
unusual facts about defendants


2009 Bronx terrorism plot

On June 29, 2011, Cromitie, Onta Williams and David Williams were each sentenced to 25 years in prison for their parts in the attempted attack by Manhattan Federal Judge Colleen McMahon, who criticized both the defendants, as well as what she viewed as the government's overzealous handling of the investigation.

ACLU v. Clapper

The named defendants include Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, NSA Director Keith B. Alexander, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, and FBI director James B. Comey.

Amy Miller

After her arrest, Miller and her co-defendants mounted a defence which consisted of necessity and Colour of right.


On December 14, 2009, a new lawsuit was filed naming fourteen defendants including Best Buy, JVC, Samsung and others.

Charles Fickert

A 1919 grand jury exonerated Fickert from charges made by John B. Densmore, investigator from Washington, Director General of Employment, in the framing of Mooney and Billings and for his having conspired with Pete McDonough in the freeing of wealthy defendants.

Consistory court

Most have a mace, carried by the apparitor, who is usually a member of the staff of the diocesan registry and who is the official who serves the processes of the court and causes defendants to appear by summons.

Coretta Scott King v. Loyd Jowers

The trial found defendant Loyd Jowers and unknown co-defendants civilly liable for participation in a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the amount of $100.

Drug courts in the United States

Her treatment of defendants in drug court was the subject of an episode of Ira Glass's This American Life.

Ed Genson

Edward M. Genson (born June 30, 1941) is a Chicago attorney who has represented high profile defendants such as former Republic Windows CEO Richard Gillman, musician R. Kelly, newspaper owner Conrad Black, and Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Fort Lawton Riot

King County Executive Ron Sims and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels organized a tribute to the Fort Lawton defendants and surviving families, featuring a dinner, a parade, a formal military ceremony and a Catholic mass honoring the memory of Guglielmo Olivotto.

Gideon's Trumpet

Gideon's Trumpet is a book by Anthony Lewis describing the story behind Gideon v. Wainwright, in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that criminal defendants have the right to an attorney even if they cannot afford it.

Gladys Root

In July 1964 an indictment was issued against Gladys by the Federal Grand Jury in connection with her actions during her defense of one of the defendants in the kidnapping case of Frank Sinatra, Jr., the teenage son of Frank Sinatra.

Griffin v. Illinois

Illinois law gives every person convicted in a criminal trial a right of review by writ of error; but it is necessary for the defendant to furnish the appellate court with a bill of exceptions or report of proceedings at the trial certified by the trial judge, and it is sometimes impossible to prepare such documents without a stenographic transcript of the trial proceedings, which are furnished free only to indigent defendants sentenced to death.

Hans Möser

Following the June 1945 Fedden Mission investigation of the Dora conditions, Möser was among 19 defendants tried by the American General Military Government Court in the Dora Trial (The United States of America versus Arthur Kurt Andrae et al., Case Number 000-50-37), part of the Dachau Trials.

Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr

USAF Lieutenant Colonel Joseph L. Romano, at the time of the conviction commander of the 37th Training Group of the 37th Training Wing, and 21 of the American defendants received five-year prison sentences.

Hermann Pister

Pister was arrested by the Americans in 1945; put on trial for war crimes by the American Military Tribunal at Dachau with 30 other defendants where he was charged with participation in a "common plan" to violate the Laws and Usages of war of the Hague Convention of 1907 and the third Geneva Convention of 1929, in regard to the rights of Prisoners of War.

I Need a Haircut

The resulting case was Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner Bros. Records Inc., in which the court granted an injunction against the defendants to prevent further copyright infringement of the plaintiff's song by sampling and referred them for criminal prosecution.

Jay Warren

He was the only one of seven defendants in the Pitcairn rape trial of 2004 to be found not guilty.

Jibril Yakubu

The co-defendants were former Chief Security Officer Hamza al-Mustapha, former Lagos State Police Commissioner James Danbaba and former head of the Aso Rock Anti-Riot Police Rabo Lawal.

Josiah Lamborn

Josiah Lamborn (January 31, 1809 – March 31, 1847) was the Attorney General of Illinois from 1840 to 1843 and was the chief prosecuting attorney in the trial of five defendants accused of murdering Latter Day Saint leaders Joseph Smith, Jr. and Hyrum Smith.

Juries in England and Wales

There are also provisions under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, ss.17–20 to try defendants accused of domestic violence on sample counts and, on conviction, for the remainder of the counts to be tried by a judge alone.

LICRA v. Yahoo!

Criminal proceedings were also brought in the French courts against Yahoo!, Inc. and its then president Timothy Koogle; the defendants were acquitted on all charges, a verdict that was upheld on appeal.

Michael Schwab

Michael Schwab (August 9, 1853 – June 29, 1898) was a German-American labor organizer and one of the defendants in the Haymarket Square incident.

Mihai Racoviță

The defendants were eventually acquitted following diplomatic protests (notably, the French ambassador to the Porte, Jean-Baptiste Louis Picon, remarked that such an accusation was no longer accepted in "civilized countries").

Moscow Trials

All the defendants were sentenced to death and were subsequently shot in the cellars of Lubyanka prison in Moscow

Municipal Court of Nauvoo

In June 1844, the Circuit Court for Hancock County charged Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, and 15 other co-defendants with inciting a "riot" in the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor.

