
unusual facts about In/Humanity


In/Humanity, a Powerviolence band from Columbia, South Carolina

Abedin Mahdavi

# Humanity in War Holy Children Selection, collective exhibition along with held by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with photographers James Nachtwey, Franco Pagetti, Antonin Kratochvil, Ron Haviv, Christopher Morris, and by


In March 2011 Elizabeth Salguero, Minister of Cultures, nominated Alasitas along with two other Bolivian festivals to UNESCO for World Heritage recognition as part of the cultural and intangible heritage of humanity.

American nationalism

Rutgers University professor, for instance, argues that as a nation defined by a creed and sense of mission, Americans tend to equate their interests with those of humanity, which in turn informs their global posture.

Ascended master

The concept of recognizing the spiritual self, one's own psychological and karma battles and how to overcome them, and eventual Ascension of all humanity is covered in James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy and its sequels, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight.

Bahá'í Faith and the unity of religion

The Bahá'í teachings state that there is but one religion which is progressively revealed by God, through prophets/messengers, to mankind as humanity matures and its capacity to understand also grows.

Caplinger Mills, Missouri

In 1897, Austin was visited there by Emma Goldman, who gave several well-attended talks on subjects such as "The Aim of Humanity," "Religion," "Anarchy," and "Free Love.".

Chris Gollon

In 2010, art historian Tamsin Pickeral's book 'Chris Gollon: Humanity in Art' on Chris Gollon's life and work was published by Hyde & Hughes.

Civil awards and decorations

Orders of Chivalry, usually in several classes, for distinguished service to the government, the community, society or humanity.

Coconut water

The Documentation Center of Cambodia has cited the practice of allowing untrained nurses to administer coconut water infusions in its list of medical practices for which the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Cybernetic revolt

Artificial General Intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky has stated on this note that, probabilistically, humanity is less likely to be threatened by deliberately aggressive AIs than by AIs which were programmed such that their goals are unintentionally incompatible with human survival or well-being (as in the film I, Robot and in the short story "The Evitable Conflict").

Dong Open Air

July 16–17: Chainheart, Crikey, Dark Suns, Disillusion, Equilibrium, Final Breath, Humanity, Insignium, Jack Slater, Jester's Funeral, Lanfear, My Darkest Hate, Seraphim, Suidakra, The Rules, Tomorrow's Eve, Vintersorg.

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

Developing a deep hatred of humanity after the death of his elven girlfriend, Rose (originally localized as Rosa), at the hands of humans, Psaro plans to become the next Ruler of Evil using the power of evolution he obtained from the "Armlet of Transmutation."

Empty Cities of the Full Moon

This organization Tetragammaton and these characters (Dr. Vang, Michael Dalke, and Martin Kong) have appeared in previous Hendrix novels involved in the long-term survival of humanity through the creation of mind-machine interfaces.

Exile of Ovid

Thus, the poet who had written in verses the radical change experienced by Men in the strange sensation that often accompanies humanity — the eminence of losing everything — between the wonderful Golden Age and the unfortunate Iron Age, left for exile.

Fictitious entry

A Fred Saberhagen science fiction short story, "The Annihilation of Angkor Apeiron," in which an encyclopedia article for a star system was a fictitious entry included in the encyclopedia to detect plagiarism, which caused a ship to end up in an empty star system where it ran out of fuel and ceased to be a threat to humanity.

Flood myth

In Plato's Timaeus, Timaeus says that because the Bronze race of Humans had been making wars constantly Zeus got angered and decided to punish humanity by a flood.

Governmental theory of atonement

The satisfaction view argues that Christ made satisfaction to the Father for the sins of humanity by His sacrifice on the Cross, penal substitution theory argues that Jesus received the full and actual punishment due to men and women, while the Christus Victor view emphasises the liberation of humanity from the bondage of sin, death, and the Devil.

Grande Arche

Danish architect Johann Otto von Spreckelsen (1929–1987) and Danish engineer Erik Reitzel designed the winning entry to be a 20th-century version of the Arc de Triomphe: a monument to humanity and humanitarian ideals rather than military victories.

Haegemonia: Legions of Iron

Haegemonia takes place in the distant future where humanity has colonized the solar system and tensions are high between the World Government of Earth and colonial Mars.


