
unusual facts about confessor

Cosmos Rossellius

In contrast heaven is depicted as the throne of Christ, surrounded by a celestial hierarchy of Apostles, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs, Confessors, virgins, Holy Hebrews and an enormous array of saints.

Alfredo Ottaviani

At the Vatican they encountered Monsignor Alphonso Carinci and Cardinal Augustin Bea, Pope Pius XII's confessor, who advised presenting the typed manuscript directly to Pope Pius XII, through a recommended intermediary, which was accomplished in 1947.

Bona Sforza

In 1539 Bona Sforza had presided, reluctantly, over the burning of 80-year old Katarzyna Weiglowa for heresy, but this event ushered in an era of tolerance, and her confessor Francesco Lismanino assisted in the establishment of a Calvinist Academy in Pińczów.


This was mainly due to his influence over two successive High Kings of Ireland, Áed Allán whose spiritual confessor he was and Flaithbertach mac Loingsig whose bishop-abbot he was.


Its predecessor, of red brick, c.1600 was occupied by Revd Sir Edward Petre of Cranham Hall (the 3rd Baronet, and confessor to James II), and later by James Oglethorpe (unpublished sketch by Joseph Pridden, c 1789, Essex Record Office); much of its garden wall survives, and appears to be in the same red brick.

Edmund Hay

Sent to Innsbruck in 1564, he became confessor to the archduchesses of Austria, and gained such favour that he was with difficulty removed to Paris to become rector of Clermont College.

Edward Ilsley

Archbishop Ilsley Catholic Technology College in Acocks Green, Birmingham, which uses his coat of arms (five golden birds around a golden floriated cross on a blue shield, derived from that of St Edward the Confessor) as their school badge.

Elizabeth of Hungary

It was also about this time that the priest and later inquisitor Konrad von Marburg gained considerable influence over Elizabeth when he was appointed as her confessor.

Guglielmo Massaia

Immediately after his ordination to the priesthood, he was appointed lector of theology; but even whilst teaching he acquired some fame as a preacher and was chosen confessor to Prince Victor Emmanuel, afterwards King of Italy, and Ferdinand, Duke of Genoa.

Henry de Beaume

Beaume was a man of exceptional worth according to the testimony of Saint Colette of Corbie, whose confessor he became in 1406 while she was still an anchoress at the Benedictine abbey of Corbie.

Jakub Kresa

The Emperor Leopold I appointed Kresa as confessor of his second son, the Archduke Charles.

John Feckenham

Released by Queen Mary I on her accession in 1553, he returned to Bonner's service, became a prebendary of St Paul's, rector of Finchley, then of Greenford Magna, chaplain and confessor to the Queen, and then Dean of St Paul's (10 March 1554).

Julie Billiart

On the feast of the Sacred Heart, 1 June 1804, Mother Julie, after a novena made in obedience to her confessor, was cured of paralysis.


Other known Bishops of Lampsacus were Daniel, who assisted at the Council of Chalcedon (451); Harmonius (458); Constantine (680), who attended the Third Council of Constantinople; John (787), at Nicaea; St. Euschemon, a correspondent of St. Theodore the Studite, and a confessor of the Faith for the veneration of images, under Theophilus.

Luis de Aliaga Martínez

Lerma soon had Aliaga appointed confessor to the king (a position that had been previously been held by Diego Mardones, a member of the Franciscan Order, who became Bishop of Córdoba).

María de Ágreda

At the same time, Fray Esteban de Perea had brought an inquiry to Benavides from Sor María's confessor in Spain asking whether there was any evidence that she had visited the Jumanos.

Maximus of Jerusalem

He was a priest in Jerusalem, and it is said by Sozomen that he was so popular among the people for good character and for being a confessor that that when Saint Macarius attempted to appoint him as bishop of Lydda (also known as Diospolis) the populace insisted upon his retention in Jerusalem.

Michelangelo Tamburini

This was seen at his death, 1715, when the regent banished the once influential father confessor Le Tellier, while the gallicanizing archbishop of Paris, Cardinal de Noailles, laid them under an interdict (1716–1729).


He was the confessor for the monastery headed by St Seiriol at Penmon and established a church at what is now known as Llanidan (which are both places on the Welsh island of Anglesey).

Patriarch Job of Moscow

Once, Ioann asked his father's permission to see his confessor in the Uspensky Monastery in their native town of Staritsa (Tver Oblast).

Philip Repyngdon

In 1394, Repyngdon was made abbot of the abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis at Leicester, and after the accession of Henry IV to the English throne in 1399 he became chaplain and confessor to this king, being described as clericus specialissimus domini regis Henrici.

Priest–penitent privilege in England from the Reformation to the nineteenth century

Randolf was the confessor of Joanna of Navarre, widow of Henry IV who was accused of attempting to poison her stepson Henry V by witchcraft.

Princess Maria Teresa of Savoy

Later she lived in a villa in San Martino in Vignale on the hills just north of Lucca served only by her confessor and the administrator of the property.

Proinsias Ó Doibhlin

In 1724 he was appointed by the Franciscans as confessor to the Poor Clares in Dublin and seems to have died shortly afterward.

Rachol Seminary

Agnelo Gustavo Adolfo de Souza, sfx, (popularly called Padr. Agnel) who underwent his priestly formation at was ordained at the Rachol Seminary, later joined the Society of Pilar, spent the last 10 years of his life as Confessor and Spiritual Director of the seminarians at Rachol, and breathed his last in his room in the Seminary.

Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland

When he urged James to put away his mistress Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester James said crushingly that he had not realised that Sunderland was his confessor and told him in future to mind his own business.


It was the birthplace of Robert de Sorbon, (1201–1274), who was a chaplain and Confessor to King Louis IX of France, as well as the founder of the Sorbonne, the University of Paris.

The Mandrake Root

Nicia gets both Lucrezia's mother, a woman of ill repute, and her confessor Brother Timoteo (Jonathan Owen), a priest of low morals, to aid in convincing Lucrezia of the necessity of the plan.

The year of the three kings

1066: Harold Godwinson succeeded Edward the Confessor as King of England, but was ousted by William the Conqueror


In 893, the abbey, which was then named after St. Martin, patron saint of the ancient parish, took the name of St Majan, confessor of Antioch, whose relics had recently been stolen from Lombez, in Gascony, by Sulsani and Centulle, two monks from Villemagne.

Walter Buckmaster

Westminster Abbey 'BANNER OF ST EDWARD THE CONFESSOR' This was designed by Christopher Webb and presented in 1945 by Eulalie Buckmaster in memory of her father.

see also