
unusual facts about debugger


For example if the main target program is written in COBOL but calls assembly language subroutines and PL/1 subroutines, the debugger may have to dynamically switch modes to accommodate the changes in language as they occur.

Amiga Advanced Architecture chipset

Three prototypes called 'Nyx', meaning "night" in Classical Greek, were built as technology demonstrators and debugger boards for the new chips.

Borland Turbo Debugger

Although Borland's Turbo Pascal (TP) had useful single-stepping and conditional breakpoint facilities, the need for a more powerful debugger became apparent when TP started to be used for serious development.

The original 1.0 release of Turbo Debugger for MS-DOS will run under simple MS-DOS emulators (DOSEMU, in an MS-DOS Window in Windows 95, 2000, etc.) The later versions attempt to control the underlying machine in a way not allowed by the host operating system (in which the emulator is running) and therefore do not work.


Today, the debugger is considered an integrated and essential part of the Microsoft Visual Studio family of products, and owes its true roots to CodeView, and the enhancements seen in version 4.x specifically.

Frederick Fish

Fred Fish (1952 – 2007), American computer programmer known for GNU Debugger and free Fish disks for Amiga

Hot swapping

Microsoft Visual Studio supports a kind of hot swapping called Edit and Continue, which is supported by C#, VB.NET and C/C++ when running under a debugger.

Infineon XMC

DAVE includes a GNU - compiler, a Debugger, and a visualization utility for graphic presentation of data.

Microsoft Script Debugger

Microsoft Script Debugger is relatively minimal debugger for Windows Script Host-supported scripting languages, such as VBScript and JScript.


Original software titles were games, programming languages (BASIC, Pascal, a monitor/debugger, Assembler), text and graphics editors, etc.


WinDbg allows the loading of extension DLLs that can augment the debugger's supported commands and allow for help in debugging specific scenarios: for example, displaying an MSXML document given an IXMLDOMDocument, or debugging the Common Language Runtime (CLR).


(Other references to Ghostbusters also occur within Mozilla products: for instance, the JavaScript debugger component is called Venkman, after one of the main characters in the film.)

see also