
unusual facts about decimal

2013 KNSB Dutch Super Sprint Championships

Points are calculated to three decimal places and truncation is applied; the numbers are not rounded.

Binary-coded decimal

Fixed-point decimal numbers are supported by some programming languages (such as COBOL and PL/I).

Some languages (such as COBOL and PL/I) directly support fixed-point zoned decimal values, assigning an implicit decimal point at some location between the decimal digits of a number.

Packed BCD is supported in the COBOL programming language as the "COMPUTATIONAL-3" (an IBM extension adopted by many other compiler vendors) or "PACKED-DECIMAL" (part of the 1985 COBOL standard) data type.


Numeric values in the database can translate to several .NET types: Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Decimal, or Currency.

Fixed-point arithmetic

Historically, fixed-point representations were the norm for decimal data types; for example, in PL/I or COBOL.

Gabriel Mouton

Based on the measurements of the size of the Earth conducted by Riccioli of Bologna (at 321,815 Bologna feet to the degree), Mouton proposed a decimal system of measurement based on the circumference of the Earth, explaining the advantages of a system based on nature.

Georg Joachim Rheticus

Valentin Otto oversaw the hand computation of approximately 100,000 ratios to at least ten decimal places.

Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format

The string name of this particular character is "U+0041", expressing in the Unicode convention the code point hexadecimal 41 (decimal 65, the ASCII character "A").

I Concur

Subject matter has previously focused on the Korean stem cell scientist Hwang Woo Suk (on "Decimal Places"), the building of the M62 motorway around Stott Hall Farm (on "Build Around Me") and the American TV series The Wire (on "Sobotka").

Irving Kaplansky

One of those compositions, A Song About Pi, is a melody based on assigning notes to the first 14 decimal places of pi, and has occasionally been performed by his daughter, singer-songwriter Lucy Kaplansky.

Library Hotel

Because of this classification scheme, the hotel owners were sued in 2003 by the OCLC (owners of the Dewey Decimal Classification system).


The name originates in a word-play by Zemanek: Even if it cannot match the rapid calculation speed of American models called "Whirlwind" or "Typhoon", it will be enough for a "Wiener Mailüfterl" (which means something like Viennese May breeze).The official name of the machine is Binär dezimaler Volltransistor-Rechenautomat (binary-decimal fully transistorized computing automaton).

New Math

Tom Lehrer wrote a satirical song named "New Math" which revolved around the process of subtracting 173 from 342 in decimal and octal.

North Elba, New York

Melvil Dewey, inventor of the Dewey Decimal System, founded a resort in the town.

Real number

In the 16th century, Simon Stevin created the basis for modern decimal notation, and insisted that there is no difference between rational and irrational numbers in this regard.

Seki Takakazu

Another of Seki's contributions was the rectification of the circle, i.e. the calculation of pi; he obtained a value for π that was correct to the 10th decimal place, using what is now called "Aitken's delta-squared process," rediscovered in the 20th century by Alexander Aitken.

Shen Zhurong

All modern classification schemes were based on the Dewey Decimal System, cataloging rules used the Library of Congress Classification, and the same courses taught in America were often translated directly into Chinese.

Six-bit character code

IBM applied the terms binary-coded decimal and BCD to the variations of BCD alphamerics used in most early IBM computers, including the IBM 1620, IBM 1400 series, and non-Decimal Architecture members of the IBM 700/7000 series.

Square root of 2

The value of \sqrt{2} was calculated to 137,438,953,444 decimal places by Yasumasa Kanada's team in 1997.

Technos acxel

Draw dual Spectrum type shapes for Amplitudes, Frequencies (with separate: Integer / Decimal parts, and Envelope Variation), Phases - Corresponding to each parameter the base spectrum and the MIDI control spectrum.

Vancouver Stock Exchange

In January 1982 the index was initialized at 1000 and subsequently updated and truncated to three decimal places on each trade.

Walter D. Scott

Australia converted to decimal currency on 14 February 1966 and most Australians alive at the time can remember the theme song to the advertising teaching about the conversion, which was sung to the tune of "Click Go the Shears".

see also