
unusual facts about cruisers

Ban Houayxay

Probably the most popular means of transport are boats (speed and slow boats, freighters, luxury cruisers for tourists and others) running down the Mekong to Pakbeng, Luang Prabang and other destinations.

Battle of Cape Cherchell

The Battle of Cape Cherchell was a naval battle between the Nationalist heavy cruiser Baleares and the Spanish Republican Navy light cruisers Libertad and Méndez Núñez in the Spanish Civil War, several miles north of the Algerian city of Cherchell.

Beiyang Fleet

These cruisers were fast (25 knots) and heavily armed, but were not adopted by the Royal Navy because the Admiralty considered them to be "weak in structure".

Bird Technologies

Much of X-COM's equipment is used by the Navy in its land-based test and development sites which support the Cruisers and Destroyers that contain the AEGIS Combat System, considered to have the most advanced tracking and combat system in the world.

Bob Wooler

Others include; "Mr Showmanship" for Rory Storm, "The Panda-footed Prince of Prance" for Faron, leader of Faron's Flamingos, "The Sheik of Shake" for Karl Terry, of Karl Terry and the Cruisers, and "The Boswell of Beat" for Bill Harry, editor of Mersey Beat.

Carver Yachts

In 1992, Carver (under Genmar Holdings ownership) bought the bankrupt Trojan Yachts assets and started to produce a new Trojan line of Express cruisers which were marginally popular in their category and were discontinued in 2002.

Coal Aston

These include local pop star Dave Berry and The Cruisers, comedians Phil Cool and Richard Digance many nationally recognised folk musicians ranging from Jake Thackray to Kerfuffle, Jez Lowe and in 2009 Dave Swarbrick and his 1980's band Whippersnapper

Flag of the Qing Dynasty

In September 1881, when two cruisers Chaoyong and Yangwei ordered from Birkenhead, England were sent to China, Li Hongzhang realized a triangular ensign was unique among naval flags of other countries.

Folgore-class destroyer

:She was sunk on 2 December 1942 by British cruisers of Force Q off Skerki Bank, while trying to protect the convoy she was escorting.

Good Ol' Boys Roundup

T-shirts were sold showing Martin Luther King Jr.'s face in sniper crosshairs, O. J. Simpson's head in a noose and black men sprawled across police cruisers with the phrase "Boyz on the Hood".

Gray Marine Motor Company

The marine engine division continued operations for over forty years, and is most known for converting automotive engines for fishboats, cruisers and World War II Landing Craft, such as the Canadian Ramped Cargo Lighter and the famed Higgins Boats.

Invasion of Palawan

A naval task force of cruisers and destroyers from the 7th Fleet under Vice Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid—which was Gen. Macarthur's naval command—would protect the landing forces on their movements to shore and then remain to provide gunfire as needed.

J. C. C. Davidson, 1st Viscount Davidson

In this post he was forced to deal with cuts in naval expenditure proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill, especially regarding the construction of new cruisers.

Japan during World War I

Two of the four cruisers of the First Special Squadron at Singapore were sent to Cape Town, South Africa, and four destroyers were sent to the Mediterranean Sea for basing out of Malta.

Japanese aircraft carrier Shōhō

American reconnaissance aircraft reported two Japanese heavy cruisers northeast of Misima Island in the Louisiade Archipelago off the eastern tip of New Guinea at 0735 and two carriers at 0815.

Japanese cruiser Myōkō

The entire task force consisted of the aircraft carrier Zuikaku, the light aircraft carriers Zuihō, Jun'yō and Ryūjō, the heavy cruisers Maya, Takao, Myōkō, Haguro and Nachi, the light cruisers Abukuma, Kiso and Tama, and 15 destroyers.

Japanese cruiser Nagara

The cruisers Maya, Suzuya, Tenryu and destroyers Kazagumo, Makigumo, Michishio and Yugumo accompanied, while the Kirishima, Atago, Takao, Nagara and six destroyers formed a screening unit.

Japanese cruiser Niitaka

The Niitaka-class cruisers were ordered by the Imperial Japanese Navy under its 2nd Emergency Expansion Program, with a budget partly funded by the war indemnity received from the Empire of China as part of the settlement of the Treaty of Shimonoseki ending the First Sino-Japanese War.

Japanese seaplane carrier Nisshin

The Nisshin had departed from Kure with the Hagikaze and Arashi on July 10, on the 15th they were joined by the cruiser Mogami and the light cruisers Agano and Oyode and the destroyer Isokaze, steaming on for Rabaul where more troops were collected.

Jesse B. Oldendorf

Cruiser Division 4, consisting of cruisers and battleships, supported carrier operations and provided fire support for the landings in the Marshalls, Palaus, Marianas, and Leyte.

John Elliott Smart

The XE class submarines HMS XE1 and XE3 was assigned to Operation Struggle, an attack on the Japanese cruisers Myōkō and Takao in the Johore Strait.

King Cool: Ah! History of Donnie Iris and the Cruisers

History of Donnie Iris and the Cruisers is a 2004 documentary of American rock singer Donnie Iris and his backing band, the Cruisers.

