
2 unusual facts about courtly love


the Adelaide Pavilion, a unique showcase of Roman civil architecture that cradled the birth of l’Amour courtois (“courtly love”, a medieval European conception of love in its noble, chivalrous ways).

Nicholas Bozon

His allegories include the Char d'orgueil and the Passion, a soteriological allegory, which depicts Christ as a knight in love who, dressed in the coat-of-arms of his squire Adam, fights Belial in order to rescue his lover, Humanity.

Martí de Riquer i Morera

Specifically, he has written important and influential works on Don Quixote, the chansons de geste, the medieval novel (notably Amadis de Gaula), the troubadours, courtly love, the history of Catalan literature, and the social phenomenon of the knight errant.

Puy d'Arras

The Puy d'Arras, called in its own day the Puy Notre-Dame, was a medieval poetical society formed in Arras for holding contests between trouvères and pour maintenir amour et joie (for maintaining love and joy, i.e. the courtly love lyric).

see also

1505 in poetry

Pietro Bembo, Gli Asolani, a dialogue on courtly love, with poems reminiscent of Boccaccio and Petrarch (see also second, revised edition 1530)