
unusual facts about congregation


Congregation is a large gathering of people, often for the purpose of worship.

Al-Mahdi Ali

In the presence of a numerous congregation of Zaidi scholars, he adopted the title al-Mahdi Ali and took possession of Sa'dah and Dhamar.

Albertus Magnus High School

Albertus Magnus High School is administered by the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary Sparkill, New York, which was founded on May 6, 1876 in New York City by Mother Catherine Mary Antoninus Thorpe.

Aloysius Ellacuria

He served various other offices in the congregation, ranging from superior to Master of novices.


One of the Amidei was called Bartholomeus Amadeus of the Amidei and was one of the seven saint founders of a religious congregation, very spread world wide, especially in Germany.


The reception desk and the spiritual activities of the sanctuary are organised by the priests of the sanctuary: the congregation of Benedictine nuns called the Tyburn Nuns and the Brothers of the Holy Family of Belley.

Augustine Baker

At the desire of his superiors he now devoted his time and the ample means which he had inherited, to investigating and refuting the recently started error that the ancient Benedictine congregation in England was dependent on that of Cluny, founded in 910.

Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel

The name of "Saint Gabriel" stems from the dedication of the first chapel of the congregation.

Bury Hebrew Congregation

Bury Hebrew Congregation, also known in Hebrew as Bet Knesset Sha'ar HahShamayim (Gate of Heaven Synagogue) is an Orthodox synagogue, serving the Jewish community in the Sunnybank, Unsworth and Hollins area of North Manchester.

Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception

This congregation was founded at Saint-Claude, in the Department of Jura, by Adrien Gréa, then a secular priest and the young Vicar General of the Diocese of St.-Claude, a position he had accepted in 1863 at the bishop's urging, despite his feeling called to life in a religious community.

Catholic Church doctrine on the ordination of women

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued and published on May 29, 2008, in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, a decree signed by Cardinal William Levada, on the existing ban on women priests by asserting that women "priests" and the bishops who ordain them would be automatically excommunicated "latae sententiae".

Central Sikh Temple

Internal conflicts between the Sikh communities plagued the temple's congregation, which was later divided into three factions from different areas of Central Punjab, namely the Majha, Malwa and Doabha.

Clerics Regular of Our Savior

Its special work being the education of youth, during the next half of the 19th century the congregation spread and numbered several houses, including one in Verdun, which later became a Carmel.

Clonfert Cathedral

Due to the limited resources of the dwindling congregation, American Express provided financial assistance through the organization.

Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries

The Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries (known also as Kreimist or Krayme) was founded at the monastery of Kreim - Ghosta (Mountain of Lebanon), in the year 1865.

Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

On Christmas Eve in 1800, knowing they could face the guillotine for their actions, Father Coudrin and Henriette Aymer de Chevalerie officially established the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary with a mission to spread the message of God's unconditional love as manifested through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and finding God's mercy through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Dansk Evangelical Lutheran Kirke

The Dansk Evangelical Lutheran Kirke is a Lutheran church in Hartland, Wisconsin, located at 400 West Capitol Drive, which was built in 1910 for the Danish-speaking Lutheran congregation of the town.

Daughters of Jesus

That same year, on 1 July, the Daughters of Jesus of Brittany merged with an older congregation of the same name founded in 1820 in Vaylats in southern France.

David-Seth Kirshner

For five years, Kirshner also served as spiritual leader for the Hebrew Congregation of Fitzgerald, in Southern Georgia.

Episcopal Diocese of Georgia

However, the Diocese reorganized Christ Church with a basically new congregation in the early 2010s, and the town of Moultrie had another Episcopal parish for residents of Colquitt County to attend, minimizing the trauma of those two defections.

Evangelical and Reformed Church

United States President Theodore Roosevelt attended Washington D.C.'s Grace Reformed Church, an Evangelical and Reformed congregation.

Frederick Christian Schaeffer

In the same year he became pastor of the Lutheran congregation at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he remained three years.

Great Disappointment

In Loraine, Illinois, a mob attacked the Millerite congregation with clubs and knives, while a group in Toronto was tarred and feathered.

Henry Peckwell

Through the influence of Elizabeth Rawdon, Countess of Moira, Lady Huntingdon's eldest daughter, he was permitted to preach in the chapel of the Magdalen Institution, founded by Lady Arabella Denny, a fashionable congregation.

History of the Jews in Gibraltar

Jews were given the right to permanent settlement in 1749, when Isaac Nieto, the new community's first Rabbi, came to the country from London and established congregation Sha'ar HaShamayim, the oldest synagogue in Gibraltar, otherwise known as the Great Synagogue.

History of the Jews in North East England

The community was established at the end of the 19th century when Eastern European Jewish refugees, Eliezer Adler and Zachariah Bernstone chose to leave the Newcastle upon Tyne congregation, which they viewed as too lenient in religious matters, and crossed the river to set up a new synagogue.