Kirov class

Kirov-class cruiser, Project 26 cruisers that were built for the Soviet Navy in 1939-1944, served in the World War II and decommissioned by 1974.

Kirov-class battlecruiser, Project 1144 Orlan missile-armed cruisers built for the Soviet Navy in 1980 and serving now in the Russian Navy;

Kresta II-class cruiser

The Kresta II Class, Soviet Designation Project 1134A, Berkut A (Golden Eagle) were Soviet guided missile cruisers of the Cold War.

Kronshtadt-class battlecruiser

Battleship 'B' was redesignated as Project 25 and given the task of destroying Treaty cruisers and German pocket battleships.

Léon Gambetta-class cruiser

The Ministry of the Navy, from 1902 to 1905, Camille Pelletan, by giving these names to the French armoured cruisers, wished to honor Republican statesmen, philosophers or historians, such as Waldeck-Rousseau, Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan, or Edgar Quinet, as the officers of the French Navy (so called La Royale) were reputed to have rather Royalist sympathies.

Les Chadwick

The line-up comprised Gerry Marsden, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Les Maguire, Pete Best, Freddy Marsden, plus vocalist Karl Terry from the Cruisers with Chadwick on bass guitar.

Max Ibel

In February 1942 Ibel acted as liaison officer with the Kriegsmarine during the famous "Channel Dash" when the Luftwaffe provided effective air cover over the battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau passage through the Channel.


Motorola created a line of mobile radios in the 1930s and 1940s for use in police cruisers and later, for use in taxicabs.

Mogador-class destroyer

Their DC electrical supply was only 115V, whereas larger cruisers with power-operated turrets had a 230V system.

Mon Calamari cruiser

In Return of the Jedi, Admiral Ackbar (Timothy M. Rose) leads the Rebels during the Battle of Endor from the Mon Calamari cruiser Home One; although that ship survives, the Death Star's superlaser destroys other Mon Calamari cruisers, including the Liberty.

Nikolai Nebogatov

He was in command of numerous Russian warships during his career, including the cruisers Krejs, Admiral Nakhimov (1896), and Minin.

No. 4 Group RAF

On 24 July 1941, 4 Group dropped 2,000 lb bombs on the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and helped to keep these battle-cruisers locked in Brest until 12 February 1942.

Novara-class cruiser

The Novara class, known as Rapidkreuzer or Helgoland-Klasse (in English literally rapid cruiser ) was a class of light cruisers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy active during the First World War.

Sentinel-class cruiser

They were part of a larger order for eight scout cruisers, split between four dockyards, each of which designed their own ships to match the Admiralty’s specification, which was for a cruiser capable of reaching 25 knots, carrying ten 12 pounder guns, eight 3 pounder guns and two torpedo tubes.

Shōji Nishimura

In the Surigao Strait between Leyte and Dinagat Islands on the evening of 24 October 1944, he contacted the U.S. 7th Fleet under Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf, which consisted of six battleships, eight cruisers, 29 destroyers, and 39 motor torpedo boats.

SMS Stralsund

Stralsund and the rest of the surviving light cruisers retreated into the haze and were reinforced by the battlecruisers of the I Scouting Group.


Somerleyton was the home of Christopher Cockerell while he invented the hovercraft using the resources of 'Ripplecraft' a business operating cabin cruisers for the boat hire trade serving holidaymakers cruising the Norfolk Broads.

Spanish destroyer Furor

Furor was to be the fifth ship in line during the escape, following the four armored cruisers and with Pluton behind her; while Infanta Maria Teresa sacrificed herself by attacking the fastest American ship, the armored cruiser USS Brooklyn, Furor and the others were to avoid action, put on all the speed they could, and run for the open sea.

Spanish destroyer Plutón

Plutón was to be the sixth and last ship in line during the escape, following the four armored cruisers and Furor; while Infanta María Teresa sacrificed herself by attacking the fastest American ship, the armored cruiser USS Brooklyn, Plutón and the others were to avoid action, put on all the speed they could, and run for the open sea.

Ticonderoga-class cruiser

Due to Budget Control Act of 2011 requirements to cut the Defense Budget for FY2013 and subsequent years, plans are being considered to decommission some of the Ticonderoga-class cruisers.

Tiger-class cruiser

The 1957 Defence Review, decided after the political and logistic failure of the 1956 Suez operation, no more cruisers would be modernised but work on the Tigers and HMS Swiftsure would continue, to provide interim anti aircraft support for the fleet until the new County-class GMD's were ready.

With the running down of the UK's carrier fleet, from the political angle it was viewed as unwise by Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Defence Minister Denis Healey to scrap the officially new and expensive Tiger-class cruisers and it was believed they might add to antisubmarine capabilities and free space on the remaining carriers helicopters, and therefore in 1965, work began on Blake for her to be converted into a helicopter cruiser while Tiger began her conversion in 1968.


In his book Coot Club (1934) he describes the busy scene on the river at Wroxham Bridge with numerous boats – a wherry, punts, motor cruisers and sailing yachts – jostling for a mooring.

see also