The station first signed on the air on July 15, 1998, and was originally owned by Charles Dowen Johnson's Humanity Interested Media (alongside KVQT-LD) and then by the Osteen Family of Lakewood Church.

Learning for a Cause

Other publications include Raising Humanity, which features introductions by Emmy-award-winning actor Martin Sheen and Canada's First Astronaut Marc Garneau.

Metatron's Cube

The derivation of Metatron's cube from the tree of life, which the Talmud clearly states was excluded from human experience during the exile from Eden, has led some scholars (including Johann Andreas Eisenmenger) to portray Metatron as the means by which humanity was given knowledge of YHVH; presumably implying that study of Metatron's cube would be necessary to understanding the tree of life.

Monsieur Batignole

The film showed that on one side there were people who wanted to enjoy and own whatever property belonging to the Jews was confiscated by the German Army and on the other was Edmond Batignole who had the feeling of humanity in himself and wanted to help the homeless Jewish boy.

Muhammed al-Ahari

When Muhammed returned to Chicago in 1990, he attended the American Islamic College for two additional years and restarted his Magribine Press with an edited edition of Muhammed Alexander Rusell Webb's Islam in America (1993), an edited edition of Shaykh Daoud's al-Islam, the True Faith of Humanity (2003), and his translation of the Fiqh text called the Ben Ali Diary or the Bilali Document written by Bilali Muhammad of Sapelo Island, Georgia.

New Humanity

The New Humanity was British new age magazine founded in February 1975 by the Dutch writer Johan Henri Quanjer (1934 – 2001).

Niklas Frank

Niklas Frank (born 9 March 1939) is a German author and journalist best known for writing a book which denounced his father Hans Frank (a German lawyer who was executed after being found guilty at the Nuremberg trials for his actions, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, arising from his involvement with the Nazi party and as Governor-General of occupied Poland during World War II).


In Dan Simmons' Hyperion universe, Ousters are a branch of humanity that chose to travel/live in space, "between the stars", as opposed to dwelling in planetary systems

Pangyo Techno Valley

SKC insists on 'green chemicals' and 'life sciences' for the health of humanity.

Parametric determinism

Indeed postmodernism casts doubt on the existence of progress in history as such - if e.g. Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza in 2500BC, and Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969, this represents no progress for humanity.

Pattie W. Van Hook

In 1989, she received the "Brotherhood and Humanity Award" from the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

Paul Gilding

Furthermore, in a departure from many environmental writers — such as James Lovelock, Clive Hamilton, Richard Heinberg and James Howard Kunstler — Gilding argues that people will work together through the climate crisis and that humanity as a whole will eventually act in time to save civilization, albeit too late to prevent catastrophic consequences; Gilding bases this argument on the ingenuity of past generations in the midst of crisis, particularly World War II.

Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

Gary Braver, bestselling author of Skin Deep, said “Paul’s writing in The Sultan and the Mermaid Queen has the humanity of Somerset Maugham, the adventure of Joseph Conrad, the perception of Paul Theroux, and a self-effacing voice uniquely his own.”


The plot begins not very long after the Third Expansion began (the First Expansion ended when humanity was conquered by the Squeem; the Second Expansion ended with the conquest of humanity by the Qax, and the Third Expansion, ~5400 CE, began after the events of Timelike Infinity, pursuant to Jim Bolder's destruction of the Qax home-system).

Robin Philpot

Philpot has called into question the testimony of Roméo Dallaire on the Rwandan Genocide; his brother is the Montreal lawyer John Philpot, who represented Jean-Paul Akayesu and other defendants accused of genocide and crimes against humanity at the trials conducted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Sai Maa

Sai Maa (born 1953) also known as Her Holiness Sai Maa (Mataji) or Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi is a guru and leader of a large community of followers, the head of the Humanity In Unity organization based in Boulder, Colorado, and an ashram based in Crestone, Colorado.

Samuel Bak

In Bak’s 2011 series featuring Adam and Eve (which comprised 125 paintings, drawings and mixed media works), the artist casts the first couple as lone survivors of a biblical narrative of a God who birthed humanity and promised never to destroy it.

