
unusual facts about crimes against humanity

7th Muslim Brigade

The International Court of Justice concluded that these crimes, committed during the 1992 -95 war, were crimes against humanity and genocide (dolus specialis) regarding Srebrenica region according to the Genocide Convention.

Carlos Mario Jiménez

On June 14, 2010, the Center for Justice & Accountability along with the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati instituted a civil action in the Southern District of Florida against Macaco alleging torture, extrajudicial killing, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Center for Justice and Accountability

The charges included torture; crimes against humanity; arbitrary detention; cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; war crimes; and genocide.

Life imprisonment in Norway

In 2008, to fulfill its requirements under the Rome Statute, Norway created a new maximal penalty of 30 years for crimes against humanity.

Plan de Sánchez massacre

On 2 September 1996, Ombudsman Jorge Mario García Laguardia issued a historic resolution in which he denounced the massacre of Plan de Sánchez (and two others that took place in Rabinal the same year: Chichupac and Río Negro) as crimes against humanity, laid the blame for them firmly at the feet of the government and the military, and said that they had been carried out as part of a premeditated state policy.

Prudence Bushnell

Bagosora has since been arrested for his role in the genocide and is currently on trial in Arusha, Tanzania for war crimes and crimes against humanity (ICTR).

Wilhelm Keitel

He soon faced the International Military Tribunal (IMT), which indicted him on all four counts before it: conspiracy to commit crimes against peace, planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

see also

Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein

On 2 December 2011, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, requested a Pre-Trial Chamber of the Court to issue an arrest warrant against Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Augustin Bizimungu (b. 1952), former general of the Rwandan Armed Forces, currently serving 30 years in prison for genocide and crimes against humanity

Brima Kamara

Brima Bazzy Kamara (b. 1968), military commander during the Sierra Leone Civil War who was convicted of crimes against humanity

Coconut water

The Documentation Center of Cambodia has cited the practice of allowing untrained nurses to administer coconut water infusions in its list of medical practices for which the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


Alex Tamba Brima (born 1971), a military commander of the Sierra Leone Civil War who was convicted of crimes against humanity and war crimes


International Criminal Court (ICCt) was established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes

Luis Moreno Ocampo

On 16 May 2011, he filed a request to the ICC to issue an arrest warrant against Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi, for crimes against humanity.


Désiré Munyaneza, a Rwandan man currently living Canada, convicted on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, for his role in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Niklas Frank

Niklas Frank (born 9 March 1939) is a German author and journalist best known for writing a book which denounced his father Hans Frank (a German lawyer who was executed after being found guilty at the Nuremberg trials for his actions, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, arising from his involvement with the Nazi party and as Governor-General of occupied Poland during World War II).

Raymond H. A. Carter

He joins then the United-Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2000 as Head of the International Police Task Force High Commissioner’s cabinet of the high-commissioner; he will take, in particular, the lead of the anti-terrorism cell of Nations United in Sarajevo there and will also work against the Transnational Organized Crime prevention and war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Robin Philpot

Philpot has called into question the testimony of Roméo Dallaire on the Rwandan Genocide; his brother is the Montreal lawyer John Philpot, who represented Jean-Paul Akayesu and other defendants accused of genocide and crimes against humanity at the trials conducted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

States parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Former Senator Kraisak Choonhavan called in November 2006 for Thailand to ratify the Rome Statute and to accept retrospective jurisdiction, so that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra could be investigated for crimes against humanity connected to 2,500 alleged extrajudicial killings carried out in 2003 against suspected drug dealers.

Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute

The Crimes Against Humanity Initiative is directed by a global Steering Committee of experts and scholars in the field of international criminal law including Professor Leila Nadya Sadat (chairwoman), Professor M. Cherif Bassouni, Ambassador Hans Corell, Justice Richard Goldstone, Professor Juan E. Méndez, Professor William Schabas and Judge Christine Van Den Wyngaert.