
unusual facts about constipation


Barcoo River

A second is "Barcoo Fever", in which the sufferer experiences fever, nausea and vomiting which was exacerbated by the sight or smell of food, and constipation.

Christian Geo Heltboe

Over a period of a few months in the same year, reported Geo together with Anders Matthesen in radio program Oraklet on his various expeditions into the world, and he took the role Aikiko that removes Abel W. Dipp's (played by Frank Hvam) constipation in the Danish cult television series Kissmeyer Basic by Mikael Wulff and Christopher Boe.

Chun-Su Yuan

In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved methylnaltrexone (Relistor) for opioid-induced constipation in advanced illness patients.

Tetrasomy 18p

The most common gastrointestinal abnormality is chronic constipation, though gastrointestinal reflux was also common.

see also