
2 unusual facts about color charge

Color charge

Historically, shortly after the existence of quarks was first proposed in 1964, Oscar W. Greenberg introduced the notion of color charge to explain how quarks could coexist inside some hadrons in otherwise identical quantum states without violating the Pauli exclusion principle.

All three colors mixed together, or any one of these colors and its complement (or negative), is "colorless" or "white".

Nikolay Bogolyubov

1965 Jointly with Boris Struminsky and Albert Tavkhelidze and independently of Moo-Young Han, Yoichiro Nambu and Oscar W. Greenberg suggested a triplet quark model and introduced a new quantum degree of freedom (later called as color charge) for quarks.

Oscar W. Greenberg

He is famous for positing the existence of a hidden, 3-valued charge, called color charge, of subatomic particles, ``quarks, in 1964, the same year that quarks were posited as constituents of hadrons by Murray Gell-Mann and, independently, by George Zweig.

see also