History of the Jews in Northern Ireland

Well known Belfast Jews include: Ronald Appleton QC, Crown Prosecutor during The Troubles in Northern Ireland, who was elected President of the Belfast Hebrew Congregation and served in that post until he retired in 2008; Belfast actors Harold Goldblatt and Harry Towb; pioneer of modern dance in Northern Ireland Helen Lewis; and jazz commentator Solly Lipschitz.

James Tyrie

On his return in December, Tyrie was sent to the University of Pont-à-Mousson, as professor of Scripture and head of the Scots College, and two years later, on the successive deaths of Fathers Edmund Hay and Paul Hoffaeus, he was again called to Rome (22 May, 1592), where he became Assistant for France and Germany, and played his part in the Sixth General Congregation of the Society of Jesus (1593).

Jedwabne Synagogue

Immigrants from Jedwabne built the synagogue Congregation Anshe Yedwabne at 242 Henry Street in the Lower East Side neighborhood of New York City.

Julian Dobbs

He planted three congregations, led the fastest-growing congregation in New Zealand and hosted a weekly hour-long television show in Nelson.

Kaduthuruthy Valiya Palli

Located in Kaduthuruthy, the present Kaduthuruthy St. Mary’s Valiapally is a third building serving the congregation, and is linked to the history of the Knanaya community known as Southists (തെക്കു൦ഭാഗർ) (Knanites(ക്നാനായക്കാര്‍)), who migrated to Kerala under the leadership of Kanai Thommen in AD 345 from East Syria to escape from the severe persecution of Persian emperor Shapor-II.


The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters Of Mary Immaculate (MSMI) was started by Fr. C.J. Varkey also known as "Varkeyachan" in1962.

La Salette of Roxas

It was in May 1964,when the Vice-Provincial of the La Salette Missionaries entered into an agreement with the General Superior of the congregation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God (CFIC) for the sisters to take charge of the Principalship, religion classes, and guidance services of the school.

Mary Odilia Berger

The congregation, through SSM Health Care, today operates in Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.


Latin for Offertory, where the alms of a congregation are collected in church, or at any religious service.

Ohel Leah Synagogue

Three other Jewish congregations have also emerged more recently in Hong Kong: the Sephardic, which is dominated by Israeli expatriates; the Chabad Lubavitch; and the United Jewish Congregation, which is aligned with the more liberal Reform and Conservative movements.


the Ottilien Congregation, a congregation of religious houses within the Benedictine Confederation


Sam becomes enamoured of Emma Tregirls (Trudie Styler), who refuses to marry him because she knows that his Methodist congregation will never approve of her.

Rick Warren

Two weeks before the 2008 U.S. general election, Warren issued a statement to his congregation endorsing California Proposition 8, which would amend the California Constitution to say "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California," thereby eliminating the right of same-sex couples to marry.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Niigata

Our Lady of Akita was formally approved in 1988 when Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave definitive judgement on the Akita events and messages as reliable and worthy of belief.

Rouge-Cloître Abbey

In 1412, as part of the Groenendael congregation, the abbey joined the Windesheim congregation.

Sacred Congregation of Rites

The Sacred Congregation of Rites was a congregation of the Roman Curia, erected on January 22, 1588 by Pope Sixtus V and its functions reassigned by Pope Paul VI on May 8, 1969.

Saint Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church

The congregation gained national attention in 2001 when it ordained Anita C. Hill (not to be confused with Anita Hill of the Clarence Thomas US Senate confirmation hearings).

Salem Lutheran Church, Farrar, Missouri

The original congregation had some ties to the Paitzdorf congregation in Paitzdorf (present-day Uniontown), Missouri.

Samuel Bache

In 1862 the New Meeting, Moor Street, was sold to Roman Catholics, the congregation removing to a handsome structure in Broad Street, called the Church of the Messiah, Birmingham (foundation laid 11 August 1860).

Second Presbyterian Church

Second Ballyeaston Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

In 1948, the Michigan congregation began its first missionary work outside the continental United States when the Sisters opened a mission in Cayey, Puerto Rico.

Temple Beth Or

During Rabbi Baylinson's nearly 30 years with the congregation, Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies were re-instituted and the prayer books Gates of Prayer and Gates of Repentance were introduced.

Temple of the Dutch German Congregation

A few years later, the economic crisis linked to the abolition of Livorno’s porto franco status brought about the decline of the congregation which, nevertheless, in 1903 equipped the church with a handsome organ by the Agati-Tronci company, said to be the finest in Tuscany.

Timothy Priestley

In 1760 he was ordained pastor of the congregation at Kipping (later Kipping Chapel, Thornton), near Bradford, Yorkshire: an uncomfortable settlement because the owner of the Kipping estate having ceased to be in sympathy with nonconformity.

William W. Park

Known as "Rusty" since childhood, Park is a Justice of the Peace in Massachusetts and a long-time member of the congregation of King's Chapel in Boston, where he has held the post of Senior Warden and currently serves as Trustee.

see also