oyako Day

“It was the coincidence of being asked to photograph punks and being an expectant father that gave birth to the idea of Oyako,” Bruce Osborn stated in an interview with Olympus.

Peach Creek, West Virginia

The show Ed, Edd n Eddy is set in a town called Peach Creek, but this is a coincidence.

Philby Greenstreet

To close the circle of coincidence, Howell's immediate supervisor at the CIA was Frank Wisner, who had also been the superior of Cord Meyer, who had been the husband of Mary Meyer, who was a close friend and confidante of Cicely d'Autremont, who was married to James Jesus Angleton.

Photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy

Photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, PEPICO for short, is a combination of photoionization mass spectrometry and photoelectron spectroscopy.

Qom University of Medical Sciences

In coincidence with the city of Qom( in Iran) being a province and along with promotion of Qom health care community, a subordinate center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and in charge of health care system in Qom before then, to School of Medicine and Medical Services, the Qom University of Medical Sciences was established in 1996.

Robert Harron

He was also there for a preview of Coincidence and was sharing the hotel room with director Victor Heerman.


An interesting coincidence is that Sir Alan Cobham, pioneer aviator of Far Eastern and other routes, was at Wilson's School, and that at one time a name under consideration for what became Roundshaw was Cobham Park.

Sichuan invasion

By coincidence, September 1942 was also the time when the German Wehrmacht was closing in on Stalingrad.

Silvestre Dangond

By pure coincidence and through friend in common, manager and promoter Carlos Blum, Dangond officially met accordionist Juancho De la Espriella during a serenata (De la Espriella was grouped with singer Peter Manjarrez).

The House of Dolmann

By an odd coincidence several of Dolmann's puppets resemble those later created for Charles Band's Puppet Master movies, with Pinhead bearing a more than passing resemblance to Togo and Jester to Giggler and the Mole resembling a cross between Blade and Tunneler.

The Railroad Job

Elam, who recognized the bandit’s Griswold pistol, tells Durant (Colm Meaney) of the coincidence that the payroll arrives the same day the strangers do, as well as two Rebels buying a black man a drink.

The War Against the Jews

She contents that similarities between Luther's anti-Jewish writings, especially On the Jews and Their Lies, and modern anti-Semitism are no coincidence, because they derived from a common history of Judenhass (Jew-hatred), which she traces back to the biblical Haman's advice to Ahasuerus.


Later there developed the common opinion that identified the sword of James I of Aragon, named Tisó, with the one attributed to the Cid in the Cantar de gesta, but this is contrasted with the Llibre dels fets (a series of autobiographical chronicles including James I of Aragon) in which the Tisó is described in detail without any mention of The Cid, most likely owing to a simple coincidence of name.

Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel

By coincidence, Mr. Damon is invested in a business which procures cinchona bark from Peru, but production has all but ceased, prompting Mr. Damon to invite Tom to accompany him to Peru and discover the source of the problem.


By coincidence, this made WCCB the unofficial "home" station of the Carolina Panthers upon the team's 1995 inception.

West Branch Susquehanna Valley

In a remarkable coincidence, the Fair Play Men made their own Declaration of Independence from Britain on July 4, 1776 beneath the "Tiadaghton Elm" on the banks of Pine Creek.

see also