In spring of 1997 Hollywood came to this small quiet town to film "Almost Heroes" starring Matthew Perry and Chris Farley.
Bobby Dean Coachman (born November 11, 1961, in Cottonwood, Alabama) is a retired professional baseball player who played one season for the California Angels of Major League Baseball.
The company headquarters was originally located in Cottonwood, California and is now in Beaverton, Oregon.
cottonwood | Little Cottonwood River | Cottonwood, California | Cottonwood | Little Cottonwood Canyon | Cottonwood, Alabama | Brighton High School (Cottonwood Heights, Utah) |
Alamo Solo Spring, (Lone Cottonwood Spring) a spring directly east of the Dagany Gap in the Pyramid Hills of Kern County, California.
Pollution and reduction of rivers are threatening specific plants and animals including Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), the threatened Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae), the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).
Within the valley the vegetation is bottomland hardwoods such as black ash, willow, box elder, cottonwood, and elm.
Named "Cottonwood" when it was founded in the late 19th century, it changed its name to "Ben Hur" (possibly in honor of Lew Wallace, author of the book Ben Hur) in 1895, because several other communities in Texas were named "Cottonwood." A post office was located there from 1895 until 1906.
The structure is situated on three lots lined with large cottonwood trees.
Leucoptera albella, the Cottonwood Leaf Miner, is a moth in the Lyonetiidae family.
Many of the major routes in Little Cottonwood were established in the early 1960s by the Alpenbock Club, some in conjunction with well-known visitors including Fred Beckey, Layton Kor, and Royal Robbins.
Some of these include Lake Avenue Church, Faith Community Church, Mariners Church, Bel'Air Presbyterian Church, La Canada Presbyterian Church, Cottonwood Christian Center, First Church of the Nazarene, Pasadena, Azusa Pacific University, Claremont School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Biola University.
There are several National Forest campgrounds in the area and it is the transmitter location for Prescott full-service television station KAZT-TV and several low-power television stations serving Cottonwood, Clarkdale, Camp Verde and Prescott Valley.
In October 1875 scarcity of feed for their livestock sent Orange Seely and a company of men from Sanpete County with a herd of United Order stock Eastward through Cottonwood Canyon to the Castle Dale/Orangeville area.
It also heads southwest across the Modoc Plateau and crosses Interstate 5 near Cottonwood (north of Red Bluff).
Kian Jek, from San Francisco, and Robert Gagliano, from Cottonwood, Arizona, spotted the signature of the planet in the Kepler data, and it was reported through the program run by Dr. Chris Lintott, from Oxford University.
Currently, the Balmville Tree is the oldest eastern cottonwood in the United States.
Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) occurs in California east to Utah and Arizona and south into northwest Mexico; it is similar to the eastern cottonwood, differing mainly in the leaves having fewer, larger serrations on the edge, and small differences in the flower and seed pod structure.
Habitat is typical East Texas riparian, upland areas are mostly pecan trees, while river bottom areas are dominated by cottonwoods and hackberry.
In 1869, he moved to Cottonwood Springs, Nebraska, near Fort McPherson and became a scout and buffalo hunter.
The northern and northwest side of the range is drained by tributaries of the Cottonwood River; the southern and southwestern flank is formed by Tuya Lake and its tributary, Butte Creek, while the southeast flank is formed by the Cottonwood River and its tributaries (the Cottonwood is a tributary of the Dease River, the Tuya of the Stikine).