Satisfaction theory of atonement

John Stott has stressed that this must be understood not as the Son placating the Father, but rather in Trinitarian terms of the Godhead initiating and carrying out the atonement, motivated by a desire to save humanity.

Scott Bernard

In the latest installment of the Robotech series, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, Ariel, after having a premonition, seeks out Scott on Moon Base ALUCE to warn him that the Robotech Expeditionary Force (REF) and humanity face a new alien threat.

Seumas Milne

Milne described the restoration of the sight of Mario Terán, the former Bolivian sergeant who killed Che Guevara, by Cuban doctors "paid for by revolutionary Venezuela in the radicalised Bolivia of Evo Morales", one of "1.4 million free eye operations carried out by Cuban doctors in 33 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa", as "an emblem both of the humanity of Fidel Castro and Guevara's legacy" and the transformation of Latin America.

Specimen Days

The novel is divided into what are essentially three discrete short stories, unified by common threads such as character names and types, story location (New York City), story themes (such as shared humanity), and the presence of Walt Whitman (whether through actual physical presence, quotation of his works via narrator or character, or the spirit of his ideas expressed through narrator or character).

Telephone company

In the satirical 1967 film The President's Analyst, "TPC, The Phone Company," is depicted as plotting to enslave humanity by replacing landlines with implanted mobile phones.

The Book of Ultimate Truths

They encounter the evil Campbell, who is also seeking to retrieve the lost book, to allow him to return to the Forbidden Zones, areas of the world hidden from humanity (excepting London taxi drivers).

The Last Fantastic Four Story

Namor and his Atlantean army begin to attack New York City, under the mistaken belief that humanity has caused the oceanic disturbances, but Reed convinces him that it is the Adjudicator's doing.


Yet the proliferation of 20th Century post-modernist views dismissing the transcendentals as a serious area of philosophy did bring forth a number of influential philosophers such as G.K. Chesterton, Edith Stein, C.S. Lewis and Peter Kreeft, whose writings develop and re-propose truth, beauty and goodness as the universal aspirations of humanity, seeking an infinite good.

Uplift Humanity India

Most recently, it has been honored by Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, who has supported Uplift Humanity India's rehabilitation programs.

Vorkosigan Saga

As in Isaac Asimov's earlier Foundation series, humanity has colonized a galaxy in which there are no competing intelligent species.

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate

In its latest release by Hasbro Games, Chaos Gate was bundled with Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000, set in Games Workshop's Epic 40,000 game system that pitted the forces of Humanity against marauding Orks.

Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute

The Crimes Against Humanity Initiative is directed by a global Steering Committee of experts and scholars in the field of international criminal law including Professor Leila Nadya Sadat (chairwoman), Professor M. Cherif Bassouni, Ambassador Hans Corell, Justice Richard Goldstone, Professor Juan E. Méndez, Professor William Schabas and Judge Christine Van Den Wyngaert.


Xfce originally was an abbreviation for XForms Common Environment; ubuntu has a meaning of approximately "humanity towards others" in various Bantu languages.

see also

Buttar Sivia

The village is predominated by the very helpful and great nice people of Buttar , who believe in one God who really believe in humanity, people are very much peaceful under God Shelter, Lohri is the most popular festival of the village people celebrate with a great joy and youngsters are really very excited for this festival they celebrate it in a full power way by banging the Dhol and with a loud muzic.

Philosophy and Spiritualism of Sri Aurobindo

From this base it is progressively awakening through the life of the plant, the beginnings of mind in the animal, the full emergence of mind in humanity, and is now stirring to awaken fully through the emergence of a greater consciousness than mind, the Supermind, in which the fullness of the undivided consciousness and infinite delight of the One will be manifest in individualities embodied here on earth.


In the recent years Aniruddha Bapu, Sant Sri Asaramji Bapu, Swami Dayananda Saraswati Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Sathya Sai Baba, Mata Amritanandamayi are some of the many spiritual gurus who draw huge crowds, and have tremendous fan following because of their faith in humanity and the miracles that they have caused to happen in peoples lives.

Search for Common Ground

In addition to working with SFCG offices in the United States, Rabat, Jakarta, and Jerusalem, Partners in Humanity works with international organizations, including the World Economic Forum Council of 100, The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Soliya – The Connect Program, and The Institute for Interfaith Dialogue in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.