
unusual facts about cortex


Other compounds producing the ampakine activity profile such as IDRA-21 and Eli Lilly's LY-503,430 along with Unifiram and Sunifiram have been developed by other pharmaceutical companies, but these are only used in animal research at present, and Cortex is the only company currently developing selective ampakine drugs for human use, in partnership with the larger pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough.

André Leroi-Gourhan

Crucial to Leroi-Gourhan's understanding of human evolution is the notion that the transition to bipedality freed the hands for grasping, and the face for gesturing and speaking, and thus that the development of the cortex, of technology, and of language all follow from the adoption of an upright stance.

Area 44

Brodmann area 44, or BA44, part of the frontal cortex in the human brain

Aristides Leão

In collaboration with his supervisors, Arturo Rosenblueth and Hallowell Davis, he analyzed the cycle of excitability of cortex neurons (nerve cells) after the convulsive phenomena, and was the first to identify an important phenomenon, that of a decrease of the excitability which spread in increasing circles around the initial focus, which he named spreading depression.


Brodmann area 20, a part of the temporal cortex in the human brain

Cerebellar peduncle

Middle cerebellar peduncle - carry input fibers from the contralateral cerebral cortex

Cerebral organoid

These specific regions can be even further specified by markers AUTS2, TSHZ2, and LMO4 with the first representing cerebral cortex and the two after representing the occipital lobe.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11β-hydroxylase deficiency

Because 11β-hydroxylase activity is not necessary in the production of sex steroids (androgens and estrogens), the hyperplastic adrenal cortex produces excessive amounts of DHEA, androstenedione, and especially testosterone.

Constantin von Economo

After the first attempts to divide the human cortex into areas according to the cytoarchitecture by Theodor Meynert, Vladimir Betz, Alfred Walter Campbell, Grafton Elliot Smith and Korbinian Brodmann, von Economo started his own project in 1912 and was joined by Georg N. Koskinas in 1919.


CorVision was developed by Cortex Corporation for the VAX/VMS ISAM environment.

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash is joined by his sister Coco, who is suspicious of Cortex's true intentions, and partially by Doctor Nitrus Brio, who tries to persuade Crash to gather Gems instead of Crystals.

Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure

The protagonist of the story, Crash Bandicoot, must gather Crystals in order to power a device that will return the Earth to its proper size, defeating Doctor Cortex and his minions along the way.

The protagonist of the game, Crash Bandicoot, is an anthropomorphic bandicoot who must reverse the shrinkage of the Earth caused by the main antagonist Doctor Neo Cortex.

Crash's genius sister, Coco Bandicoot, is the creator of the machine necessary to reverse the effects of Cortex's "Planetary Minimizer".

Degrees of freedom problem

In neurophysiological studies, the motor system is modeled as a distributed, often hierarchical system with the spinal cord controlling the "most automatic" of movements such as stretch reflexes, and the cortex controlling the "most voluntary" actions such as reaching for an object, with the brainstem performing a function somewhere in between the two.

Electrical brain stimulation

The human cortex was also stimulated electrically by neurosurgeons and neurologists such as Robert Bartholow (1831–1904) and Fedor Krause (1857–1937).

Ethyl caffeate

It is also found in Huáng bǎi, one of the fifty fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine, also known also as Cortex Phellodendri, the bark of one of two species of Phellodendron tree: Phellodendron amurense or Phellodendron chinense.


Etomidate suppresses corticosteroid synthesis in the adrenal cortex by reversibly inhibiting 11-beta-hydroxylase, an enzyme important in adrenal steroid production; it leads to primary adrenal suppression.

Functional neurological deficit

The importance of the sub-cortex in movement and its relatively recent evolution could be hypothesised as the structural flaw in the “animal who knows and knows that he knows.” Chardin Studies of functional symptoms in other higher mammals thus offer the possibility of further insight into what is a distressing and often long-term, though completely reversible condition.

Horace Barlow

This was a precursor to the work of Hubel and Wiesel on visual receptive fields in the visual cortex.

Insular cortex

John Allman and his colleagues have shown that the anterior insular cortex contains a population of neurons, called spindle neurons.

Lawrence W. Barsalou

For example, in TMS studies it has been shown that during stimulation of parts of the motor cortex that are active during leg motions comprehension of sentences describing activities dealing with legs is improved.

Louis Jacobsohn-Lask

In 1899 Jacobsohn and Edward Flatau wrote Handbuch der Anatomie und vergleichenden Anatomie des Centralnervensystems der Säugetiere, which included one of first attempts to classify sulci and gyri of human brain cortex.

Memory-prediction framework

It is proposed that the motor areas of the cortex consist of a behavioural hierarchy similar to the sensory hierarchy, with the lowest levels consisting of explicit motor commands to musculature and the highest levels corresponding to abstract prescriptions (e.g. 'resize the browser').


It is heteromerous, that is, it contains an upper cortex, medulla, green algal layer (occupied by Trebouxia spp.), and lower cortex.

Motor cortex

The clearest example of the coordination of muscles into complex movement in the motor cortex comes from the work of Graziano and colleagues on the monkey brain.

Occipital lobe

Retinal sensors convey stimuli through the optic tracts to the lateral geniculate bodies, where optic radiations continue to the visual cortex.


Cécile Vogt-Mugnier and her husband Oskar Vogt came up with the idea of pathoclisis through their research on insects and the human cerebral cortex.

Premotor cortex

Graziano and colleagues suggested an alternative principle of organization for the primary motor cortex and the caudal part of the premotor cortex, all regions that project directly to the spinal cord and that were included in the Penfield and Woolsey definition of M1.

Response priming

or so-called readiness potentials which reflect the degree of motor activation in the brain's motor cortex and can be measured by electro-encephalographic methods.

Samar Alsaggaf

Doctorate of Philosophy in Anatomy and Embryology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1996 Thesis Title: “The Effect of Irradiation On The Development Of The Cerebellar Cortex Of Guinea Pig”.

Master of Anatomy and Embryology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1993 Thesis Title: “The Structure of The Cerebellar Cortex Of Guinea Pig”.

Sān miào wán

33% huáng bǎi ( or "yellow fir"), also known as Cortex Phellodendri, the bark of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.

Semantic satiation

The explanation for the phenomenon was that verbal repetition repeatedly aroused a specific neural pattern in the cortex which corresponds to the meaning of the word.

Sign language in the brain

It was hypothesized that the deaf-equivalent of Broca's aphasia arose from damage somewhere near the cortex controlling the movement of the hands, and the deaf-equivalent of Wernicke's aphasia arose from damage near the visual cortex.

Supplementary motor area

The locomotion hypothesis is an example of interpreting the motor cortex in terms of the underlying behavioral repertoire from which abstract control functions emerge, an approach emphasized by Graziano and colleagues.


In a collaborative study with the electron microscopist George Gray from University College London, Victor P. Whittaker eventually showed that the acetylcholine-rich particles derived from guinea-pig cerebral cortex were synaptic vesicle-rich pinched-off nerve terminals.

Vita Cortex sit-in

February also saw Hollywood actor Cillian Murphy publicly declare his support for the former Vita Cortex workers.


Winner-take-all networks are commonly used in computational models of the brain, particularly for distributed decision-making or action selection in the cortex.

see also