
2 unusual facts about concealed carry

Charles Ng

Ng was charged and subsequently convicted of shoplifting, felonious assault and possession of a concealed firearm.

Concealed carry

Some states, however, do not recognize permits issued by other states to non-residents (of the issuing state): Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Evie Hudak

In March, 2013, while in a legislative hearing about legislation to ban concealed carry firearms from college campuses, rape survivor Amanda Collins discussed how, when attacked by convicted rapist and murderer James Biela, she wished she had a firearm to defend herself.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has opposed the enactment of the "Thune Amendment," which would allow interstate concealed carry of firearms by individuals who hold valid concealed carry permits (either issued by their home state or another state).

see also

Gun laws in Oklahoma

On May 15, 2012, Oklahoma State Senate Bill 1733 was signed into law by Governor Mary Fallin, which authorized open and concealed carry of handguns by permit holders.


A mousegun is most often considered a category of small revolver, or semi-automatic handgun intended for concealed carry (CCW)self defense.

The popularity of so-called mouseguns has exploded, coinciding with the increasing popularity of concealed carry weapon (CCW) permits, relaxed CCW attitudes by law enforcement and society, and new mousegun weapon design improvements exemplified by the new tiny, under-$250 Kel-Tec P-3AT .380

Pocket pistol

The original 19th century vest-sized pocket pistol, the derringer, which developed from the Philadelphia Deringer, is typically no longer widely used for concealed carry (except in .357