
unusual facts about computer sciences

Greenlight Capital

As of 2013, the top equity holdings of the firm were in the shares of the following companies: Apple Inc, General Motors, Marvell Technology Group, CIGNA, Aetna, Computer Sciences, Delphi Automotive, NCR Corp., and Virgin Media.

Square root biased sampling

Square root biased sampling is a sampling method proposed by William H. Press, a computer scientist and computational biologist, for use in airport screenings.

see also

Angelo Mongiovi

He graduated from here with a Bachelor's of Engineering in Computer Science in 1974 and went on to work for AT&T then the Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC following and presently.

Austin Museum of Digital Art

The Austin Museum of Digital Art is the brainchild of Harold Chaput, then a Computer Sciences doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin, and Christopher Rankin, an art history graduate of Trinity University and experienced museum worker.

Ayelet Shaked

Through Tel Aviv University she obtained a degree in electrical engineering and computer sciences and she worked as a director of marketing at Texas Instruments.

Farhan Saeed

In 1999, Farhan started his A levels at The Keynesian Institute of Management and Sciences in Lahore, and then in 2001 went on to National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences(FAST-NU) in Peshawar but then migrated to the campus in Lahore for his bachelors degree in computer sciences.

Sixto González

In 1983, he traveled to Massachusetts and enrolled in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at MIT and joined the Mu Tau chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity.