
unusual facts about counterattack

2013 Football League Cup Final

Luis Suárez scored one goal for Liverpool, but a counterattack from Swansea led to a third goal for Swansea from Jonathan de Guzmán in the 90th minute.

30th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS

With defending units under severe pressure by the French advance, the Germans committed the 30th SS Division to counterattack the French attack at Seppois.

Albert Dominicus Trip van Zoudtlandt

When Ney attacked the British artillery Trip's brigade joined Lord Edward Somerset's Household Brigade in its counterattack.

Amuro Ray

He is voiced by Tōru Furuya (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English dub of the original TV series, Char's Counterattack, and the majority of the licensed Gundam video games), Michael Lindsay (English dub of Movies I-III) and Matthew Erickson (English dub of Zeta Gundam and the Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam video game).

Anti-Gag Statute

After 1.7 million federal employees and contractors acquiesced by signing SF 189, Pentagon whistleblower Ernie Fitzgerald sparked a legislative and legal counterattack by refusing to do so.

Battle of Auberoche

Poitiers' feudal lord, the Duke of Normandy (later King John II of France), had ordered him to counterattack the English here so that Normandy was free to advance from La Réole to the North.

Battle of Gabiene

Taken by surprise a great part of Eumenes' heavy cavalry under Eudemus routed, despite Eumenes' heroic efforts to counterattack.

Battle of Huaiyin–Huai'an

Pi Dingjun (皮定均), the communist commander of the 13th Brigade gravely underestimated the nationalists when he reached Huaiyin with the 1st Regiment of the communist 13th Brigade, and ordered each of three regiment of the 13th Brigade would have two of their battalions sent out to counterattack the nationalists.

Battle of Jubbada Hoose

After a few hours of attacks the Somali troops seized Dhobley, resulting in a counterattack from Al Shabaab.

Al Shabaab received reinforcements from Afmadow and Kismayo but the counterattack failed.

Battle of Motien Pass

Keller, who perished due to shrapnel wounds from Japanese artillery in an ill-fated counterattack to retake Motien Pass left no notes.


In 1181 he raided the Red Sea, aiming to attack Mecca and Medina, and attacked again in 1183, forcing a counterattack from Saladin, who successfully captured Jerusalem in 1187, setting the stage for the Third Crusade.

Christopher Bushell

On 23 March 1918 west of St. Quentin's Canal and north of Tergnier, France, Lieutenant Colonel Bushell personally led C Company of his battalion, who were cooperating with an Allied regiment in a counterattack.

Dieter Kesten

During the Battle of Kursk, Das Reich had been transferred south to oppose the Russian counterattack across the Mius River, and destroyed 391 tanks and (Samokhodnaya ustanovka (self propelled guns)) from 30 July to 21 August 1943.

FCM 36

When German infantry on 13 May 1940 established a bridgehead over the Meuse at Sedan, the FCM 36 battalions were late in the afternoon ordered to counterattack and reduce it, cooperating with an infantry regiment, as they themselves had no organic infantry component.


December 6, 1756 saw Robert Clive occupying Fulta for a time, in preparation for a reinforced counterattack on Calcutta.

Greek–Punic Wars

Hamilcar, grandson of Hanno the Navigator, successfully led the Carthaginian counterattack.

Heinrich Eberbach

Eberbach was directed to lead this force in the counterattack through Mortain toward Avranches that was intended to cut off the Allied forces which had broken out of Normandy.

Invasion of Iceland

Requisitioning local means of transportation, the troops moved to Hvalfjörður, Kaldaðarnes, Sandskeið and Akranes to secure landing areas against the possibility of a German counterattack.

Ivan Kamera

As chief commander of the artillery within the 19th Army of the Soviet Union in July 1941, Kamera lost contact with the 19th Army during operations near Smolensk, but succeeded in assisting Konstantin Rokossovsky's improvized counterattack against the advancing forces of Germany's Army Group Center at the heights of Yartsevo in Smolensk Oblast.

Ivan Ladyga

In April 1943, he was a senior aide to the chief of intelligence of the 18th Guards Rifle Corps of the 13th Army of the Central Front in the Battle of Kursk where he was involved in the defensive battles in the area west of Station Ponyri, the counterattack at Sevsk, Konotop, and Priluki.

John D. Hawk

During a German counterattack on that day, near Chambois, France, he was wounded in the right thigh while taking cover behind a tree.

Julian Marchlewski

During the Red Army counterattack under Mikhail Tukhachevsky, he headed the Polish Provisional Revolutionary Committee (Tymczasowy Komitet Rewolucyjny Polski) in Białystok in 1920, which planned to declare the Polish Soviet Socialist Republic.

Lack of outside support during the Warsaw Uprising

Before and at the time of uprising, the German army started a massive Panzer force counterattack near Warsaw.

Lvov–Sandomierz Offensive

A hasty counterattack by the 1st Panzer and 8th Panzer Divisions took place, accompanied by elements of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Galizien (1st Ukrainian).

Operation Stösser

Field Marshal Walter Model, who had tried to persuade Hitler to attempt a less ambitious counterattack, replied that he gave the entire Ardennes Offensive less than a 10% chance of succeeding.

Oyake Akahachi

However, Nakasone Toyomiya led a counterattack against Akahachi, overwhelming his forces and moving on to attack Yonaguni Island as well.

Petrov's Defence

The Black counterattack in the centre also avoids the Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano (and other lines of the Italian Game), and the Scotch Game.

Polish Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade

Rommel made a fighting withdrawal to defensive positions around El Agheila but a counterattack by him on 21 January 1942 led to the armies once more facing each other at the Gazala position by early February.

Polish–Swedish wars

He also repelled a counterattack by Swedish raitars, who were pushed in the direction of Pułkowice, where another counterattack was led by Gustav Adolf with 2,000 cavalrymen.

Ralph G. Neppel

During a German counterattack on that day, at Birgel, Germany, his leg was severed by enemy fire, but he continued to man his machine gun until the German force withdrew.

Renee Walker

During Juma's siege on the White House, Renee and Larry help coordinate the rescue operations and counterattack.

Rudolf Säumenicht

He was awarded the Knight's Cross in October 1943, when with a kampfgruppe (battle group) consisting of one Panzer VI, five Panzer IVs and six Panzer IIIs, without orders, he launched a counterattack to halt a Russian breakthrough.

Second Battle of Deep Bottom

Col. William C. Oates led two Alabama regiments in the initial counterattack and was wounded.

Second Battle of Kharkov

On 17 May, supported by Fliegerkorps VI, the initiative was successfully taken by the Germans, as Kleist's 3rd Panzer Corps and 44th Army Corps began a counterattack on the Barvenkovo bridgehead from the area of Aleksandrovka in the south.

SS Panzer Brigade Gross

The Brigade was immediately sent into action, launching a counterattack towards Libau in Latvia and was involved in some heavy fighting with a Red Army Cavalry Corps and the attempt to recapture Tukums failed.

Sydney Herring

When the Turks broke through the line into Quinn's Post on 29 May 1915, the temporary post commander, Lieutenant Colonel Pope, ordered Herring to make a counterattack, which he fully expected would be extremely costly.

The Corps Series

In Counterattack, when General Pickering's decorations are mentioned, his highest is the Silver Star, yet in later books it mentions that he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross or the Navy Cross in Belleau Wood in World War I.

The Maid of Honour

Frederick and his forces have taken Siena, but now face a vigorous counterattack, led by the general Gonzaga, a member of the Knights of Malta.

V for Victory: D-Day Utah Beach

In the third scenario, the player faces an SS Panzergrenadier Division counterattack attempting to recapture Carentan.

Willi Hein

he gathered two hastily repaired Sturmgeschütz and 25 Grenadiers and launched a counterattack which resulted in the destruction of three T-34 tanks, fifteen anti-tank guns and taking 200 prisoners.

Z Plan

Plan Z, a set of captured World War II documents describing Japanese military plans to counterattack the Americans in the Pacific.

see also