Newdow v. Carey

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Gregory Katsas argued for the United States, Terence Cassidy argued for the Rio Linda Union School District, and Kevin Hasson of the Becket Fund argued for the private intervenor-defendants.

Outreau trial

Yves Bot, general prosecutor of Paris, came to the trial on its last day, without previously notifying the president of the Cour d'assises, Mrs. Mondineu-Hederer; while there, Bot presented his apologies to the defendants on behalf of the legal system—he did this before the verdict was delivered, taking for granted a "not guilty" ruling, for which some magistrates reproached him afterwards.

Oxford University Student Union

Mike Sullivan wrote an open letter describing how the Court decided every procedural point against the defendants; several were expelled for making objections, including Tariq Ali who was acting as a McKenzie friend to some of the defendants.

People's Revolutionary Party Incident

On December 27, 2005, the appeal to this case was accepted and on January 23, 2007 the District Court of Central Seoul found the defendants not guilty in regards to the accused violations of the Emergency Presidential Acts, National Security Act, preparation and conspiracy of civil war, and the Anti-communism law.

Pete McDonough

A 1919 Grand Jury exonerated San Francisco District Attorney Charles Fickert from charges made by John B. Densmore, investigator from Washington, Director General of Employment, in the framing of Thomas Mooney and Warren Billings and for Fickert having conspired with McDonough in the freeing of wealthy defendants.

Placer Dome

Placer Dome (and now Barrick) are defendants in an ongoing court battle over the highly controversial Marcopper mining disaster, which took place at the Marcopper Mine (run by Marcopper, a Placer Dome subsidiary) on the island of Marinduque, Philippines.

Prenda Law

In February 2013, Prenda Law Inc., Paul Duffy, Paul Hansmeier and John Steele sued Alan Cooper, his attorney, and numerous "John Doe" defendants in an Illinois state court, alleging defamation.

Richardson v Schwarzenegger

The three defendants were (1) Arnold Schwarzenegger, (2) Sean Walsh, the campaign spokesman whose application to dismiss service ultimately came before the High Court, and (3) Sheryl Main, Mr. Schwarzenegger’s publicist.

Robert Gellately

Gellately recently published a set of original documents by Leon Goldensohn dealing with the 1945-46 Nuremberg trials of war criminals in The Nuremberg Interviews: An American Psychiatrist's Conversations With The Defendants and Witnesses (Alfred A. Knopf, 2004).

Robert Lowry, Baron Lowry

He also presided over the supergrass trial in 1983 where Kevin McGrady, a former IRA member, gave evidence which led to the conviction of seven out of ten defendants.

Robert R. Bergstrom

Due to his work in this case, and the eventual decision in favor of the defendants, Bergstrom won the Preeminent Bar Rating from Martindale-Hubbell and has a Hollywood Walk of Fame star.

Robin Philpot

Philpot has called into question the testimony of Roméo Dallaire on the Rwandan Genocide; his brother is the Montreal lawyer John Philpot, who represented Jean-Paul Akayesu and other defendants accused of genocide and crimes against humanity at the trials conducted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Ronald Dauphin

Other La Scierie defendants were former Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and former Minister of the Interior Jocelerme Privert.

Rosa Parks v. LaFace Records

(Also named as defendants were several parties not directly connected to the songs, including Barnes & Noble and Borders Group for selling the songs, and Gregory Dark and Braddon Mendelson, the director and producer, respectively, of the 1998 music video. The judge dismissed the music video producers from the case by the reason of "fraudulent joinder," as these defendants had no connection to the case and there was no justifiable reason for the plaintiff's attorneys to add them to the lawsuit.)

Rose Moss

A non-fiction book, Shouting at the Crocodile (1990) presents two defendants, Popo Molefe and Mosiuoa Lekota, in the Delmas Treason Trial during the last days of apartheid.


Elektra v. Santangelo, a case filed by Elektra Entertainment Group as one of approximately 13,000 lawsuits that the RIAA has brought against individual defendants in the US

Soverain Software

When the case went to court in 2010, all defendants except Newegg had settled.

The Egg and I

The defense produced evidence that the Bishop family had actually been trying to profit from the fame the book and movie had brought them, including testimony that son Walter Bishop had had his father Albert appear onstage at his Belfair, Washington, dance hall with chickens under his arm, introducing him as "Pa Kettle." On February 10, 1951, the jury decided in favor of the defendants.

Thomas R. Kline

Defendants included the City of Philadelphia and its Department of Human Services, which had sent the troubled youth to the facility.


In September 2012, Internet Brands filed a lawsuit against one Wikitravel administrator, Ryan Holliday, and one Wikipedia administrator, James Heilman, accusing them of trademark breach and commercial misconduct in the proposals affecting that site, with the defendants and Wikimedia rejecting the case as an example of a SLAPP lawsuit—one that is undertaken without plausible legal grounds for the primary purpose of deterring, overwhelming, or frustrating people engaged in fully lawful actions.

William Acker

In 2008, Acker held the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act unconstitutional for imposing disproportionate punitive damages on defendants who cause no harm.

Youssef Hmimssa

Richard Convertino characterized the defendants as "Takfiris" -- Jihadists so radical they would refrain from praying, and drink alcohol, so they could pass as westernised, secular Muslims, in order to plan clandestine terrorist attacks.

see also